Open wifi mesh deployment application
RADIUSdesk and MESHdesk help to set up and manage mesh networks at scale, and are open source from top to bottom. They can be used in tandem to provide public wifi, or set up mesh networks as well as community networks. Allowing someone to flash a cheap access point and then managing it irrespective of the hardware vendor offers great opportunity for poorer communities to enable themselves in terms of providing Internet access. Existing hardware that reached end-of-life can be managed in a similar way (often much simpler) than what the vendors offer. Because there is a RADIUS server included, there is a single integrated system which is able to manage connections as well as the hardware. This enables anyone to set up an end-to-end system that can provide Internet access, with OpenStreetmap integration, alerts, and other advanced features.
Run by Private
This project was funded through theUser-Operated Internet fund, a fund established byNLnet made possible by financial support from thePKT Community/The Network Steward and stichtingTechnology Commons Trust. Yourdonation is welcome too.