Nix-based OS for domestic WiFi routers, access points etc
Today you can reflash your broadband router with Linux (e.g. DD-WRT, OpenWRT, Tomato or variants) to provide unparalleled flexibility to do things that the manufacturer system was not capable of. However, managing this flexibility by hand is challenging, especially when keeping custom configuration in sync across devices or through version upgrades.
Liminix aims to provide an OpenWrt-style embedded Linux distribution based on the Nix language for congruent configuration management, and the Nix package system. On top of this we plan to implement seamless management of configuration and secrets across a network of Liminix devices, and robust dependency-based service/process management so that a device can respond usefully when hardware or network connectivity changes.
This project was funded through theNGI0 Entrust Fund, a fund established byNLnet with financial support from the European Commission'sNext Generation Internet programme, under the aegis ofDG Communications Networks, Content and Technology under grant agreement No 101069594.