Ppx deriver for Js_of_ocaml
Dune Dependency
Published:14 Dec 2022
Js_of_ocaml Ppx deriver
ppx_deriving_jsoo is a js_of_ocaml ppx deriver. From an ocaml type it provides the jsoo type interface and the conversion functions.
The ocaml type:
type 'a x = { a : int64 list; b : 'a option; c : int option; [@opt] d : string; [@mutable] e : char; [@key "js_key"] f : int -> string; [@callback] g : Unsafe.any -> int -> string; [@meth_callback] h : unit -> int; [@meth] i : js_string t; [@ignore] j : (nativeint * string array); k : [ `A | `B of float ];} [@@deriving jsoo]
Will produce the class type:
class type ['a] x_jsoo = object method a : Ezjs_min.bigInt Ezjs_min.t Ezjs_min.js_array Ezjs_min.t readonly_prop method b : 'a Ezjs_min.optdef readonly_prop method c : int Ezjs_min.opt readonly_prop method d : Ezjs_min.js_string Ezjs_min.t prop method js_key_ : Ezjs_min.js_string Ezjs_min.t readonly_prop method f : (int -> Ezjs_min.js_string Ezjs_min.t) callback readonly_prop method g : (Ezjs_min.Unsafe.any, int -> Ezjs_min.js_string Ezjs_min.t) meth_callback readonly_prop method h : int Ezjs_min.meth method i : js_string t readonly_prop method j : 'a _j_tupjsoo Ezjs_min.t readonly_prop method k : 'a _k_tupjsoo Ezjs_min.t readonly_propendand ['a] _j_tupjsoo = object method _0 : Ezjs_min.bigInt Ezjs_min.t Ezjs_min.readonly_prop method _1 : Ezjs_min.js_string Ezjs_min.t Ezjs_min.js_array Ezjs_min.t Ezjs_min.readonly_propendand ['a] _k_tupjsoo = object method _A : unit Ezjs_min.optdef Ezjs_min.readonly_prop method _B : Ezjs_min.number Ezjs_min.t Ezjs_min.optdef Ezjs_min.readonly_propend
And the conversion functions:
val x_to_jsoo : (('a -> 'a_jsoo) * ('a_jsoo -> 'a)) -> 'a x -> 'a_jsoo x_jsoo Ezjs_min.t)val x_of_jsoo : (('a -> 'a_jsoo) * ('a_jsoo -> 'a)) -> 'a_jsoo x_jsoo Ezjs_min.t -> 'a x)val x_jsoo_conv : (('a -> 'a_jsoo) * ('a_jsoo -> 'a)) -> 'a x -> 'a_jsoo x_jsoo Ezjs_min.t) * (('a -> 'a_jsoo) * ('a_jsoo -> 'a)) -> 'a_jsoo x_jsoo Ezjs_min.t -> 'a x)
comes from ezjs_min library whose module includesJs_of_ocaml.Js
and some other userful functions.
There is also a deriver for only interface:
[@@deriving jsoo_type]
And for only conversion functions:
[@@deriving jsoo_conv]
Most of regular types are handled. GADT are not handled. Also some complicated recursive types can fail the ppx since the class types impose some constraints.
sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)" x-init="setTimeout(() => sectionYPositions = computeSectionYPositions($el), 10)" >
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