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Terms and Licenses

npm, Inc. offers software and services under a few different licenses and terms of use.

Software from npm

License terms and notices for thenpm command-line program can be found in the LICENSE file of the project's source code at

Free to use npm services

Free usage of, and the npm public registry are covered by the npm Open Source Terms at These terms include several important policies, including:

  • What npm considersacceptable package content.

  • npm'sCode of Conduct, which includes our policy on harassment.

  • npm'sPrivacy Policy, which limits use and sharing of information about you collected by npm Services.

  • npm's policy oncopyright including how to report violations thereof.

  • npm'sDispute Policy which addresses how to resolve disputes over the control of a package name, user name, or organization name in the Public Registry. This includes our policy on users "squatting" on these names.

  • Use of npm's trademarks is governed by ourTrademark Policy. If you have concerns about your own trademark's use on npm please see ourDisputes Policy.

Paid npm services

npm's paid products, including the npm Solo and Orgs plans, are covered by the npm Paid Services Terms at

Thenpm Solo Payment Plan and thenpm Orgs Payment Plan govern payment for these services.

