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L'ecoconstruccionlow-tech, lasenergias renovelablas e una estetica inspirada de la natura (coma dins aquesta illustracion) son omnipresentas dins lo movement solarpunk.
Aquesta cobèrta del libreUtopia 2048, illustrant una anticipacion del potencial futur del centre-vila deBerlin, es representativa de lavegetalizacion d'infrastructura, de l'integracion d'energias renovelablas e detranspòrts en comun dins los centres urbans a mesura que son sovent imaginats dins lo movement solarpunk.

Losolarpunk (associacion dels motssolar epunk) es un movementliterari,artistic epolitic, pròche del movementhopepunk,[1] qu'envisatja e trabalha cap a la realizacion d'unfutur sostenible interconnectat amb la natura e la comunautat.[2][3][4] Lo "solar" representa l'energia solara coma una font d'energia renovelabla e una visionoptimista de l'avenir que refusa lodoomerisme[5] climatic, del temps que lo "punk" fa referéncia a ofar tu meteis e als aspèctescontraculturals,pòst-capitalistas, e de còpsdecolonials de crear un tal futur.[6]


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  1. .
  2. Reina-Rozo, Juan David (2021).Art, Energy and Technology: the Solarpunk Movement 8 (en en), 47–60.DOI:10.24908/ijesjp.v8i1.14292. “Solarpunk is a movement in speculative fiction, art, fashion, and activism that seeks to answer and embody the question 'what does a sustainable civilization look like, and how can we get there?'” 
  3. (2020)The Radical Potential of the Imaginary 41, 105–107.DOI:10.1080/0145935X.2020.1789297. “Solarpunk might be easiest understood as a response to environmental degradation and social conflict that centers hope and possibility rather than futility and despair. It is a relatively new expression and has popped up across genres: in art, literature, and activism.” 
  4. (2023)A Solarpunk Manifesto: Turning Imaginary into Reality 8, 73.DOI:10.3390/philosophies8040073. 
  5. Johnson, Isaijah (May 2020)."Solarpunk" & the Pedagogical Value of Utopia 23. ““Solar” is itself a reference to solar energy, from photovoltaic cells to passive heating—clean, sustainable, renewable energies with minimal carbon footprint. In the darkness of climate anxiety, solarpunk is a beam of hope showing the way toward a livable future.” 
  6. Reina-Rozo, Juan David (2021-03-05).Art, Energy and Technology: the Solarpunk Movement 8 (en en), 47–60.DOI:10.24908/ijesjp.v8i1.14292. “The 'punk' in Solarpunk is about rebellion, counterculture, post-capitalism, decolonialism and enthusiasm. It is about going in a different direction than the mainstream, which is increasingly going in a scary direction.” 
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