Hierarchical CirclePacking chart with zooming ability.
You can fully customize it using thecircleComponent
propertyto define your own, if you wish to do so you should have a look atthe default SVG componentto get started.
The responsive alternative of this component isResponsiveCirclePacking
.It also offers other implementations, seeCirclePackingHtmlandCirclePackingCanvas.
You can also see more example usages instorybook.
Chart data, which should be immutable.
Id accessor.
Value accessor
Optional formatter for values.
Padding between each circle.
Only render leaf nodes (skip parent nodes).
Chart width.
Chart height.
'Depends on device'
Adjust pixel ratio, useful for HiDPI screens.
Chart margin.
Define style for common elements such as labels, axes…
Define chart's colors.
Define the property to use to assign a color to circles.
Inherit color from parent node starting from 2nd level.
Defines how to compute child nodes color, only used when inheritColorFromParent is enabled.
Width of circle border.
Method to compute border color.
Define patterns and gradients.
Define rules to apply patterns and gradients
Custom circle component.
Enable/disable labels.
Label accessor.
Filter labels using custom conditions.
Skip label rendering if node radius is lower than given value, 0 to disable.
Method to compute label text color.
Custom label component.
Enable/disable interactivity.
onMouseEnter handler, it receives target node data and mouse event.
onMouseMove handler, it receives target node data and mouse event.
onMouseLeave handler, it receives target node data and mouse event.
onClick handler, it receives target node data and mouse event.
Zoom on a specific node.
Enable/disable transitions.
Motion config for react-spring, either a preset or a custom configuration.