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something you could do to make it easier to understand for new/newer people is when you're hovering over an item it gives a description of what it does. I'm not saying it's bad without it and it's fine without it. I'm saying if you want to do it you can because it's your game. I was just suggesting it.
I’ve got one critical point though. Even though crafting all of the gem tools don’t mean anything to completing the game, some spawns i’ve played barely had enough gems to craft a gem sword and pick. By the time i was done doing that, there was like two more deposits on the whole map. I had 1 gem left over after crafting the chem bench. Just a small thing, but if you could increase the amount of gems you get per deposit. Other than that, this is the best pico 8 game I’ve played.
This game is 6 years old now. Commentary here is really for any other developers who happen to read this. Play around a bit and notice the button controls. They're a little bit confusing, right? You can learn the pattern of entering and exiting the menus, but it doesn't feel intuitive.
The issue seems to be how 'using' a workbench to get the workbench menu ends up swapping the subconcious mnemonic of 'button that opens menu is the same button to get me out of the menu' that happens with inventory use.
Notice how the inventory is also able to be displayed in the workbench. Pressing inventory next to a workbench to take you to the workbench menu instead would be a better fit.
What would happen if you pressed the 'use' button next to the workbench? Perhaps automatically revert to 'pickup tool' and pick the workbench up (to be placed down again with another 'use' keypress)? This is a seperate issue from the menu one, but this too could result in better gameplay.
What would happen if you pressed the 'use' button next to the workbench? Perhaps automatically use the workbench, that seems logical to me! I think if the open inventory button started opening different menus when you stood next to benches that would be very confusing and unintuitive. Why would pressing the use button to use a bench be confusing for anyone?
very nice game but when I tried to log back in to a save it didn't let me also since items dont have durability please add a feature to drop or delete items that are now lower grade to declutter the inventory and delete already made items from the crafting so you dont accidently craft when running from zombies
i enjoyed this game alot! I found it to be simple yet engaging. I thought id give my opinions on it, so here are my positive and negative thoughts.
- The boss fight was very fun! i liked the mechanics of it and i felt accomplished when i figured something out, like how standing on the rocks makes it so you aren't electrocuted. It was challenging but not frustratingly so, i nearly died about 3 times but i was able to beat it first try. (which is fine in a game like this, since if i had died i would've lost all my progress.)
-On that note, i see alot of people complaining about it in the comments but i quite like the 1 death hardcore thing. In a game like this where progression is so fast there is really no reason to respawn. Adds to the challenge.
-Im not sure if this one is a postive or negative, because im not entirley sure on how i feel about it, but you cannot place any sort of block in this game. It did create a more unique expierence where you have to get creative, and i liked that. I ended up digging myself a little house into the rock, removing the sand around any openings so the zombies couldnt get in, and using workstations as walls. i quite liked my little home.
-My music didnt work! Im not sure if it was my end or the games (my sound did work in other games though) and i am playing the web version. The entire thing was silent so it really detracted from the expierence.
-I felt like i progressed far too fast in the mining. i went from stone to iron to gem in about 5 minutes, i didnt even need gold. I recommend adding 3 different levels to the mines that get harder, with the boss fight on the final floor. it doesnt have to be anything too crazy, but i think a floor dedicated to each ore with a unique type of enemy would be fun. and it would make it so you would have to use the tools until you are strong enough to progress.
-armor would be nice too, to add to that difficulty and give you something to work towards.
-in order to make a farm, you have to use a scythe on the green grass to get seeds, and then use awoodenshovel to prepare the sand. Then you just press Z to plant the seeds. Use the scythe again to harvest them
-To get the tailsman make a map and go to the dots scattered around in the overworld. when you did in those spots you get a chest with a tailsman piece inside. get 4 to complete the tailsman. if you cannot dig try removing any grass with the scythe.
-the tailsman stuns the Eel!
anyway, this was a cool game! keep up the good work.
hi! the main 3 music can be found on my soundcloud https://soundcloud.com/antoine-zanuttini/sets/stranded-islepcraft-ost
and there is lots of online tools if you want to download them from there
have a nice day
This is super cool! I do have a few suggestions:
1: Add an option to leave when you get the boat so that you can keep exploring.
2: Add bridges to travel easier
3: Add bows and arrows
4: Skeletons with bows that sometimes drop
5: Types of potions
6: Armor (stone, iron, gem, etc)
7: Large inventory limit
8: Section in your inventory just for tools
9: Make some way to throw items to get rid of them (like your old wooden tools)
10: Make items last for longer
11: I don't know if this is possible, but could you add hotkeys for items? (Z + up, Z + right, etc)
12: Different modes (creative, normal, respawning)
13: Different table/bench to make gem tools/armor (like a forge or something)
14: More buried treasure and tailsmans
15: Different types of walls and doors to make a base (wooden wall, wooden door, stone wall, stone door, iron wall, iron door, etc)
Ok, it might have been more than a few suggestions, but I think that these changes would make the game more fun, while not exactly copying Minecraft.