TERF (akronym fortransekskluderenderadikalfeminisme eller-feminist) er et begrep som beskriver en gruppe radikalfeminister som ikke anerkjennertranskvinner somkvinner. Det kjennetegnes av motstand mot lovgivning og utviklingstrekk som anerkjenner transpersoner og deres rettigheter. Begrepet ble først tatt i bruk for å skille mellom transinkluderendefeminister og transekskluderende radikalfeminister.[1][2][3]
Fra forkjempere for et liberalt syn påtranspersoner ogkjønnsinkongruens har TERF blitt karakterisert som entransfobisk og hatefull bevegelse, og den har blitt assosiert medhøyreekstremisme og religiøskonservatisme.[4][5] Retorikken har blitt kritisert sompolariserende ved at det ikke skilles mellom hatytringer mot transpersoner og debatt om praktiske konsekvenser av en liberal tilnærming til kjønnsinkongruens.[6][7][8]
Det ble først brukt i 2008 av aktivist og forfatter Viv Smythe,[1][9] og selv om begrepet ble opprettet som en «teknisk sett nøytral beskrivelse», er det i senere tid ansett som noe negativt ladet.[10][11][12] Personer karakterisert som TERF-er pleier ikke å bruke begrepet om seg selv, og benytter heller «kjønnskritisk» eller «GC» (fra engelskgender-critical) for å beskrive sine synspunkter.[13][14][15]
Bennett, Catherine (19. november 2017).«Bullies everywhere delight in coming up with new insults».The Guardian (på engelsk). Besøkt 15. januar 2023. «Some prominent supporters of proposed changes to the Gender Recognition Act (GRA) have been wondering, for instance, whether, if there really are diminishing returns in writing off as a “terf” anyone who disagrees, there might not be a better slur.»
Burns, Katelyn (5. september 2019).«The rise of anti-trans "radical" feminists, explained».Vox (på engelsk). Besøkt 19. september 2023. «The key to understanding why a self-proclaimed radical feminist group would side with conservatives arguing for the right to force cisgender women into skirts at work is to understand who TERFs are and what they’ve been up to for the past 50 years. Because now, under the Trump administration and a conservative-majority Supreme Court, their alliance with these far-right groups could have lasting, widespread consequences for trans civil rights — and for the rights of women in general.»
Miller, Edie (5. november 2018).«Why is British media so transphobic?».The Outline (på engelsk). Besøkt 28. juli 2023. «What is a TERF, exactly? Quite simply: exactly what the term stands for, which is trans-exclusionary radical feminist (or, more simply still, anyone who calls themselves a feminist but does not care to include trans people in their political considerations).»
Mitchell, Hilary (2. mars 2021).«The complex, divisive history of the word TERF – and why it's not actually a slur».PinkNews (på engelsk). Besøkt 8. juli 2023. «In recent years, a new term has entered the world of everyday speech: TERF. The initialism stands for “trans-exclusionary radical feminist” and refers to people who describe themselves as feminists but who exclude the rights of transgender people, particularly trans women, from their women’s rights advocacy.»
Mohn, Klaus (13. mars 2023).«Når ytringsrommet kollapsar».Khrono. Besøkt 10. september 2023. «Her sit to marginale grupper i kvar si skyttargrav, medan den store hopen av oss held oss langt unna. Ein viktig grunn er dei kompromisslause posisjonane som no pregar begge sider, med knallharde personretta åtak på alt som luktar av motstand.»
Smythe, Viv (28. november 2018).«I'm credited with having coined the word 'Terf'. Here's how it happened».The Guardian (på engelsk).ISSN0261-3077. Besøkt 12. august 2023. «It was a critique of a strong strand of transphobia in British media referencing a trans-ally piece I wrote a decade ago that clued them in. Due to a short series of blogposts from 2008, I have retrospectively been credited as the coiner of the acronym “Terf” (Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists).»
«TERF Definition & Meaning».Dictionary.com (på engelsk). Besøkt 8. juli 2023. «an advocate of radical feminism who believes that a trans woman’s gender identity is not legitimate and who is hostile to the inclusion of trans people and gender-diverse people in the feminist movement.»
Wall, Louisa (9. juli 2023).«Trans exclusionary stance dispiriting».NZ Herald (på engelsk). Besøkt 8. juli 2023. «Viv Smythe said "It was meant to be a deliberately technically neutral description of an activist grouping." Perhaps the reason the term is seen as a slur or "pejorative" today is because of what it stands for. A belief that denies trans women their basic human rights – to be who they are.»
van Anders, Sari M.; Schudson, Zach C.; Beischel, Will J.; Abed, Emma C.; Gormezano, Aki; Dibble, Emily R. (mars 2022).«Overempowered? Diversity-Focused Research with Gender/Sex and Sexual Majorities».Review of General Psychology. 1 (på engelsk). 26: 3–21.ISSN1089-2680.doi:10.1177/10892680211034461. Besøkt 17. juli 2023. «TERFs commonly regard the phrase TERF as derogatory and sometimes refer to their stance as “gender critical.” We use “TERF” rather than “gender critical” because the latter is vague and imprecise; many feminists who assert the validity of transgender identities are also critical of gender as a structure of social power. Also, the creators of “TERF” intended it as a descriptive term for a variant of radical feminism that calls for the exclusion of transgender women from feminism, as opposed to radical feminisms that include transgender women (Williams, 2016). And, even though TERFs oppose the use of the term TERF, it is important to use precise language to describe hate groups regardless of members’ preferred language (for comparison, consider white supremacists’ insistence on being referred to with euphemisms like “alt-right.”»
Vincent, Ben; Erikainen, Sonja; Pearce, Ruth (2020).TERF Wars: Feminism and the Fight for Transgender Futures (på engelsk). Sage Publications.