



Pre-compiled OS packages for Rakudo


rakudo-pkg offers native Linux 64-bit packages of theRakudo compiler/runtime for Raku and thezef module installer. The packages track theupstream releases closely. Most of the time, the packages will be released onthe same day as the Rakudo sources. At the moment, packages are provided forAlpine, Debian, EL (RHEL/CentOS/Amazon/Oracle Linux), Fedora, openSUSE,Ubuntu and their derivatives. Additionally, a relocatable build is alsoprovided that works universally on all recent Linux distributions without theneed of installation or root privileges.


OS Repositories

The easiest way to install and update Rakudo is by using therakudo-pkgrepositories (hosted atCloudSmith):

Relocatable Builds and direct downloads

Zef Module Manager

See thezef documentation.

Add rakudo to the PATH

See thePATH documentation.

Clean up

After removing the package, you can safely remove /opt/rakudo-pkg for leftover file (like module installations).The repo file (with the name matching nxadm-pkgs-rakudo-pkg-*) can be also removed if rakudo-pkg is no longernecessary in the future.

Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)

See theWSL documentation.


See thesecurity documentation.

Using rakudo-pkg for testing upstream Rakudo

See thedevbuild action documentation.

