


Nuclear Monster
  • Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy Playthrough

    Recently took some time during our ongoing pandemic to play throughGetting Over It with Bennett Foddy, one of the games I’ve kept thinking about despite not finishing the game when it came out. The first episode of my play through is embedded above. New episodes will be uploaded dailythrough that same playlist on the YouTube channel daily for the next few days.

    Getting Over It is a very strange game. If it’s new to you, I guess the easiest way to describeGetting Over It is as a side-scrolling game about a man in a cauldron climbing a mountain made of stuff that sometimes resembles things you’d expect and other objects that look like they don’t belong on a mountain at all. The only control you have is your input device swinging a long hammer in order to overcome the challenging physics along the way.

    It’s a challenge that might seem familiar to the other “physics” games that have become popular in the intervening years sinceGetting Over It came out in 2017.Fall Guys, orTotally Reliable DeliveryService, all feel a little bit like they get a little bit of the “physics” aspect that is the challenge ofGetting Over it.I’m not sure if these other games would have existed without Bennett Foddy’s work onGetting Over It and prior work with games likeQWOP andGIRP. 

    There are also dozens of similar games inspired byGetting Over It out there that range from fun takes on the original theme, incredibly popularcreepy 3D versions with built-in ads for grifters, or just slapdash recreations but those all kind of feel appropriate to me because Foddy was inspired by a much earlier game too,Sexy Hiking by Jazzuo which has incredibly similar gameplay toGetting Over It and came out a decade earlier in 2007.

    However, despite all the imitators and the inspiration, I don’t think anything can eclipseGetting Over it as being so one of a kind. Looking back on it now, it’s surprising in some ways that in the 7 years since Getting Over It came out, there never were any big budget games that took more fromGetting Over It. All of those games I mentioned in the last paragraph are decidedly independent productions. Maybe the only big budget game I can think of that has a very tiny bit ofGetting Over It in it isDeath Stranding, but that’s not what that game is.

    On the technical side here I’ll note thatyou don’t really want to playGetting Over It with a gamepad. A mouse or trackpad on a computer is preferred. On the computer I’d really recommend turning on the trackpad tuning option even if you’re using a mouse. It seems to make things more predictable and was helpful to me for completing the game. There are also versions for mobile platforms that use touch controls.

    Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy is $8onSteam forWindows,macOS, andLinux. Here isthe link for the $5iPhone andiPad version that also includes silly stickers for Messages. Here isthe link for the Android version that’s also $5 but on sale for $2 right now.

    Bennett Foddy is working on a new game calledBaby Steps. It’s supposed to come out this year.

  • Umurangi Generation VR Announced for April 18, 2024 on PS2VR and Meta/FB/Oculus Quest

    Umurangi Generation is a terrific, unique first-person photography game forSteam onWindows,Nintendo Switch, andXbox One, about taking photos in a “shitty future” as the developer, Origame Digital, calls it. I loved the game and am pretty excited for anything new from the developer who just announced a new virtual reality version witha short trailer on Twitter. Unfortunately, the new version is only planned for thePlayStation VR 2 (thePlayStation 5’s virtual-reality HMD) and theQuest HMD lineup from thepretty f’d up company known as either Meta or Facebook who bought out Oculus years ago.

    If you’ve got any of those headsets and are interested in checking outUmurangi Generation VR, the developer says it’ll be out on April 18th, 2024.

  • Grand Theft Auto VI Gets First Trailer and Release Year of 2025

    Grand Theft Auto VI has been rumored, leaked, and speculated out the wazoo, but we finally have the first official trailer for it above and a release year of 2025 with the only platforms announced as thePlayStation 5 andXbox Series X andS consoles.

    The trailer shows the game’sVice City and general Florida aesthetic, but it appears to be a modern-day game withTikTok-esque short videos.

    The online features ofGTA V have dominated that game’s decade long life so far, and changed Rockstar’s focus from one of single player games and expansions into a continuously updated multiplayer world that may be one of the most successful “live service” games of all time.

    I never got intoGTA Online in a big way, but it’s easy to see how people could.GTA Online can be more of a great time in a meta reality than the scam artists pushing business ideas first without the experience and passion for gaming could ever make.

    With onlyPS5andXboxversions announced, it’ll be interesting to see ifGTA VI is anotherGrand Theft Autothat doesn’t come out onWindowscomputers until a year or more after the game is released for consoles. It took almost two years forGrand Theft Auto V to be released forWindows.

    Rockstar Games, the developer ofGrand Theft Auto, is famous forongoing issues of worker abuse and mistreatment.

  • Steam Deck OLED Impressions

    In June of ’22I gave my impressions of the originalDeck. It’s time to check out the newSteam Deck OLED!

    I’ve had the newSteam Deck OLED Limited Edition for about a week and it’sexactly what we believed it to be. If you were just looking for confirmation that it isn’t a dud, here it is: I love playing on theSteam Deck OLED. It’s great. You can skip to my conclusions and get an OLED model as long as you’re aware of the same caveats from the originalSteam Deck, which Valve is now calling theSteam Deck LCD.

    The big Steam Deck OLED improvements

    Valve has put in a lot of work to make theSteam Deck OLED the bestSteam Deck.

    There’s the slightly larger (0.4 inches!), brighter, screen with improved contrast and color reproduction due to the OLED. Even my red/green color blind eyes appreciated how much better almost every game looks on the OLED display. The quick snapshots I took of theSteam Deck OLED’s screen for this article don’t do it justice.

    I saw a few reviews that mentioned differences between contrast levels on the anti-glare etched glass on the 1TB models of theSteam Deckversus the glossier 512GBSteam Deck OLED,but I still prefer the anti-glare coating for playing outdoors.

    TheSteam Deck OLED also has improved battery life and very slightly faster gaming performance due to the smaller APU process and faster RAM are two key features I don’t have the ability to adequately test, but fortunately plenty of other reviewers have confirmed Valve’s claims and found that the hardware often surpasses the claimed improvements.Richard Leadbetter (writing for Digital Foundry) found that the newDeck also has significantly less input lag which is great for modern games and especially great for running emulated games that were made for low latency CRT televisions.

    The new screen supports HDR but I didn’t find many games in my library that support it or offer an easy way to turn HDR on or off. Some seem to expect the OS to handle HDR. Valve’sSteam library interface on the deck also doesn’t provide a way to filter your game library to only show games that support HDR. One of my favorite games to play on theSteam Deck,Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 1+2, doesn’t offer HDR support even though the option is present in the menu. Instead, the toggle to enable HDR is greyed out and underneath it says thatTHPS 1+2’sHDR functionality only supports certain graphics cards. Hopefully this will get patched in as otherTHPS patches have focused on theDeck. The game still looks and plays incredibly well.

    There are a few subtle changes that I’ve noticed such as a snapper d-pad but that may just be down to the fact that it hasn’t been used for months like I have with the originalSteam Deck. Unfortunately the analog sticks are still traditional sticks that may eventually fail instead of the supposedly invulnerable hall-effect sticks but I haven’t heard of many people complaining about the analog sticks on theSteam Deck failing. If they do, Valve haspartnered with ifixit to offer replacement parts and guides for working on theDeck, as well as supporting it themselves.

    If you’re like me you hear “ifixit” and start thinking about just buying an OLED screen to install into the LCDDeck, but that doesn’t seem to be a viable option from ifixit yet. I’ve seen third-party options for supposedly improved LCD screens with higher resolutions, but I haven’t been able to test them and wonder why you’d want a higher resolution LCD screen on theDeck when that will just put additional load on the internal APU for modern games that theSteam Deck can barely handle as it is.

    The best news for anyone who wants to repair aSteam Deck OLED is that the screws are now held in with metal instead of just screwing directly into plastic. You’ll still need to remove the SD-card before separating the halves of the Deck, though, unless you want the SD-card to snap in half.

    Another improvement is that the touch screen is much better. Many of the issues I reported with the original deck’s keyboard seem to be resolved though I have no doubt the improved input latency is helping here as well as with games.

    WiFi and Bluetooth support have both been upgraded, WiFi to the latest 6E standard and Bluetooth to a new 5.3 module with its own separate antenna from the WiFI system.

    The thumbsticks are much better now, they’re more comfortable and your hands are less likely to slip out of them.

    While you could DIY an upgrade to the storage on the original Deck with either a micro-SD card or an internal storage upgrade, the option to have 1TB from the start is fantastic for those of us who were bumping into the 512GB limit constantly as I was. It was easy enough to move my emulators and ROM files over on the SD card with the tools theEmudeck project has made available.

    I love gaming on the newSteam Deck OLED thanks to all of these improvements, but there are some little issues and the same big ones from the originalSteam Deck.

    Cons to the newSteam Deck OLED

    A few parts of theSteam Deck just don’t function well.

    You still can’t download games or updates while theSteam Deck’s screen is asleep and theDeck is plugged in.

    Voice chat with the build in microphone and speakers works poorly. You’ll hear echos and bad garbled audio or at least that’s what I heard in a test call to another user who was also on aSteam Deck OLED. BothSteam Decks were in the same house, so there’s really no latency excuse. When I tried to plug in headphones that don’t have a built-in microphone to resolve the echoing at least, the other person on the call couldn’t hear me talking because theDeck didn’t offer an option or automatically switch to the built-in microphone.

    I didn’t mention the weight of the newSteam Deck OLED because the 30 gram reduction (669g vs 639g) doesn’t feel a lot lighter to me. My hands and arms still tire while holding theSteam Deck OLED if it isn’t balanced on a pillow or my legs. Although it feels much more comfortable to play on either version of theSteam Deck than on any model of theNintendo Switch, after any particularly long gaming session my hands still hurt. I’m in my 40’s now though, so younger folks will probably be fine.

    Desktop mode still feels like a caged animal. You can’t really customize the operating system in the ways you could with a regular desktop Linux install and things you might expect aren’t there, likeprinter support is just missing. Support for printers is something you don’t really need until you absolutely have to have it and then you’re left wondering why it’s missing on a portable computer with 1TB of internal storage. The big caveat to this note is that theDeck really is just a portable computer and you’re free to install whatever you want onto it. You wantWindows or maybe a traditional installation ofUbuntu? Both are theoretically doable.

    I go over this a lot more withmy originalSteam Deck impressions. My last smaller note is that as far as I know, Valve is still not really pushing developers towards porting their games toLinux. You’d hope that native ports would be the result of theseSteam Decks selling like hotcakes, but it isn’t and that stinks. Every time aWindows game works in WINE and Valve’sProton it still feels like an accidental success instead of something that will be reliable in the long run. A few times when I’ve gone to play games on theSteam Deck OLED they launched, and I could see them running briefly, but the games didn’t show anything on-screen until I rebooted theDeck and launched them again. These kinds of problems are typical when  when running games through non-native compatibility layers like Valve’sProton and they only get worse if you try to do stuff that computers are normally good at, like modding games with third-party utilities outside of Valve’sSteam Workshop functionality.

    The biggest reasons to not choose theSteam Deck OLED

    The new performance improvements aren’t enough to make some of the latest games likeStarfield run comfortably. Valve even has a warning right on the store page forStarfield that says“This game’s graphics settings cannot be configured to run well on Steam Deck.” I should say that this isn’t the case with every new game,Diablo 4 ran on the originalSteam Deck and runs just as well on the Steam Deck OLED.

    The Deck’sLinux-basedSteamOS also means that multiplayer games with certain kinds of anti-cheat software still won’t run on theSteam Deck.Destiny 2,Call of Duty, and so on are all limited to running viaSteam’s remote play feature which requires another computer runningSteam onWindows.Steam store pages for the latestCall of Duty games conveniently display no Steam Deck compatibility badge and it makes you wonder if there were some mild business shenanigans involved.

    Of course it is still a pain in the butt to get games from third-party stores launching on theSteam Deck OLED. This is partially solved by open-source clients like theHeroic Games Launcher, and that project is terrific, but it still feels pretty awful that the situation is like this. Third-party digital game stores like in particular shouldn’t feel worse on theSteam Deck. This is a big reason why I end up regretting purchases made on theEpic Games Store which barely functions onWindows, let alone on theSteam Deck. The copy ofHitman 3 I bought while the game was still exclusive to theEpic Store will forever haunt me with its non-transferrable save data.


    I love gaming on theSteam Deck OLED, and would recommend either model to anyone based on their budget and especially to someone who already has a library ofSteam games as long as those games run well on theSteam Deck and they’re aware of theDeck’s biggest flaws: multiplayer games may not run at all due to incompatible anti-cheat software, some games likeStarfield may never run unless the developer puts in the time to optimize it for theSteam Deck, and games from third-party stores can be a pain to run.

    If you were hoping for a bigger performance improvement you should wait for aSteam Deck 2,or you can get a competing device like theLenovo Legion Go orASUS ROG Ally though both supposedly have rotten software issues of their own due to running Microsoft’sWindows operating system combined with utilities from Lenovo and ASUS to make games run better on their respective handhelds. While that situation is improving over time, it would be great if Microsoft made their own gaming overlay to improve Windows for these handheld computers, and if Valve madeSteamOS more accessible to these third-party hardware makers.

    Maybe the best news for the majority of people who are interested in portable gaming is that theSteam Deck OLED has made the originalSteam Deck LCD incredibly cheap. Valve has lowered the price of the original Steam Deck LCD models on their store and I’ve seen them for sale used for as low as $150 here in Hawaii. There have also been more than a year of software updates from Valve that improve both the LCD and OLED models, and third-party game developers have been working to improve game compatibility. This is terrific news for anyone who wants a gaming platform that is a lot more open than traditional consoles and handhelds.

  • Open-Source Scan Converter Pro Released

    TheOpen-Source Scan Converter(OSSC) is a long-running hardware project to scale and convert your classic analog video signals coming from older game consoles to digital signals over HDMI that modern displays (like TVs and monitors) will understand better.

    Instead of relying on the weak scalers built into the new displays, the OSSC gives you higher resolution video while also adding more options and connection types. The upscaling the originalOSSC does was as close to adding no-lag as possible by simply multiplying the original video input lines without a buffer. This strategy has its benefits and weaknesses. The main benefit is that it is very fast. The weakness is that it can’t have more advanced effects and output compatibility on the video signal that you might get from a more full featured scaling device.

    Just released today is theOpen-Source Scan Converter Pro, an updated version of theOSSC that has a few improvements over the original but doesn’t replace theOSSC. The Pro’s main addition over the originalOSSC is a built-in scaler as an option in addition to the line multiplication features.

    TheOSSC Pro also has an HDMI input to accept modded consoles and more, and take them from their original lower resolutions up to 1440p at a maximum.

    That 1440p maximum output resolution is the biggest limitation of the newOSSC Pro.

    BothOSSC projects also have the benefits of their open-source firmware and a community of interested developers and users making the product better over time.

    The originalOSSCcosts about $150 USD with all the needed accessories from the main hardware seller, VGP in the UK. The new OSSC Prois about $340 from VGP and currently out of stock at the time of writing.

    Coming next month istheRetroTINK4K, a competing scaler from Mike Chi that supports a 4K resolution output signal. That 4K resolution comes at a high price, $750 USD. The $325 USDRetroTINK 5X from Mike Chi was the highest end modern scaler until theRT4K was announced.

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