Open source tooling for events and conferences
When attending events like conferences, visitors are often subjected to privacy-invading proprietary apps by organisers. With printed programmes typically no longer made available, visitors are put on the spot: either they install some unknown app and allow themselves to be tracked, or they don't know which sessions to attend. Pretalx is an open source project for events and conferences. It provides a Call for Proposals interface, tools for review (including fully double-blinded ones), scheduling, speaker communication, and attendee feedback. pretalx has a variety of plugins and can be self-hosted. This gives conference organisers, speakers and attendees complete control over the data they share. This project will completely redo the writable API of pretalx, making it a strong privacy-friendly option for any event being organised.
Pretalx is one of the leading open source tools capable of handling the full organisation of events from Call for Proposals to user feedback, and is used by many large open source events already (MozFest, FOSDEM, Pycon, NSEC, etc).
Run by pretalx
This project was funded through theNGI0 Entrust Fund, a fund established byNLnet with financial support from the European Commission'sNext Generation Internet programme, under the aegis ofDG Communications Networks, Content and Technology under grant agreement No 101069594.