Tux Football 0.1 review
DownloadTux Football is a 2D top down "Association Football" (Soccer) game.Tux Football is a great 2D football game for Windows and Linux
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Tux Football is a 2D top down "Association Football" (Soccer) game.
Tux Football is a great 2D football game for Windows and Linux! Bringing old style gameplay back to the desktop with up to date graphics! For those people who remember and miss old classics such as Amco's Kick Off and Sensible Software's Sensible Soccer.
Game play is designed to be quick, responsive and fun. You are always in control of the player closest to the ball. The ball is controled via two kick buttons - one for pass, and one for shoot.
Aftertouch can be applied to shots by quickly pressing and holding the direction you want the ball to bend towards. Pushing in the opposite direction to what you kicked the ball makes it raise into the air, pushing in the same direction as the ball makes it dip towards the ground.
Here are some key features of "Tux Football":
Two Teams
Pass, Kick, Tackles, Headers
Bounds detection (i.e. we know when throw ins, goals, etc. happens)
Realistic physics on the ball, including bouncing off goal posts.
Title Screen, With menu.
Sound Support, including sfx and music
Computer controlled players
Redefining keys, selecting number of players
To install, unzip tuxfootball.zip into it's own directory. There, that was simple wasn't it? tuxfootball.zip contains both the windows executable and the linux executable. Note - linux users need to install an up-to-date version of SDL, SDL_image and SDL_mixer as well - the dll's for the windows version are provided.
To run, on windows change folders to where you unziped tux football and double-click on tuxfootball.exe. On Linux, change directory to where you unzipped tuxfootball and type ./tuxfootball
Tux Football 0.1 keywords