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Send in your ideas. Deadline April 1, 2025

Apply for a grant

Next deadline: April 1st 2025 12:00 CEST (noon)

This form can be used to request support for your project. Note that releasing software, hardware and content under libre/open licenses, and the application of open standards where possible are transversal requirements for all. From our end we will provide a transparent and efficient selection process. Please check the (call-specific) guide for applicants for the call you are interested in.

Please also don't forget to look into ourprivacy statement about how we deal with your information (should be a pleasant surprise, actually — wereally care about your privacy. Throughout the years we've funded the development of quite some widespread privacy enhancing technologies ourselves).

A practical point:we recommend to prepare longer answers offline, in case something goes wrong with your browser session. It is a light weight procedure, please don't wait until the last hour before the deadline before submitting — deadlines are hard.

Please select a call

In the list of current calls below, please indicate thecall topic you are responding to. Note that some larger funds (like theNGI0 Commons Fund) and smaller funds with targeted calls (like NGIFediversity,TALER andMobifree — all part of theNext Generation Internet initiative) will have some special scope or conditions. You'd better have a look at the respective guides for applicants before you submit a proposal. If in doubt, submit to our open call and mention in the application that you are okay with us allocating your proposal to the most suitable fund.
Thematic call

Contact information

Your name
Email address
Phone number

General project information

Proposal name
Website / wiki

Please be short and to the point in your answers; focus primarily on the what and how, not so much on the why. Add longer descriptions as attachments (see below). If English isn't your first language, don't worry — our reviewers don't care about spelling errors, only about great ideas. We apologise for the inconvenience of having to submit in English. On the up side, you can be as technical as you need to be (but you don't have to). Do stay concrete. Use plain text in your reply only, if you need any HTML to make your point please include this as attachment.

Abstract: Can you explain thewhole project and its expected outcome(s).

Have you been involved with projects or organisations relevant to this project before? And if so, can you tell us a bit about your contributions?

Requested support

Requested Amount  (in Euro)

Explain what the requested budget will beused for?
Does the project have other funding sources, both past and present?
(If you want, you can in addition attach a budget at the bottom of the form)

Compare your own project with existing or historical efforts.

What are significant technicalchallenges you expect to solve during the project, if any?

Describe theecosystem of the project, and how you will engage with relevant actors and promote the outcomes?


Attachments: add any additional information about the project that may help us to gain more insight into the proposed effort, for instance a more detailed task description, a justification of costs or relevant endorsements. Attachments should only contain background information, please make sure that the proposal without attachments is self-contained and concise. Don't waste too much time on this. Really.
Accepted formats for attachments are:
HTML, PDF, OpenDocument Format and plain text files.
(The total size of attachments must not exceed 50 MB)

How may we handle your information

Your privacy is so important to us, we wrote a niftyprivacy statement.

We'd love to collect as little personal data from you as possible, but we're bound by some pesky rules and regulations. So, before you submit your proposal, please acknowledge the following:

 Send me a copy of this application.
PGP pubkey
We will contact you within a few days after the deadline. Alternatively (or in case of urgency), you cancontact us in a number of ways.


Currently open for proposals:

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