my name isOctoMan and welcome to myOctoManGames itch.io page.
I have a passion for games and I started to create small projects using Game Maker but now I make games and small apps using the latest and greatest of Unity.
A little about me:I’ve always wanted to be an art teacher. So I became a certified 3D Artist. At first I spent my time creating 3D objects but then in 2004 I evolved into a Game Creator with the art skills to back it up. My goals have changed.
I'm teaching over 3000 Students on Udemy and Skillshare and have over 11.000 Subscribers on Youtube.
Sometimes i challenge myself in Game Jams where i usually try out new content and see where my skills are.
Feel free to support me on my journey to become a better Teacher and maybe one day a better Game Developer.
Udemy: https://www.udemy.com/user/octoman/
Skillshare: https://www.skillshare.com/profile/Octo-Man/4232784
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjDiDU1hXq31QIr0vN_yacQ/