Last update: 2007-12-08
Teach employees in SMEs and NGOs the benefits of FOSS
The main goal of this project is to develop a group of skilled professionals on FOSS within the community of SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) and NGOs (large Non Governmental Organizations).
It is well realized by the OSS Movement, that the community needs available skilled peoples to embrace FOSS confidently so that they are able to get professional support as and when needed. Training courses greatly improve the personal motivation and articulation skills. It is a systematic process of awareness and capacity building.
Under the GO-FOSS project, the OSS Movement will offer free training on FOSS to IT professionals of SMEs and NGOs. This training program will enable the participants to design stable, secured and reliable FOSS based Information Technology solutions in their infrastructure as well as developing migration plan of their existing IT infrastructure to FOSS based solution. The participants will then be able to replicate their knowledge and expertise across the community.
The OSS Movement will also conduct a FOSS Support Center called "FOSS-Clinic" during the training period under the GO-FOSS project. This support center will offer free support amongst the FOSS users, allowing the users to meet the FOSS experts face to face for the solutions to meet their specific needs.
This support center will also remain open for the non-FOSS users to find out the solutions on FOSS for their deployments and show them how FOSS can meet their particular needs better than other closed source counterpart more reliably, efficiently with maximum security. The vision of this initiative is to promote the empowerment of the people through appropriate FOSS interventions.