In order to clarify the intellectual property license granted with contributions from any person or entity, Open Infrastructure Foundation projects use the Apache License, Version 2.0 with a Contributor License Agreement (CLA), in a way comparable to Apache Foundation projects. View the current list of organizations that have signed the Corporate CLAhere.
Contributing on behalf of a company or organization
- Corporations sign theCorporate Contributor License Agreement (CCLA) and submit the initial list of employees authorized to commit code to OpenInfra projects using Schedule A of the CCLA.
- To update the list of authorized employees, please fill and sign theUpdated Schedule A module providing the actual list of employees. Please do not provide only the changes, provide the full list current with all additions/removals.
- In addition to their organization submitting the CCLA, individual contributors must agree to the Individual Contributor License Agreement (ICLA). This is done by clicking theNew Contributor Agreement link in theirGerrit account settings.
- Contributions by United States Government personnel acting in their official capacity need a specific CLA. Please contact[email protected] for more information.
Individuals contributing on their behalf
- Individual contributors must agree to the Individual Contributor License Agreement (ICLA). This is done by clicking the New Contributor Agreement link in theirGerrit account settings.
- OpenStack contributors can find more details on how to set up their Gerrit account on theOpenStack Contributor guide.
- Please note that you will not be able to propose changes to Gerrit without signing the ICLA. You can preview the terms of the ICLAhere.
Additional information
If you need help, please contact[email protected].