Implement the Debug Adaptor Protocol for Nix
The DAWN (Debug Adaptor with Nix) project intends to improve the Nix developer experience by making debugging Nix code easier. As with most programming languages, writing Nix code may be difficult and confusing for those both new to and experienced with Nix, so having a good debugger experience is essential. Today, debugging Nix may be performed either via the Nix debugger's repl or by print statements (builtins.trace). DAWN improves this debugging experience by implementing the adapter portion of Microsoft's Debug Adapter Protocol on top of the Nix debugger. DAWN will provide an ergonomic and first class debugging experience directly from all editors supporting the Debug Adaptor Protocol.
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This project was funded through theNGI0 Entrust Fund, a fund established byNLnet with financial support from the European Commission'sNext Generation Internet programme, under the aegis ofDG Communications Networks, Content and Technology under grant agreement No 101069594.