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npm Paid Services Terms

These npm Paid Services Terms of Use (thesenpm Paid Services Terms) supplement the terms for npm Open Source offered by npm, Inc. (npm) at (npm Open Source Terms). They govern access to and use ofnpm Paid Services, including but not limited to the products known asnpm Solo andnpm Orgs, the private package storage, delivery, organization management, and access control features of (theWebsite) and the npm public registry at (thePublic Registry). These are collectively called thePaid Services.

These npm Paid Services Terms were last updated on March 10, 2022. You can review prior versions at

You may only access or use npm Paid Services by agreeing to the npm Open Source Terms as supplemented by these npm Paid Services Terms. If npm adds any additional functionality to npm Paid Services, you must agree to these npm Paid Services Terms to use those new features, too. You add these npm Paid Services Terms to your agreement with npm by using npm Paid Services with your account (yourAccount). These npm Paid Services Terms then become a part of the contract between you and npm, until you or npm disable npm Paid Services for your Account.

Payment Terms

There is no charge for use of npm Open Source. If you use Paid Services, these payment terms apply. When enabling Paid Services, you must provide all the payment card details requested by the Website (yourPayment Details). Those details must be for a valid payment card that you have the right to use (yourPayment Card). You must keep your Payment Details up-to-date via the Website.

You can disable Paid Services at any time via the Website. npm will not refund any payment you have already made for Paid Services when you disable Paid Services.

Dollar amounts throughout this Agreement are amounts of United States Dollars. You must pay for Paid Services in United States Dollars.

Dollar amounts throughout this Agreement do not include tax. You will pay any tax.

Use of npm Paid Services

npm will provide the private package storage and delivery features and services described in the public documentation for npm Paid Services at (thenpm Paid Services Documentation). npm grants you permission to use those features and services.

npm will also provide the organization management and access control features described in the npm Paid Services Documentation, and grants you permission to use those features and services, for npm "organizations" to which your Account belongs.

Permission to use npm Paid Services is not exclusive to you, and you may not transfer it to others. These npm Paid Services Terms do not give you permission to give others rights to use npm Paid Services. If you agree to a Payment Plan that gives you that right, you may do so only according to that Payment Plan.

Payment for npm Paid Services

Both your permission to use npm Paid Services and npm's commitment to provide npm Paid Services are subject to these npm Paid Services Terms, the npm Open Source Terms, and payment for use of npm Paid Services by your Account under aPayment Plan. Payment plans include:

  1. the npm Solo Payment Plan at

  2. or the npm Orgs Payment Plan at

You may not use npm Paid Services unless you or someone else has agreed to a Payment Plan, enabled npm Paid Services for your Account under that Payment Plan, and made payment.

