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  2. Docs

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Cap'n Proto RPC plugin for OCurrent


Dune Dependency


  1. T
    Thomas Leonard <>
  2. A
    Antonin Décimo <>
  3. T
    Tim McGilchrist <>
  4. C
    Craig Ferguson <>
  5. E
    Etienne MARAIS <>
  6. A
    Anil Madhavapeddy <>
  7. David Allsopp
  8. E
    Ewan Mellor <>
  9. K
    Kate <>
  10. M
    Mark Elvers <>
  11. P
    Puneeth Chaganti <>
  12. L
    Lucas Pluvinage <>
  13. N
    Navin Keswani <>
  14. T
    Thomas Gazagnaire <>
  15. Patrick Ferris
  16. A
    Arthur Wendling <>
  17. A
    Anurag Soni <>
  18. A
    Ambre Austen Suhamy <>
  19. B
    Ben Andrew <>
  20. G
    Gargi Sharma <>
  21. J
    Jonathan Coates <>
  22. J
    Jules Aguillon <>
  23. M
    Magnus Skjegstad <>
  24. S
    Shon Feder <>
  25. S
    smolck <>
  26. T
    tatchi <>





OCurrent provides an OCaml eDSL for writing CI/CD pipelines.

This package provides a Cap'n Proto RPC interface, allowingan OCurrent engine to be controlled remotely.

Published:27 Feb 2025



OCurrent allows you to specify a workflow / pipeline for keeping things up-to-date.

For example, the pipeline shown above fetches the head of a GitHub repository'smaster branch, builds it, runs the tests, and deploys the binary if the tests pass. When a new commit is pushed, it runs the pipeline again.

Another use might be to keep the GitHub build status of each PR in your Git repository showing the result of fetching, building and testing the PR's head commit. If the head commit changes, the result must be recalculated.

An OCurrent pipeline is written using an OCaml eDSL. When OCurrent evaluates it, it records the inputs used (e.g. the current set of open PRs and the head of each one), monitors them, and automatically recalculates when an input changes.

Larger uses of OCurrent include theOCaml Docker base image builder andocaml-ci, which is the CI that tests this repository itself.


TheOCurrent docs contains user documentation and examples. In particular, you might like to start by reading about theexample pipelines or how towrite your own plugins.

For technical docs, see theAPI Documentation.


OCurrent is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. SeeLICENSE for the full license text.

Dependencies (11)

  1. stdint>= "0.7.0"
  2. result>= "1.5"
  3. lwt>= "5.7"
  4. logs>= "0.7.0"
  5. fpath
  6. fmt>= "0.8.9"
  7. capnp-rpc-lwt>= "1.2.3"
  8. capnp-rpc>= "1.2.3"
  9. capnp>= "3.4.0"
  10. ocaml>= "4.12.0"
  11. dune>= "3.3"

Dev Dependencies (1)

  1. odocwith-doc

Used by (1)

  1. current_examples>= "0.7.1"

Conflicts (1)

  1. x509= "0.11.0"

