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The Big Apple

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The Big Apple, 1980, av Rick Dikeman.

The Big Apple,det storeeplet, er eit kallenamn forbyen New York. Bruken av namnet spreidde seg i1970-åra som følgje av ein reklamekampanje for byen. Kvar uttrykket kom frå er uklart, men det kan ha opphav i eispalte omhesteveddeløp skriven av John J. Fitz Gerald den18. februar1924, der han skildraafroamerikanskestallgutar:

The Big Apple. The dream of every lad that ever threw a leg over a thoroughbred and the goal of all horsemen. There's only one Big Apple. That's New York.

Two dusky stable hands were leading a pair of thoroughbred around the «cooling rings» of adjoining stables at the Fair Grounds in New Orleans and engaging in desultory conversation.

"Where y'all goin' from here?" queried one.
"From here we're headin' for The Big Apple", proudly replied the other.
"Well, you'd better fatten up them skinners or all you'll get from the apple will be the core", was the quick rejoinder.
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