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Send in your ideas. Deadline April 1, 2025
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Theme fund: NGI0 Discovery
Period: 2021-10 — 2022-10
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Conzept encyclopedia

An alternative encyclopedia

The Conzept encyclopedia is an attempt to create an encyclopedia for the 21st century. A modern topic-exploration tool based on: Wikipedia, Wikidata, the Open Library,, YouTube, the Global Biodiversity Information Facility and many other information sources. A semantic web app build for fun, education and research. Conzept allows you to explore any of the millions of topics on Wikipedia from many different angles - such as science, art, digital books and education - both as a defined semantic entity ("thing") as well as a string. Client-side topic-classification in addition allows for a fast, higher-level logic throughout the whole user experience. Conzept also has an uniquely integrated user-interface, which gives you a single well-designed view of all this information (in any of the 300+ Wikipedia languages), without cognitive overload.

Run by Wikicompany

Logo NLnet: abstract logo of four people seen from aboveLogo NGI Zero: letterlogo shaped like a tag

This project was funded through theNGI0 Discovery Fund, a fund established byNLnet with financial support from the European Commission'sNext Generation Internet programme, under the aegis ofDG Communications Networks, Content and Technology under grant agreement No825322.

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