CM4 compatible MCU board
Chip shortages are causing production problems throughout the industry. A way of getting out of the production trap is to get project boards more modular. Popular open hardware projects like the EEZ BB3 T&M (Test & Measurement) device currently depend on specific scarce microcontroller boards, and prospective users face impossible delays and constantly rising prices. This project will relieve some of the tension by delivering special "MCU" boards that are compatible in form factor to widely used MCUs. That way projects gain much more room for fulfilling production needs - allowing them to use alternative pin compatible main modules (like the ULX4M FPGA) without redesign, delivering more flexibility. One additional advantage of this approach is that production of module and base board does not need to be at the same time or by the same company. Hardware upgrades and the right to repair become possible and just involve changing a module, without having to throw out the complete system. Along with the "MCU" module the project delivers a new back plane board for the BB3 T&M device - fully compatible with current design, so existing users can upgrade or replace parts.
This project was funded through theNGI0 Entrust Fund, a fund established byNLnet with financial support from the European Commission'sNext Generation Internet programme, under the aegis ofDG Communications Networks, Content and Technology under grant agreement No 101069594.