Dune Dependency
Published:20 Oct 2021
This library wraps several different email services and simplifies the process of sending mail. Let's look at an example:
module Email = Tidy_email.Emailmodule Mailgun = Tidy_email_mailgunlet send = Mailgun.backend { api_key = Sys.getenv "MAILGUN_API_KEY"; base_url = Sys.getenv "MAILGUN_BASE_URL"; }let () = let email = Email.make ~sender:"" ~recipient:"" ~subject:"A small message" ~body:(Email.Text "Hi there!") in let u = (send email) in match u with | Ok _ -> print_string "Send succeeded."; exit 0 | Error _ -> print_string "Send failed."; exit 1
The library defines two main entities an email type and an email backend. Email backends are defined so that switching email providers requires minimal changes.
supports three different email services:
SMTP, via
Each service is factored out into its own library; for example, to integrate with SendGrid, usetidy_email_sendgrid
About SendGrid and Mailgun
First things first! Here are links to use for setting up a new mail plan:
The sections below contain a more extensive comparison of these two services.
Both SendGrid and Mailgun have extensive REST APIs (in fact, they also support SMTP but recommend their APIs). These services can receive email as well as sending it. Currently, this library only coverssending email. Advanced features like managing email templates are not covered here. They could be added in the future; pull requests and suggestions are welcome.
Configuring mail service
This section contains tips for configuring your mail plan.
Mailgun is the only service I've encountered that provides a "sandbox domain". A sandbox domain allows you to send email to a limited number of configured email addresses, without having to register a domain.
If you don't plan to use a sandbox domain, you will first need to register a domain (Route53 is a reasonable choice, most domains cost ~12 USD per year). In this case, most email providers will need you to create some combination of DNS records (typically TXT, CNAME, and MX) in order for email to work. Both SendGrid and Mailgun provide straightforward instructions about which records to create.
If you're planning on sending marketing email or other automated email, consider setting up a separate subdomain to protect the reputation of your main domain. For example, if you
you might
for automated email. Since the reputations
are distinct, a mistake in your application won't impact the delivery of emails
addresses. You can read more about thishere.
This service is easy to set up and doesn't require a credit card until you begin using custom domains. The "sandbox domain" feature is quite helpful for running tests, though it's common for sandbox domain emails to go directly to your spam folder. This is the provider I recommend if you don't have your own domain or SMTP server already.
You will need two pieces of information from the Mailgun console:
An API key. You may need to create this in the console first. For sandbox domains, this should exist already.
A "base url". In the US, this looks like<Your Domain>
. In the EU, it may look slightly different; check the documentation.
Note: If you're working with a sandbox domain, you will also need to configure which addresses the domain is allowed to send to. Expect messages from a sandbox domain to go to your spam folder (the relevant DNS records can't get set correctly because the domain is temporary).
SendGrid requires a company email and website when setting up an account. Using a generic email account (e.g. Protonmail, Gmail, etc.) for this purpose is likely to result in your account getting frozen for several days while you negotiate with their security/audit team.
If you already have a domain and company email, registering with a SendGrid account is fast. SendGrid's REST API is somewhat more complicated than the one provided by Mailgun. Both services have a free tier and aren't terribly expensive for small volumes of mail.
To use SendGrid withtidy_email
, you will need:
An API key. You'll need to create this in the console and set the permissions accordingly.
The URL for the SendGrid API. As of this writing, this is
, but check the console to confirm.
SMTP Server
This backend is the most generic. In order to utilize an SMTP server, you will need to obtain the hostname, username, and password for the server. Many email services support SMTP in addition to a REST API (take, for exampleAmazon SES), so this is a useful option if you want to usetidy_email
with a service that isn't supported by name yet.
Each backend module (Mailgun, SendGrid, and SMTP) contains a folder of examples. To run an example, copy the
and populate the missing environment variables. Running./
should print:
Starting.Starting email send.Send succeeded.
and then a single message should appear in the destination inbox.
How this package is tested
There are two levels of testing in this project:
Unit tests defined using
.End-to-end tests that are run manually by maintainers.
To run the unit tests, navigate to the root of the repository and rundune test
. Running./
will generate a summary of test coverage viabisect_ppx
. The coverage report will appear under_coverage/index.html
The specifications for the end to end tests are captured in the/examples
folder of each library. It's unfortunate that these tests can't be captured in a public CI system, but testing requires Mailgun/SendGrid credentials that can't easily be shared.
Other Design Suggestions
Sending an email is a fairly expensive operation; A REST API call to Mailgun or SendGrid may take ~500 ms or more. You may wish to usetidy_email
together with some sort of queuing system and/or a background worker. Thisblog post provides suggestions about how to do this.
The best place to record feature requests and bugs is in theissues section of this repo.
I am also available on Discord and Discuss:
#dream on theReason Discord.
#webdev on theOCaml Discord
Tagging comments with@jsthomas
is a good way to get my attention.
Pull requests and other contributions (examples, bug reports, better documentation) are welcome.
The implementation oftidy_email_sendgrid
is based on work inSihl.
Dependencies (6)
- tidy_email
= version
- lwt_ppx
>= "2.0.0"
- cohttp-lwt-unix
>= "2.5.5" & < "6.0.0~~"
- cohttp
>= "2.5.5"
- ocaml
>= "4.11.0"
- dune
>= "2.8" & >= "2.0"
Dev Dependencies (4)
- odoc
- cmdliner
>= "1.0.4" & with-test
- alcotest-lwt
>= "1.4.0" & with-test
- bisect_ppx
>= "2.5.0" & dev
Used by