Modular infrastructure for building secure internet services
The Redwax Project provides a number of small and modular security tools to make it easy to build security services on the web. These can be combined to form various types of certificate authorities, issuing certificates with SPKAC and SCEP, servicing certificate revocation with CRLs and OCSP, and creating timestamps. The aim of the project is keep the security footprint and the number of dependencies as low as possible.
The internet is becoming core to our society; from providing a place for democratic discourse to healthcare to finance and personal communication. The internet was not designed as a public infrastructure and most of the engineering trade-offs of the lower-layer technologies have generally erred on the side of accommodating fast growth and ease rather than values such as security, confidentiality and privacy
Therefore, this project is aimed to decentralise trust management so that the values security, confidentiality and privacy can be upheld in public infrastructure and private interactions.
We will strengthen the existing technologies and infrastructure by providing a modular and practical set of tools to manage public key based trust infrastructures as currently used. These tools capture and hard code a lot of industry best practice and specialist PKI knowledge so that they can be put into the hands of a much wider community than currently served by a few specialist industries
The Redwax Project provides a number of small and modular security tools to make it easy to build security services on the web. These can be combined to form various types of certificate authorities, issuing certificates with SPKAC and SCEP, servicing certificate revocation with CRLs and OCSP, and creating timestamps. The project strives to keep the security footprint and the number of dependencies as low as possible.
More about the Redwax Programme at The Commons Conservancy:
This project was funded through theInternet Hardening Fund, a fund established byNLnet with financial support from the NetherlandsMinistry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy.