


Ae ba nösi


Moroi ba Wikipedia
GambaraYesu Samatörö Hadia Ia Fefu (Pantocrator) nifazökhi me ngaotu ndröfia si-6, si so iada'a ba biara Santa Katarina ba Hili Sina'i, Mesir
Tumbuambö töra 6–4 föna Keriso
Amatöröŵa Herodes, Amatöröŵa Roma[1]
Mate30 ma 33 (33 ma 38 fakhe)
Amatöröŵa Roma
Börö wa'amateFamoröfa[a]
Tehöngö ia böröHunö wamati Niha Keriso
Sama'ele'ö Sebua bakha ba Islam

Yesu (★ ambö töra 6–4 föna Keriso, † 30/33), asese göi latötöi iaYesu Keriso maYesu moroi ba Nazareta, ba oya döi tanöbö'ö, no samösa nihaYahudi sangombakha ba sondrönia'ö ba agama, sauri ba ngaotu ndröfia sisara.[6] Ya'ia zi tobali tuho agamaNiha Keriso, agama fondrege ebua ba gulidanö. AtoNiha Keriso si faduhu tödö wa Yesu andröLowalangi si no tobali niha[7] bamesia, si no tefabu'u bakha baGamabu'ulali Siföföna.

Arakhagö fefu gere wangosili ma'ökhö, sangosili ngawalö zura si otarai ba ginötö föna, fao dödöra wa no irai auri Yesu.[c] So tesöndra waö-waö wa'auri Yesu bakha ba zuraTuria Somuso Dödö, töra-töra sura nifotöiInjil si so bakha ba mbukuGamabu'ulali Sibohou. No oya mufalua wangosili sanandrösa ba hadia ahatö khö Yesu sauri duria nisura bakha baInjil.[15][d][18][19] Laboto Yesu me 8 ngaluo ndröfinia, itema wanasa moroi khöYohane Same'e Fanasa me awuyu-wuyu ia nasa, ba aefa itöröwuasö awöfamoni si 40 ngaluo wa'ara ba danö simate, ibörötaigö halöŵö fa'alowalangi. I'anöröi mbanu-banua misa ba wanuriagö turia fa'alowalangi, ba andrö asese lakaoni khönia guru (rabbi).[20] Asese göi fabu'a li Yesu khö ndra nihaYahudi sanandrösa ba hadia zabölö fagöna ba wolo'ö khö Lowalangi, ifadöhö wökhö, ifahaö niha faomaamaedola, i'owuloi niha solo'ö khönia, ba gotaluara ira nifahaö si-12. Lara'u ia baYerusalema ba lafareso ia ira sondrönia'ö khö nihaYahudi,[21] latou'ö ia khö wamatöröRoma samatörö tanö me luo da'ö, ba laforöfa ia molo'ö gangetulaFondrio Filato, si tobali gubernur provinsi Yudea me luo da'ö. Aefa wa'amatenia, faduhu dödö ndra solo'ö khönia wa no maoso ia moroi ba gotalua zimate, ba aefa manahae ia ba zorugo, tobali ndra solohi khönia andre angowuloa ndraNiha Keriso si föföna, si muzawili ba zi sagörö ulidanö.[22] Lafa'ema waö-waö wa'aurinia ba nga'ötöra mitou faoma nidunö-dunö (nifotöitradisi oral), si tobali dania dane-dane ni'oguna'ö ba wanuraInjil.[23]

Fao bateologiNiha Keriso wamati wa te'adonogö Yesu moroi khöGeheha Ni'amoni'ö, ni'adonogöMaria me lö nasa faruka ia ba ndramatua, wa ifazökhi dandra sahöli-höli tödö Yesu, wa ya'ia zamasindroGerejaNiha Keriso, wa mate ia baröfa tobali fangöhöli horö, wa maoso ia moroi ba gotalua zimate ba manahae ia ba zorugo, heza mangawuli ia dania. To'ölö faduhu dödö ndraNiha Keriso wa no ifolala Yesu, irege tola mangatulö niha khöLowalangi. Ifaduhu'öTuho Wamati nifa'anö ba Nikea wa edöna ihuku niha Yesu, he sauri ba he simate, föna ma zui aefa wanusugi boto, salua ba ginötö mangawuli Yesiu dania simane nifakhoi bakha bateologi afuriata danö (to'ölö latötöi ia bakha bateologieskatologia).[24] Arakhagö fefuNiha Keriso, lasuno Yesu,Lowalangi si no tobali niha ba lafotöi Ono Lowalangi, samösa moroi ba Lowalangi si tölu (trinitas).[e] Ero röfi la'owasaini wa'atumbu Yesu, sito'ölönia ba 25 Desember,[f] nifotöiluo Natal. Latörö-tödö wamoröfania ba Luo Zumaha Ni'amoni'ö ba femaosonia moroi ba gotalua zimate ba Luo Paska.Surambaŵa fondrege oya te'oguna'ö ba zi sagörö ulidanö iada'a, ya'ia na taŵaö döfi 2025, no lafotöi iasurambaŵa Keriso (li Indonesia:Masehi, li Inggris:CE (Common Era)), börö me te'erai ia moroi ba ginötö wa'atumbu Yesu Keriso, ambö töra.[25]

Lafolakhömi göi Yesu bakha ba agamaIslam, Baha'i, ba ba agama Druze. Latötöi Yesus bakha ba agamaIslam molo'ö töinia bakha ba zuraAlquran ya'ia da'ö Isa, heza tetema'ö wa Yesu samösa nosama'ele'ö bamesia, sedöna mangawuli dania fatua lö alua wanguhuku. Faduhu dödö ndra nihaIslam wa tumbu Yesu moroi khö Maria, me lö nasa faruka Maria ba ndramatua (li Indonesia:perawan), bahiza lö latema wa Yesu andrö noLowalangi ma zuiOno Lowalangi. Lö göi faduhu dödö arakhagö fefu nihaIslam wa no mate Yesu ba röfa, bahiza wa no i'ohe Yesu ba zorugoLowalangi fatua auri Yesu nasa.[g] Fabö'ö göi molo'ö ndra nihaYahudi. Lö faduhu dödöra wa Yesu andrömesia, börö me lö nifönuinia zura ndra sama'ele'ö, lö nibayoini ia molo'ö hada ndra nihaYahudi, lö simaoso ia moroi ba gotalua zimate, ba tengaLowalangi ia.


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Moroi ba sagi yaŵa tanö ba gambölö simane wofanö tandra-luo: Töi Yesu ba liIbrani, liAram, liYunani, liLatin ba liInggris

Fame'e töi si fao tödö ato niha

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Ba ginötö Yesu ha sambua döi samösa nihaYahudi, heŵa'ae itaria lafaogö göi döi simane "ono [töi namania]" ma zui töi mbanuania.[26] Börö da'ö to'ölö lakaoni Yesu bakha baGamabu'ulali Sibohou "Yesu moroi ba Nazareta". Lakaoni Yesu ira si faola omo khönia "tuka geu, ono Maria ba talifusö Yakobo awö Yose ba Yuda ba Simoni", "ono tuka geu" ma "ono Yosefo"; bakha ba InjilYohane ikaoni ia Filifo "Yesu ono Yosefo moroi ba Nazareta".


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Ba li Niha tefo'eluaha döiYesu moroi ba li YunaniIēsous, nifo'eluaha göi moroi ba döiYosua (liIbraniYehoshua, furi höYeshua), sambua töi sasese tebe'e ba töi niha ba danöYudaia ba ginötö Yesu. Ato niha samo'eluaha döiYehoshua baYeshua faoma "mangorifi" ba "fangorifi".[27] Iŵa'ö InjilMataio wa oroma mala'ika khöYosefo sanguma'ö khönia ena'ö "ibe'e töinia Yesu, börö me i'orifi dania mbanuania moroi ba horöra".[28]

Yesu Keriso

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I'otarai götö si föfönaNiha Keriso, to'ölö latötöi Yesu iraNiha Keriso faoma "Yesu Keriso".[29]Keriso no tenga töi nifatörö zatua ndraono bahiza sambua töi sebua (nifotöigelar ba li Indonesia).[30][31] Lahalö ia moroi ba li YunaniΧριστός (Christos),[32][33] nifo'eluaha moroi ba liIbranimashiakh (משיח) eluahania "nibayoini", ba ba Zura Ni'amoni'ö ba li Niha "mesia".[34] Bakha ba Zura Ni'amoni'ö, te'oguna'ö wanikha ni'amoni'ö ba wombayoini niha ma zui gama-gama si fahöna fa'alowalangi si no tobali föfö ngawalö halöŵö ba agama khöra.[35]

Ba ginötö da'ö lafotöi Yesu "Keriso" iraNiha Keriso börö me faduhu dödöra wamesia ia, fe'asonia no tefabu'u bakha ba zuraGamabu'ulali Siföföna. Furi hö töiKeriso awö töi "Yesu" tobali sambua "Yesu Keriso". LakaoniNiha Keriso niha solohi khönia i'otarai ngaotu ndröfia sisara.[36]

Fa'auri ba famahaönia

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Molo'ö Injil kanonik

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Öfa nga'örö zura nisura yaŵa ba papirus si no awai agasika
Sura Luka nisura yaŵa ba garate nifotöi papirus, ngaotu ndröfia si-3

Injil kanonik[37] si öfa ngawua (Mataio,Mareko,Luka baYohane) no tuho gumbu heza tehalö waö-waö wa'auri ba fangombakha Yesu.[26] Bahiza so göi nahia bö'ö bakha ba zuraGamabu'ulali Sibohou sanutunö moroi ba wa'aurinia, simaneFemanga Safuria bakha baKorI 11:23-26.[38][39][40][41] Itutunö göiHalöŵö Zinenge bakha ba10:37-38 ba ba19:4 zanandrösa ba halöŵö si föföna Yesu baYohane Same'e Fanasa sombalo-baloi halöŵö andrö.[42][43][6] ItutunöHalZin 1:1-11 (inönö göi baTimI 3:16) zanandrösa ba wanahae Yesu töra moroi ba nitutunöInjil si öfa.[44] Bakha ba ngawalö zuraWaulo, nisura föna wanuraInjil, tesöndra mato ha'uga wehede ma fanuturuYesu.[45][h]

Khö ndra mato ha'uga gangowuloaNiha Keriso siföföna so nidunö-dunö sanandrösa ba wa'auri ba famahaö Yesu si lö tesöndra bakha ba zuraGamabu'ulali Sibohou. Fao ba da'ö nifotöi injil Toma, injil Wetero, sura nibini'ö Yakobo, ba sura nibini'ö tanöbö'ö. Molo'ö ndra sangosili sato ngawalö zura andre tesura ara aefa ginötö ndra nifahaö Yesu ba nitutunö bakha khönia ambö faduhu dödöda moroi ba nitutunö Injil si öfa.[48][49][50]

Awena irugi da'a wo'ali ba li Niha. HöndrögöBulö'ö kode ba wamaigi teks asli ba li Inggris. Tolo Wikipedia ba wanohugö wo'ali ya'ia na so ginötöu.

Sanura, inötö tesura ba hadia tola faduhu dödöda ia

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Fama'oli ba ösi

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Nga'ötö ba fa'atumbu

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Fa'a'iraono, ösi nomo ba halöŵö

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Fanasa ba fanandraigö

[bulö'ö |bulö’ö kode]

Fa'a'enoni ba zato

[bulö'ö |bulö’ö kode]

Nifahaö ba solohi

[bulö'ö |bulö’ö kode]

Famahaö ba tandra sahöli-höli dödö

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Fangombakha wa Keriso ba famolakhömi ba hili

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Migu ni'amoni'ö

[bulö'ö |bulö’ö kode]

Nilau ba Yerusalema

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Femanga Safuria

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Fa'ata'u ba kabu, femanga mböli ba fondra'u

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Fanguhuku ndra ere, Herode ba Filato

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Famoröfa ba fogo'o

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Femaoso ba fanahae

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Götö Niha Keriso siföföna

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Sinöndra molo'ö sejarah

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Yudaia ba Galilaia ba ngaotu ndröfia sisara

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Salua molo'ö angolifa ginötö

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Hadia sindruhu alua

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Ösi nomo

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Fe'amöi enoni ba Galilaia

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Halöŵö (peran)

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Fasa ba famoröfa ba Yerusalema

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Aefa wamoröfa

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Fogambambaraini Yesu

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Li, soi ba khala-khala

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Teori mitos Keriso

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Söndra moroi ba agama

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Niha Keriso

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Fangoroma'ö ba gambara

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Föfö gamatela

[bulö'ö |bulö’ö kode]


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  1. James Dunn writes that the baptism and crucifixion of Jesus "command almost universal assent" and "rank so high on the 'almost impossible to doubt or deny' scale of historical facts" that they are often the starting points for the study of the historical Jesus.[2]Bart Ehrman states that the crucifixion of Jesus on the orders of Pontius Pilate is the most certain element about him.[3]John Dominic Crossan and Richard G. Watts state that the crucifixion of Jesus is as certain as any historical fact can be.[4] Paul R. Eddy andGregory A. Boyd say that non-Christian confirmation of the crucifixion of Jesus is now "firmly established".[5]
  2. Traditionally, Christians believe that Mary conceived her son miraculously by the agency of the Holy Spirit. Muslims believe that she conceived her son miraculously by the command of God. Joseph was from these perspectives and according to the canonical gospels the acting adoptive father of Jesus.
  3. Me ifurugö fefu mbua wangosili ba ndröfi 2011, isura Bart Ehrman, "He certainly existed, as virtually every competent scholar of antiquity, Christian or non-Christian, agrees."[8] Iŵa'ö Richard A. Burridge: "Sö wösa zanguma'ö wa ha so Yesu andrö bakha ba wangera-ngera Gereja, wa sindruhunia lö irai auri niha sotöi Yesu. Bahiza lötolalö'ö umane, wa lö ni'ilagu samösa gere wangosili sindruhu sanguma'ö simanö da'ö sa'ae."[9] Lö faduhu dödö Robert M. Price wa no irai auri Yesu, bahiza fao dödönia wa fabali toyo da'a ba wangi'ila arakhagö fefu gere wangosili.[10] Iŵa'öteologo James D. G. Dunn wa teori sanguma'ö lö irai so Yesu no sambua söndra si no mate.[11] Isura Michael Grant (samösa gere sangosili ngawalö zura föna) me 1977, "Ha'uga fakhe ba gafuriata andre, 'lö samösa gere wangosili sindruhu sanohugö teori wa lö sauri Yesu' ba na so atö ira, lö khöra börö sabölö aro."[12] Ifa'ele'ö Robert E. Van Voorst wa molo'ö ndra ereZura Ni'amoni'ö awö gere sangosili ngawalö zura föna, teori wa lö irai so Yesu no si lö balö.[13] Bakha ba zinurara baThe Daily Beast, laŵa'ö ira Candida Moss awö Joel Baden wa "so wahasara dödö ba gotalua ndra ereZura Ni'amoni'ö — silö'ö-lö'önia ira ere sindruhu — wa sindruhu no irai auri Yesu."[14]
  4. Ehrman writes: "The notion that the Gospel accounts are not completely accurate but still important for the religious truths they try to convey is widely shared in the scholarly world, even though it's not so widely known or believed outside of it."[16]
    Sanders writes: "The earliest Christians did not write a narrative of Jesus' life, but rather made use of, and thus preserved, individual units—short passages about his words and deeds. These units were later moved and arranged by authors and editors. ... Some material has been revised and some created by early Christians."[17]
  5. A small minority of Christian denominations reject trinitarianism, wholly or partly, as non-scriptural.
  6. So ösa ba gotaluaGereja Timur zangowasaini fa'atumbu Yesu ba 25 Desember bakha ba kalender Yulian, sifaudu ba 7 Januari ba kalender Gregorian ni'o'öda ba Indonesia. Oya negara sangowasaini fa'atumbu Yesu ba 24 Desember.
  7. Ba ngahönö ndröfia so ösa nihaIslam si faduhu tödö wa no teforöfa Yesu, simanö göi ndra nihaIslam si tefaböbö ba sekte Ahmadiyah
  8. Isura Powell: "Ba zi ha'uga nahia, sindruhu isura tou ha'uga wehede ba fanuturu YesuFaulo,[46] bahiza oroma wa lö ibe'e-tödönia Waulo wanurarincian wa'auri ba fohalöŵö Yesu ba gulidanö."[47]


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Taroma wehede

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  1. Brown 1977, hlm. 513.
  2. Dunn 2003, hlm. 339.
  3. Ehrman 1999, hlm. 101.
  4. Crossan & Watts 1999, hlm. 96.
  5. Eddy & Boyd 2007, hlm. 173.
  6. 6,06,1Vermes 1981, hlm. 20, 26, 27, 29.
  7. Bakha bateologi lafotöi wa'atobali niha Lowalangi andreinkarnasi
  8. Ehrman 2011, hlm. 285.
  9. Burridge, Richard A.; Gould, Graham (2004).Jesus Now and Then. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing. hlm. 34.ISBN 978-0-8028-0977-3. 
  10. Price, Robert M. (2009)."Jesus at the Vanishing Point". Bakha Beilby, James K.; Eddy, Paul R.The Historical Jesus: Five Views. InterVarsity. hlm. 55, 61.ISBN 978-0-8308-7853-6. Arsip moroiversi asli irugi 7 September 2015. Mufaigi me14 August 2015. Parameter|url-status= yang tidak diketahui akan diabaikan (fanolo)
  11. Sykes, Stephen W. (2007). "Paul's understanding of the death of Jesus".Sacrifice and Redemption. Cambridge University Press. hlm. 35–36.ISBN 978-0-521-04460-8. 
  12. Grant, Michael (1977).Jesus: An Historian's Review of the Gospels. Scribner's. hlm. 200.ISBN 978-0-684-14889-2. 
  13. Van Voorst 2000, hlm. 16.
  14. Baden, Candida Moss (5 October 2014)."So-Called 'Biblical Scholar' Says Jesus a Made-Up Myth".The Daily Beast. Arsip moroiversi asli irugi 5 December 2021. Mufaigi me14 July 2021. Parameter|url-status= yang tidak diketahui akan diabaikan (fanolo)
  15. Powell 1998, hlm. 168–73.
  16. Bart D. Ehrman.Historical Jesus. 'Prophet of the New Millennium'.Archived 23 Januari 2019 at theWayback Machine Course handbook, p. 10 (Lecture Three. V. B.) The Teaching Company, 2000, Lecture 24
  17. Sanders 1993, hlm. 57.
  18. Komoszewski, J. Ed; Bock, Darrell, ed. (2019).Jesus, Skepticism & The Problem of History: Criteria and Context in the Study of Christian Origins. Zondervan Academic. hlm. 22–23.ISBN 9780310534761....a considerable number of specific facts about Jesus are so well supported historically as to be widely acknowledged by most scholars, whether Christian (of any stripe) or not:...(lists 18 points)...Nevertheless, what can be known about Jesus with a high degree of confidence, apart from theological or ideological agendas, is perhaps surprisingly robust. 
  19. Craig Evans, "Life-of-Jesus Research and the Eclipse of Mythology," Theological Studies 54 (1993) pp. 13–14 "First, the New Testament Gospels are now viewed as useful, if not essentially reliable, historical sources. Gone is the extreme skepticism that for so many years dominated gospel research. Representative of many is the position of E. P. Sanders and Marcus Borg, who have concluded that it is possible to recover a fairly reliable picture of the historical Jesus."
  20. Orr, James, ed. (1939)."International Standard Bible Encyclopedia Online". Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company. Arsip moroiversi asli irugi 17 August 2016. Mufaigi me30 July 2016. Parameter|url-status= yang tidak diketahui akan diabaikan (fanolo)
  21. Sanders 1993, hlm. 11.
  22. Sanders 1993, hlm. 11, 14.
  23. Dunn, James D. G. (2013).The Oral Gospel Tradition (ba li Inggris). Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing. hlm. 290–291. 
  24. Lafotöieskatologia sambua waosatö bakha bateologi samagölö fefu hadia zalua, ma abölö faudu, fefu hadia zi tola latötöna alua khöra iraNiha Keriso ba zi so föna ba gafuriata danö na tohare mangawuliZo'aya ba wanguhuku niha sauri awö zi no mate.
  25. "anno Domini".Merriam Webster Online Dictionary. Merriam-Webster. 2003. Arsip moroiversi asli irugi 22 December 2007. Mufaigi me3 November 2016.Etymology: Medieval Latin, in the year of our Lord Parameter|url-status= yang tidak diketahui akan diabaikan (fanolo).
  26. 26,026,1Sanders, E. P.; Pelikan, Jaroslav J."Jesus Christ".Encyclopædia Britannica. Arsip moroiversi asli irugi 3 May 2015. Mufaigi me10 June 2015. Parameter|url-status= yang tidak diketahui akan diabaikan (fanolo)
  27. Hare 1993, hlm. 11.
  28. Matthew 1:21.
  29. Doninger 1999, hlm. 212.
  30. Pannenberg 1968, hlm. 30–31.
  31. Bultmann, Rudolf K. (2007).Theology of the New Testament. Baylor University Press. hlm. 80.ISBN 978-1-932792-93-5. 
  32. Templat:CathEncy
  33. Heil, John P. (2010).Philippians: Let Us Rejoice in Being Conformed to Christ. Society of Biblical Literature. hlm. 66.ISBN 978-1-58983-482-8. Arsip moroiversi asli irugi 7 September 2015. Mufaigi me14 August 2015. Parameter|url-status= yang tidak diketahui akan diabaikan (fanolo)
  34. Vine 1940, hlm. 274–75.
  35. Faigi MozIII 8:10–12 ba MozII 30:29.
  36. Mills & Bullard 1998, hlm. 142.
  37. LafotöiInjil kanonik zi öfa mbuku Injil si so bakha ba zuraGamabu'ulali Sibohou. So ösa injil tanöbö'ö simane injil Tomas, bahiza lö itema'ö ia Gereja tobali Injil resmi nifaogö bakha baZura Ni'amoni'ö.
  38. KorI 11:23–26
  39. Blomberg 2009, hlm. 441–42.
  40. Sifasala: Tag<ref> tidak sah; tidak ditemukan teks untuk ref bernamaFahlbusch52
  41. Evans 2003, hlm. 465–77.
  42. Bruce, Frederick F. (1988).The Book of the Acts. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing. hlm. 362.ISBN 978-0-8028-2505-6. 
  43. Rausch 2003, hlm. 77.
  44. Evans 2003, hlm. 521–30.
  45. KorI 7:10-11,KorI 9:14,KorI 11:23-25,KorII 12:9.
  46. KorI 7:10-11;KorI 9:14-hafaza;KorI 11:23-25;KorII 12:9; faigi göiHalZin 20}35
  47. Powell, Mark A. (2009).Introducing the New TestamentAkses gratis dibatasi (uji coba), biasanya perlu berlangganan. Baker Academic. hlm. 248.ISBN 978-0-8010-2868-7. 
  48. Brown 1997, hlm. 835–40.
  49. Evans, C. A. (2008).Exploring the Origins of the Bible (ba li Inggris). Baker Academic. hlm. 154. 
  50. Keener 2009, hlm. 56.


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Khai-khai baero

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Tehalö moroi ba ""

