


{ NoPaste}


What is NoPaste?

NoPaste is an open-source website similar to Pastebin where you can store any piece of code, and generate links for easy sharing

However, what makes NoPaste special is that it works withno database, andno back-end code.
Instead, the data is compressed andstored entirely in the link that you share, nowhere else!

Because of this design:

🗑️ Your datacannot be deleted from NoPaste
🔞 Your datacannot be censored
👁️ The server hosting NoPaste (or any clone of it)cannot read or access your data
⏳ Your data will be accessibleforever (as long as you have the link)
🔀 You can access your data onevery NoPaste clone, includingyour own
🔍 Googlewill not index your data, even if your link is public

If you want to know more, you can find more information onGitHub
Note: NoPaste is an improved version of Topaz'sPaste
NoPaste cannot decompress the URL

It's possible that you clicked on an invalid link

Sorry about that

