Robert George Downes (fødd 22. juli1937) er ein engelskavantgarde jazz-fløytist ogsaksofonist. Han er mest kjend for arbeidet sitt medMike Westbrook og for å ha leia Open Music Trio sidan 1968. Downes er òg komponist, arrangør, og ein songar innan rock og blues.
Han gav ut det førte albumet sitt påPhilips Records i 1969. Han har spelt medJohn Barry 7, popsongarenChris Andrews,Manfred Mann's Earth Band ogJimmie Nicol Band.
- Open Music, 1970 (CD 2010)
- Deep Down Heavy, 1970
- Electric City, 1970
- Diversions (med Barry Guy og Dennis Smith), 1972 (CD 2007)
- Episodes at 4 a.m. (med Wendy Benka), 1974 (CD 2007)
- Hells Angels - A Visit to the Devil (med Big Band & Trios), 1975
- Solos, c. 1984
- Songs For Mother Earth, 1997
- Downes and Baumeister, 1998
- The Inner Universe I, II & III, 1998
- You're Funkin' Good, 2001
- Bob Downes & the Alphorn Brothers, 2004
- Flashback, 2009
- Crossing Borders, 2009
- 5 Trios, 2010
- New York Suite, 2011
- Mixed Bags, 2012 (2 CDs)
- Requiem for Faruq Z. Bey, 2012
- Blowin' with Piano, 2015
- Blowin’ with Bass (2016, with Barry Guy, Paul Bridge, Andrew Cleyndert)
- It's A Mystery, 2017
- 3 Trios, 2017
- Let Your Mind ... Space Out - 80th Birthday Celebration, 2017
- Jazz Party, 2018
- A Blast … from the Past, 2018