Michele O'Neil & Andrew McKellar, Industrial Relations Debate
Michele O'Neil, President of the Australian Council of Trade Unions, will debate Andrew McKellar, Chief Executive of the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the "Industrial Relations Election Debate"
The Hon Dr Jim Chalmers MP
The Hon Dr Jim Chalmers MP will Address the National Press Club of Australia in his Post Budget Address. This Address will take place in the Great Hall at Parliament House.
Malcolm Turnbull AC
Malcolm Turnbull AC, 29th Prime Minister of Australia, will Address the National Press Club of Australia on "Sovereignty and Security - Australia and the new world disorder."
The Hon Angus Taylor MP
The Hon Angus Taylor MP, the Shadow Treasurer of Australia, will Address the National Press Club of Australia for the Post Budget Reply Address.
Adam Bandt MP
Adam Bandt MP, Australian Greens Leader, will Address the National Press Club of Australia for the "Leader’s Election Address to the National Press Club''.
Professor Henry Brodaty AO
Professor Henry Brodaty AO, Researcher, Clinician, Policy Advisor, will Address the National Press Club of Australia