NeurIPS 2020 · Thirty-Fourth Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems
Sunday is an industry expo
Virtual-only Conference
More information about the schedule and virtual conference is available in thisblog post.
Post Conference Announcements
- If you need acertificate of attendance, they're available from theRegistration page in Section 3. Click the button "Email Certificate of Attendance."
- All conference content, except discussions held in RocketChat will become free to the public in late January. All videos will be remain available through the schedule and onSlidesLive's NeurIPS video lake.
2020 Organizing Committee
General Chair
Hugo Larochelle, Google Research
Program Chair
Marc'Aurelio Ranzato, Facebook AI Research
Program Co-chairs
Raia Hadsell, DeepMind
Maria Florina Balcan, Carnegie Mellon University
Hsuan-Tien Lin, National Taiwan University
Workshop Chair
Marzyeh Ghassemi, University of Toronto
Workshop Co-chairs
Julien Mairal, Inria Grenoble
Stefanie Jegelka, MIT
Sanmi Koyejo, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign & Google Research
Tutorial Chairs
Danielle Belgrave, Microsoft Research
Bob Williamson, ANU & DATA61
Demonstration and Competition Chairs
Hugo Jair Escalante, INAOE & CINVESTAV
Katja Hofmann, Microsoft Research
Expo Chair
Neil Lawrence, Cambridge University
Pablo Samuel Castro, Google Research
Yale Song, Microsoft Research
Meetup Chairs
AnoushNajarian, MathWorks
Emtiyaz Khan, RIKEN
Louvere Walker-Hannon, MathWorks
Communication Chairs
Katherine Gorman, Collective Next
Michael Littman, Brown University
Reproducibility Chairs
Joelle Pineau, McGill & FAIR
Koustuv Sinha, McGill
Diversity and Inclusion Chairs
Katherine Heller, Duke & Google Research
Lester Mackey, Microsoft Research & Stanford
Social Chairs
Maria Skoularidou, University of Cambridge
Vukosi Marivate, University of Pretoria
Online Experience Chairs
Y-Lan Boureau, Facebook AI Research
Hendrik Strobelt, MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab
Workflow Manager
Zhenyu (Sherry) Xue, Salk Institute
Workflow Co-Manager
Si-An Chen, National Taiwan University
Workflow Assistants
Mikhail Khodak, Carnegie Mellon University
Yu-Ting Chou, National Taiwan University
Ethics Advisor
Iason Gabriel, DeepMind
We would also like to thankTPMS andOpenReview as wells as AMiner for helping us mine co-authorship information.
Neural Information Processing Systems Foundation Board 2020
Terrence Sejnowski, The Salk Institute
Marian Stewart Bartlett, Apple Inc.
Michael Mozer, Google Research
Board Members
Samy Bengio, Google Research
Corinna Cortes, Google Research
Isabelle Guyon, U. Paris-Saclay & ChaLearn
Hugo Larochelle, Google Research
Neil D. Lawrence, Cambridge University
Daniel D. Lee, University of Pennsylvania
Marc'Aurelio Ranzato, Facebook (term beginning in 2021)
Masashi Sugiyama, RIKEN & The University of Tokyo
Ulrike von Luxburg, University of Tübingen (term ending in 2020)
Hanna Wallach, Microsoft Research
Legal Advisor
David Kirkpatrick
Executive Director
Mary Ellen Perry, Salk Institute
Emeritus Members
Gary Blasdel, Harvard Medical School
T. L. Fine, Cornell University
Eve Marder, Brandeis University
Advisory Board
Peter Bartlett, Queensland University and University California, Berkeley
Sue Becker, McMaster University, Ontario, Canada
Yoshua Bengio, University of Montreal, Canada
Léon Bottou, Facebook AI Research and NYU
Chris J.C. Burges, Microsoft Research
Jack Cowan, University of Chicago
Thomas G. Dietterich, Oregon State University
Zoubin Ghahramani, University of Cambridge
Stephen Hanson, Rutgers University
Michael I. Jordan, University of California, Berkeley
Michael Kearns, University of Pennsylvania
Scott Kirkpatrick, Hebrew University, Jerusalem
Daphne Koller, Stanford University
John Lafferty, Yale University
Todd K. Leen
Richard Lippmann, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Bartlett Mel, University of Southern California
John Moody, JEM
John C. Platt, Google
Fernando Pereira, Google Research
Gerald Tesauro, IBM Watson Labs
Sebastian Thrun, Stanford University
Dave Touretzky, Carnegie Mellon University
Lawrence Saul, University of California, San Diego
Bernhard Schölkopf, Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Tübingen/Stuttgart
Dale Schuurmans, University of Alberta, Canada
John Shawe-Taylor, University College London
Yoram Singer, Princeton University
Sara A. Solla, Northwestern University Medical School
Yair Weiss, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Max Welling, University of Amsterdam
Chris Williams, University of Edinburgh
Rich Zemel, University of Toronto
About NeurIPS
The purpose of the Neural Information Processing Systems annual meeting is to foster the exchange of research on neural information processing systems in their biological, technological, mathematical, and theoretical aspects. The core focus is peer-reviewed novel research which is presented and discussed in the general session, along with invited talks by leaders in their field. On Sunday is an Expo, where our top industry sponsors give talks, panels, demos, and workshops on topics that are of academic interest. On Monday are tutorials, which cover a broad background on current lines of inquiry, affinity group meetings, and the opening talk & reception. The general sessions are held Tuesday - Thursday, and include talks, posters, and demonstrations. Friday - Saturday are the workshops, which are smaller meetings focused on current topics, and provide an informal, cutting edge venue for discussion.