Dune Dependency
A combinator library for "decoding" JSON-like values into your own Ocaml types, inspired by Elm'sJson.Decode
Published:12 May 2022
ocaml-decoders: Elm-inspired decoders for OCaml
A combinator library for "decoding" JSON-like values into your own OCaml types, inspired by Elm'sJson.Decode
An OCaml program having a JSON (or YAML) data source usually goes something like this:
Get your data from somewhere. Now you have a
.Parse the
as JSON (or YAML). Now you have aYojson.Basic.t
, or maybe anEzjsonm.value
.Decode the JSON value to an OCaml type that's actually useful for your program's domain.
This library helps with step 3.
Getting started
Install one of the supported decoder backends:
For ocaml
opam install decoders-bencode # For bencodeopam install decoders-cbor # For CBORopam install decoders-ezjsonm # For ezjsonmopam install decoders-jsonm # For jsonmopam install decoders-msgpck # For msgpckopam install decoders-sexplib # For sexplibopam install decoders-yojson # For yojson
For bucklescript
npm install --save-dev bs-decoders
Now we can start decoding stuff!
First, a module alias to save some keystrokes. In this guide, we'll parse JSON usingYojson
utop # module D = Decoders_yojson.Basic.Decode;;module D = Decoders_yojson.Basic.Decode
Let's set our sights high and decode an integer.
utop # D.decode_value (`Int 1);;- : (int, error) result = Ok 1
Nice! We useddecode_value
, which takes adecoder
and avalue
(in this case aYojson.Basic.t
) and... decodes the value.
utop # D.decode_value;;- : 'a decoder -> value -> ('a, error) result = <fun>
For convenience we also havedecode_string
, which takes astring
and callsYojson
's parser under the hood.
utop # D.decode_string "1";;- : (int, error) result = Ok 1
What about alist
s? Here's where the "combinator" part comes in.
utop # D.decode_string D.(list int) "[1,2,3]";;- : (int list, error) result = Ok [1; 2; 3]
Ok, so what if we get some unexpected JSON?
utop # #install_printer D.pp_error;;utop # D.decode_string D.(list int) "[1,2,true]";;- : (int list, error) result =Error while decoding a list: element 2: Expected an int, but got true
Complicated JSON structure
To decode a JSON object with many fields, we can use the let-binding operators (let*
, etc.) from theInfix
type my_user = { name : string ; age : int }let my_user_decoder : my_user decoder = let open D in let* name = field "name" string in let* age = field "age" int in succeed { name; age }
We can also use these operators to decode objects with inconsistent structure. Say, for example, our JSON is a list of shapes. Squares have a side length, circles have a radius, and triangles have a base and a height.
[{ "shape": "square", "side": 11 }, { "shape": "circle", "radius": 5 }, { "shape": "triange", "base": 3, "height": 7 }]
We could represent these types in OCaml and decode them like this:
type shape = | Square of int | Circle of int | Triangle of int * intlet square_decoder : shape decoder = D.(let+ s = field "side" int in Square s)let circle_decoder : shape decoder = D.(let+ r = field "radius" int in Circle r)let triangle_decoder : shape decoder = D.( let* b = field "base" int in let+ h = field "height" int in Triangle (b, h) )let shape_decoder : shape decoder = let open D in let* shape = field "shape" string in match shape with | "square" -> square_decoder | "circle" -> circle_decoder | "triangle" -> triangle_decoder | _ -> fail "Expected a shape"let decode_list (json_string : string) : (shape list, _) result = D.(decode_string (list shape_decoder) json_string)
Now, say that we didn't have the benefit of the"shape"
field describing the type of the shape in our JSON list. We can still decode the shapes by trying each decoder in turn using theone_of
takes a list ofstring * 'a decoder
pairs and tries each decoder in turn. Thestring
element of each pair is just used to name the decoder in error messages.
let shape_decoder_2 : shape decoder = D.( one_of [ ("a square", square_decoder) ; ("a circle", circle_decoder) ; ("a triangle", triangle_decoder) ] )
Generic decoders
Suppose our program deals with users and roles. We want to decode our JSON input into these types.
type role = Admin | Usertype user = { name : string ; roles : role list }
Let's define our decoders. We'll write a module functor so we can re-use the same decoders across different JSON libraries, with YAML input, or with Bucklescript.
module My_decoders(D : Decoders.Decode.S) = struct open D let role : role decoder = string >>= function | "ADMIN" -> succeed Admin | "USER" -> succeed User | _ -> fail "Expected a role" let user : user decoder = let* name = field "name" string in let* roles = field "roles" (list role) in succeed { name; roles }endmodule My_yojson_decoders = My_decoders(Decoders_yojson.Basic.Decode)
Great! Let's try them out.
utop # open My_yojson_decoders;;utop # D.decode_string role {| "USER" |};;- : (role, error) result = Ok Userutop # D.decode_string D.(field "users" (list user)) {| {"users": [{"name": "Alice", "roles": ["ADMIN", "USER"]}, {"name": "Bob", "roles": ["USER"]}]} |};;- : (user list, error) result =Ok [{name = "Alice"; roles = [Admin; User]}; {name = "Bob"; roles = [User]}]
Let's introduce an error in the JSON:
utop # D.decode_string D.(field "users" (list user)) {| {"users": [{"name": "Alice", "roles": ["ADMIN", "USER"]}, {"name": "Bob", "roles": ["SUPER_USER"]}]} |};;- : (user list, error) result =Error in field "users": while decoding a list: element 1: in field "roles": while decoding a list: element 0: Expected a role, but got "SUPER_USER"
We get a nice pointer that we forgot to handle theSUPER_USER
also has support for defining backend-agnostic encoders, for turning your OCaml values into JSON values.
module My_encoders(E : Decoders.Encode.S) = struct open E let role : role encoder = function | Admin -> string "ADMIN" | User -> string "USER" let user : user encoder = fun u -> obj [ ("name", string ; ("roles", list role u.roles) ]endmodule My_yojson_encoders = My_encoders(Decoders_yojson.Basic.Encode)
utop # module E = Decoders_yojson.Basic.Encode;;utop # open My_yojson_encoders;;utop # let users = [ {name = "Alice"; roles = [Admin; User]} ; {name = "Bob"; roles = [User]} ];;utop # E.encode_string E.obj [("users", E.list user users)];;- : string ="{\"users\":[{\"name\":\"Alice\",\"roles\":[\"ADMIN\",\"USER\"]},{\"name\":\"Bob\",\"roles\":[\"USER\"]}]}"
API Documentation
For more details, see the API documentation:
After updating
npm version <newversion> # e.g. npm version 0.7.0git push --tagsdune-releasenpm publish