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Send in your ideas. Deadline April 1, 2025

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Support NLnet

Welcome to NLnet Foundation

We support organisations and people who contribute to an open internet for all. We fund projects that help fix the internet through open hardware, open software, open standards, open science and open data. After itshistorical contribution to the early internet in Europe in the 1980's, NLnet has been financially supporting the open internet since 1997.

Projects we support

NLnet has contributed funding to many important and very visible projects around fundamental standards from securing thecore routing protocols and thedomain name system of the internet tosafer email,vendor-independent videoconferencing,more reliable wireless networks andprivate instant messaging - all based on open standards and verifiable open source software and/or hardware. It spawned the world-renownedNLnet Labs, and supported great open source projects likeJitsi,Peertube,WireGuard,NoScript,Tor Hidden Services,GPLv3,GNUnet, andCryptPad. Andmany more ....

Active funds

NGI Zero Commons Fund logo

The goal of theNGI Zero Commons Fund is to reclaim the public nature of the internet. It is the widest in scope of the active funds and supports projects that help to deliver, mature and scale new and existing internet commons across the whole technology spectrum.


NGI TALER is apilot programme with the very concrete objective to roll out a new, best-in-class electronic payment system. It builds on the strong foundations of GNU Taler — the privacy-preserving digital payment system developed by the GNU community and Taler Systems SA.

NGI Mobifree logo

NGI Mobifree is apilot programme specifically aimed at creating more ethical and human mobile software involving a number of Android-based open source efforts. Let's get beyond the status quo and create a virtuous cycle of innovation within and on top of the foundation of Mobifree.

NGI fediversity logo

NGI Fediversity is apilot programme focussing on bringing easy-to-use, hosted cloud services with service portability and personal freedom at their core to everyone. It aims to provide everyone with high-quality, secure IT systems in a way that runs everywhere and scales effortlessly.

Practical support

In addition we run theNGI Zero Review programme, which supports projects within the largerNext Generation Internet initiative to improve their quality and inclusiveness — for instance by hardening security and privacy, improving accessibility, tackling open source licensing compliance issues and through standardisation.>>more...


Currently open for proposals:

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Job openings
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Listen to our podcast


2025-02-01 -Let's meet at FOSDEM 2025

2024-12-27 -38C3 Here We Come!

2024-11-28 -Webinar: Ask Us For Help: Practical Support for NGI Beneficiaries


56 Receive Grants to Upgrade the Open Internet Architecture 2025-03-21

Apply for funding before April 1st 2025 2025-02-01

Seven New Projects Selected to Strengthen the NGI Pilot Programmes 2025-01-22

Michiel Leenaars Speaks at FOSDEM about NGI and Europe's Digital Sovereignty 2025-01-20

50 Free and Open Source Projects Selected for NGI Zero grants 2025-01-01

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