Become a Patron of the OmniOS Community Edition
OmniOS Community Edition has no major company behind it, just a small team ofpeople who spend their precious spare time keeping it up-to-date. If you relyon OmniOS for fun or business, and you want to help secure its future, you cancontribute by becoming an OmniOS patron.
We are committed to providing updates to OmniOS for many years to come andto maintaining the stable and long-term-release models put in place byOmniTI before us. Your donation will help us to achieve that goal andensure the long-term success of OmniOS.
We use the money provided by our patrons to pay for any services used inpublishing and maintaining OmniOS. The rest of the money gets divided upand distributed among the core contributors according to the amount of timethey put into the project - with the OmniOSce Association directing fundallocation.
If you set up a recurring subscription, please take care to enter your emailaddress correctly as we will alert you a few days before the next payment isdue, with the option to cancel your subscription.
Note, this has nothing todo withPatreon we are usingStripe as our card processingservice.
You can also use traditional banking transactions to send us yourcontributions by paying directly to our account here in Switzerland.
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Verein OmniOS Community Edition
If you have questions regarding your subscription, or if you want todiscuss other options to support our work, please feel free to at any time.
How your payments are processed
Our donation system is as a payment provider.We do not keep ANY information locally. Credit card numbers are NOT available to us at any pointin the payment process. The integration and all the userinteractions are handled by ourOOceApps package.