Hello, my name's Bryan!
I'd absolutely love to wax lyrical and make this profile look impressive, the truth of it is, when it comes to the world of games, I am but a humble player, hobbyist developer, and occasional jammer!
As a hobbyist game dev. and occasional jam participant, my projects tend towards the small side. My fortay is in 2D, but I have been branching out and trying more 3D and mixed format projects as well.
To keep me motivated in my game making endeavors, I have a smallTwitch Channel from which I stream myself working on my game projects and, on those occasions I participate in a game jamand manage to finish, I also enjoy playing entries from those jams on my channel! Everyone's welcome to stop on in!
The meat and potatoes! Below are all of the projects I felt deserved to see the light of day, for better or for worse. I do hope you enjoy, and, if you do, comments and constructive criticisms are always welcome!