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What a beautiful, short interactive work of art. While I'm not an artist myself, I resonated with some parts of the game, and I'm sure that those of you who are artists will resonate with it even further! I also enjoyed the sound design quite a bit, something about those notes that makes me feel warm inside.
This is an incredible experience. I've tried so much to write more about the game in this comment, but I just can't, my thoughts of this game don't really fit well into words and when that happens, you know damn well you've made something remarkable, so yeah...Thank you for making this game, I really, really appreciate every aspect of it, especially the overall message and shader work!
However, I did run into one major technical problem, it seems that at high framerates, "waking up" when you're following the wireframe creature near the end, doesn't happen at all, so you just get soft-locked. After replaying the game a couple of times I figured something with the FPS was wrong so I changed my monitor's refresh rate to 60hz and that fixed it lol.
This has been one of the most touching game experiences I've had. I can't think of a better example of the whole being greater than the sum of its parts.
Besides the outstanding visual and musical approach (I love how you materialize this "deconstruction" of your own world through a rasterized, jittery pixel and a downsampled, bitcrushed wave), your focus on the player experience (the horizon of expectations, particularly) is so accomplished, and I believe it works wonderfully to convey this cycle of kindling that you're talking of.
Thank you so much for this experience ompuco, this has been so inspiring. Art is worth living for.
7.8/10 - A beautiful but relatable experience, (20-30 mins), this game is not what I expected, but I'm not disappointed as it covers topics about the struggles and meaning of life. And how important hope is, even at your lowest. It is relatable seeing similar struggles to what I have experienced so this game was definitely something I understood.
This game has amazing audio and visuals which are both comforting but also cold at times as they are used to aid the story perfectly. The visual contrast can make you feel like you want to relax and cosy up but then make you feel unnerved as if you're being stalked. I also appreciate the gameplay with how the game uses different mechanics throughout as aid to the story to expand on themes and topics, and I really liked the sleeping eye mechanic.
The game is beautiful and you can see heart was poured into it, it was a topic that was close to the artist and you can definitely feel the love that was put into the game. I appreciate how open and vulnerable it is at times and that's what I like the most about the game. I also enjoyed how every part of the game represents the character and how they feel. As you play through the game you realize what the house, the fire, the cold and the symbolism really meant.
Don't go into this game expecting something easily digestible, fast paced or very scary but go into it expecting something that is slower in pace, personal and something that makes you think.
holy crap [also hi I'm from cohost!]
I think this is my new favorite game. thecohesionn, the artstyle, the way it all ties in together so-so well. It really felt like a dream.
The horror here feltrightt at home. It's so rare I feel able to trust a game to hold my flame like that and your beauty here did that wonderfully. Excellent, thank you so much.
I loved the sleeping mechanic, it's such an apt metaphor for being stuck in this mindless loop of your very own self
I played this after it being mentioned in a youtube essay about surreal horror games and I gotta say it was a phenomenal game. I loved exploring this world you created and the thoughts you have about creativity and the fire that burns within us all. Will definitely play more of your games to enjoy more of your work. Really well done!
I finally played truss. I cried a lot. It hits *so* eerily close to home.
It's such a haunting and terrifying feeling to lose your drive when you consider your entire purpose in life to be the creation of things. When your best means of expressing your emotions & experiences are works of art, it's as if you cannot speak anymore whenever you hit a creative wall; Burnout, fatigue, unsureness of who you wish to be.
I love truss. I think I understand how you feel.