


Odd Waters

Odd Waters

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Brief, but excellent. Took me a sec to figure out the navigation tool and the pillars, but it was just a matter of understanding what it was telling me. And it was definitely telling me, as I realised after a bit of prodding it. I very much enjoyed this game, and would happily play something longer, along the same lines.

Really fun game! I love the art and the music, it really sets the tone! The puzzles are intuitive and fun, I would absolutely pay for a longer game with these same mechanics.

Great art and sound. I like the exploration using the map. Though, I couldn't figure out how to interact with the monolith (see the picture below).

The whole puzzle is to find how to interact with it, using all the tools that the tutorial taught you!

Wonderful experience and atmosphere!

only for windows? pity...

Hi! We just added a version for Mac! Hope you like it!

thanks for the mac version! it was a short adventure, yet very relaxing. <thumbs up>

Zut! As a Mac guy, rather disappointed I won’t be enjoying this game (great font choice here by the way)… after I click Play, the game crashes. I don’t know if it’s because my Big Sur security permissions deny incoming network connections or something else (I can send the Apple bug report somewhere). C’est zarbie

Très chouette jeu, j'ai beaucoup aimé découvrir la navigation et chercher à comprendre les mécanismes de vos énigmes et Puzzle.

A mon tour de vous rendre la pareil: voici l'interview

Bonne préparation pour les examens

Maxime De Haeck - Alias Tonton Hafniar

Nice game! Sadly it's a bit short, but it has a nice concept, nice gameplay and nice artwork.

This game looks amazing! The art style is beautiful and the story is very intriguing :D

I don't know if you've heard of Game Development World Championship before (gdwc2019) but it's a competition for indie game developers where they can submit their games and it's free! It's great if you want some more visibility for the game and it only takes a couple of minutes to join :)·View all by OddWaters·Report·Embed

