Free cross-platform password manager compatible with KeePass

Become a financial contributor.
Financial Contributions
Top financial contributors
$3,600USD since Mar 2022
$775.47USD since Jan 2021
$620.03USD since Jun 2021
$285USD since Sep 2019
$140USD since Oct 2021
$85USD since Apr 2021
$77.5USD since Dec 2020
$75USD since Oct 2021
$70USD since Nov 2021
$50USD since Sep 2019
$400USD since May 2020
$325USD since Oct 2019
$290USD since May 2020
$257USD since Sep 2019
$246USD since Oct 2019
$202USD since Nov 2019
$202USD since Apr 2021
$200USD since Sep 2021
$150USD since Jul 2021
$135USD since Oct 2021
KeeWeb is all of us
Our contributors233
Thank you for supporting KeeWeb.
Dimitri Witko...
GitHub Sponsors
Vojta Rocek
one-time contributor
Nathan Philli...
Open Star Lim...
Brady Rish
Vladimir Stojic
Sami Mannila
one-time contributor
Arnaud Drain

Transparent and open finances.
Credit from romain humbert toKeeWeb •

Let’s get the ball rolling!
News from KeeWeb
Updates on our activities and progress.
KeeWeb in Q2 2021
New platform: Apple Silicon


Free and Open
- the app is free (gratis) and will always remain free, at least for personal use;
- as well as it is and will be ad-free;
- KDBX format used in KeeWeb is a well-known format recognized by a lot of apps, there's absolutely no vendor lock-in;
- you don't have to install anything to run KeeWeb, just go toapp.keeweb.info;
- it's built on web technologies, which makes it possible to modify the app with custom CSS and JavaScript, KeeWeb providesplugin API for that;
- the source code is available onGitHub, check it out to understand what happens inside your password manager;
- KeeWeb can be easilyself-hosted in a number of ways;
- last but not least, the code is provided under a liberalMIT license, so that other developers can build their apps based on technologies used in KeeWeb.
Quick links
- website: screenshots and features
- web app: run it online in any modern browser
- desktop apps: for macOS, Windows, and Linux
- GitHub repo: source code
- FAQ: answers to popular questions
- Twitter: updates
Where does the money go?
- code signing certificates for Windows and macOS;
- website hosting;
- domain names;
- resources for testing the app on different platforms;
- licenses for software used to create KeeWeb;
- hardware tokens for storing private keys;
- researching alternatives available on the market;
- time spent on answering questions, providing support, debugging, reviewing code, and so on.
- cover all costs of building the project and keeping it up-to-date;
- have an active Apple Developer account to update the certificates;
- upgrade the hosting solution;
- allocate more time for the project.
- conduct an external security audit;
- develop an app for iOS and Android.
- have a full-time maintainer;
- build an enterprise solution.
Our team
Dimitri Witko...