


Open Knowledge Foundation


The Open Knowledge Foundation (OKFN) is an independent non-profit organisation, incorporated in England & Wales as a company limited by guarantee and operating globally.

The Open Knowledge Foundation holds an Equivalency Determination certificate issued by NGOsource, which certifies the organisation as equivalent to a US public charity. The certification is valid through December 2025.


Governance Structure

The CEO of the Open Knowledge Foundation is responsible to set the vision, strategy and goals for theTeam to execute. With the support of the directive team, the CEO reports to theBoard of Directors who are responsible for the financial and legal probity of the organisation.




Board of Directors

  • Vanessa Barnett (Chair)
  • Helen Turvey (Vice-Chair)
  • Irina Bolychevsky
  • Tim Hubbard
  • Johnny West

The full details about the Board members are availablehere.


Annual Accounts


Annual Reports

Let's build together a world where all knowledge is accessible to everyone
Let's build together a world where all knowledge is
accessible to everyone
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