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Logo Next2Sun bifaciale senkrecht angeordnete Photovoltaik
New names, proven technology: OurAgri-PV system becomesFields2Sun, thesolar fence is now calledFence2Sun.New names, proven technology: OurAgri-PV system becomesFields2Sun, thesolar fence is now calledFence2Sun.New names, proven technology: OurAgri-PV system becomesFields2Sun, thesolar fence is now calledFence2Sun.New names, proven technology: OurAgri-PV system becomesFields2Sun, thesolar fence is now calledFence2Sun.New names, proven technology: OurAgri-PV system becomesFields2Sun, thesolar fence is now calledFence2Sun.New names, proven technology: OurAgri-PV system becomesFields2Sun, thesolar fence is now calledFence2Sun.New names, proven technology: OurAgri-PV system becomesFields2Sun, thesolar fence is now calledFence2Sun.New names, proven technology: OurAgri-PV system becomesFields2Sun, thesolar fence is now calledFence2Sun.


Agri-PV for open spaces

Find out more about Next2Sun's Agri-PV solutions now
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Solar fence

Bifacial solar fence for private households, agriculture and businesses

Find out more about the innovative solar fence now
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The original vertical photovoltaics from Next2Sun

Crowdinvesting PV-Anlagen Next2Sun
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Vertical PV from the technology leader

More Electricity Yield
up to0 %

Achieve up to 10 % more electricity yield per kWp compared to conventional south-facing systems with the vertical PV elements from Next2Sun

almost0 years

Trust the inventor, market and technology leader in vertical photovoltaics.

CO₂ savings per kWp per year
0 kg

Based on the CO₂ emissions of the current electricity mix (as of 2022) and an average yield of 1,150 kWh/kWp, 447 kg of CO₂ can be saved with every kWp installed.

Known from

Next2Sun vertikale photovoltaik
Next2Sun vertikale photovoltaik
Next2Sun vertikale photovoltaik
Next2Sun vertikale photovoltaik
Next2Sun vertikale photovoltaik
Next2Sun vertikale photovoltaik
Next2Sun vertikale photovoltaik
Next2Sun vertikale photovoltaik
Next2Sun vertikale photovoltaik
Logo Landesverband Saarland
next2sun photovoltaik

The Next2Sun concept

The core idea behind the Next2Sun system concept is the vertical installation of special solar modules with solar cells that can utilize the solar radiation on the front and back.

These so-called “bifacial” modules are ideally aligned to the east or west.
This means that electricity is mainly produced in the morning and afternoon or early evening.
Our bifacial photovoltaic systems are particularly nature- and agriculture-friendly and achieve high yield figures compared to conventional south-facing PV systems.

Agrar bifaciale Photovoltaik
bifacialer photovoltaik Solarzaun von Next2Sun für Privathaushalte
bifacialer photovoltaik Solarzaun von Next2Sun
Innovative & unique

Advantages that speak for themselves

Höhere Erträge mit next2sun

Higher earnings

Achieve up to 10% higher electricity yields per installed kW compared to conventional ground-mounted systems

Netzdienliche Einspeiseprofile

Grid-compatible feed-in profiles

Relief of the electricity grids through feed-in in the morning, afternoon and evening hours

Vertikale Module in der Landwirtschaft

Pro agriculture

Vertical modules enable almost complete utilization of the solar park area by agriculture

photovoltaik module im einklang mit der natur

Ecologically compatible

Installation in open spaces favors the development of diverse habitats for bird and insect species


Your strong partner for highly efficient PV systems

With our new PV system concept, our company aims to provide efficient solutions for the energy transition and to promote the generation of renewable energy on a broad basis. This will open up new applications for photovoltaics and reduce the amount of land required for ground-mounted PV.

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With our Next2Sun concept, we enable cost-effective, sustainable and environmentally friendly power generation with photovoltaics by combining innovative multiple use with optimized power generation profiles. Together with you, we want to drive forward the expansion of renewable energies, counteract climate change and play our part in protecting the environment and nature.
We have the team to make it happen: thanks to years of experience in the renewable energy sector and the diverse professional backgrounds of our team members, we have continuously developed our strengths and expertise. As your innovative and trustworthy partner, we stand for the energy transition – in more ways than one.

Patented premium quality

Guaranteed quality

Next2Sun vertikale photovoltaik
Next2Sun vertikale photovoltaik
Next2Sun vertikale photovoltaik
Next2Sun vertikale photovoltaik
Next2Sun vertikale photovoltaik
Next2Sun vertikale photovoltaik
Next2Sun vertikale photovoltaik
Next2Sun vertikale photovoltaik
Next2Sun vertikale photovoltaik
Next2Sun system

Areas of application


Next2Sun’s vertical photovoltaic system offers a variety of applications.

Next2Sun has developed and brought to market a wide range of products based on vertical bifacial system technology and the patented frame system developed for it, in particular:

  • the vertical bifacial Agri-PV system: Fields2Sun
  • the bifacial solar fence: Fence2Sun
Contact us today and find the right solution for you!
Next2Sun vertikale photovoltaik


The Next2Sun Agri-PV models

Flexible customized solutions for win-win situations

The choice is yours! We are convinced that the energy transition will only be successful through a massive expansion of renewable energy and therefore requires flexible offers and business models that offer appropriate prospects to all parties involved in the project.

Next2Sun as an Agri-PV project developer

In this model, we act not only as planners and installers, but also as operators of the Agri-PV system on your land – similar to real estate developers. You benefit twice over from ongoing income from the leasing of your land, which can still be used for agricultural or other purposes.

Next2Sun Team

Very friendly and competent!

Markus Rehrl

Friendly, competent and reliable! Highly recommended!

Stefan Hinterdorfer

I know the Agri-PV system from my home, the Black Forest. Agriculture and electricity production are excellently combined so that the areas can be used optimally. An important contribution to the climate change!

Andrea Schwendi

Everything went smoothly.Even the replacement of a module that was destroyed by the shipping company was replaced free of charge and the one was picked up directly.The fence looks great and does what it's supposed to do. 480kwh generated in 3 months with 4 modules and east-west orientation.Any time

Ralf Borger

After some consideration, we decided on the Next2Sun PV fence for our single-family home. The contact was very pleasant and all questions were answered reliably. Due to the well-thought-out system, it was relatively easy to set up with just two people and the fence visually exceeded our expectations. The quality and workmanship are very good, overall it is very stable. We are happy about the fence and the income from solar energy.

Andreas MR

With the aim of generating early PV yield for a residential building in winter when the sun is low in the morning, when the roof PV does not contribute any yield to the heat pump's consumption, I quickly ended up with a vertical system with an easterly orientation. next2sun offers a high-quality and easy-to-install system for exactly this purpose. I'm really excited about the returns, especially when the system produces high returns again in the afternoon. Great product, fast delivery and a reasonable price.

Michael Heinz

Price/performance is TOP.Employees are friendly and very flexible!

Dennis Loock

Hello, we needed a solar fence, ordered it and the company did a great job. I can only recommend Next2Sun. Communication, organization, implementation excellent. Everyone and everything very professional. Thank you

David Klenk

We say thank you

At Next2Sun, we are grateful to our customers for the trust they place in our PV solutions.
Every project reflects our shared vision of a more sustainable future.

Your commitment enables us to continuously develop innovative and efficient energy solutions.
Thanks to you, together we can make a positive contribution to the energy transition.
Thank you for your trust and for striving together for a green future.

  • Up to 1200 kWh/kWp: 10 % higher annual electricity yield possible compared to conventional systems*
  • Integration possible even at highly utilized grid connection points due to production times with otherwise low availability of PV electricity.
  • Thanks to counter-cyclical electricity generation, 15% additional revenue for electricity on the electricity exchange with a strong upward trend in the coming years.
  • Dual use of land for agri-PV: electricity generation and agricultural cultivation
  • Multiple benefits with the solar fence: photovoltaic system, shade provider & fence in one
  • Snow-free and constant electricity production in winter
  • * Electricity yield per year in Germany

Higher yields & multiple benefits thanks to bifacial modules

If two-sided high-performance modules are installed vertically, they produce electricity in the morning and evening thanks to their east-west orientation.
This special feature not only enables higher electricity prices to be achieved and annual electricity yields to be increased by up to 10 %, but also reduces the load on electricity grids.

herkömmliche photovoltaik im vergleich zur next2sun technologie
herkömmliche photovoltaik im vergleich zur next2sun technologie

Successful projects

Next2Sun’s vertical PV systems are used in numerous countries in agri-PV projects and in the solar fence sector.


Successful projects

Next2Sun’s vertical PV systems are used in numerous countries in agri-PV projects and in the solar fence sector.

Solar fences
over 0 MWp
Solar fence
Premium Solarzaun in Wels

Premium solar fence in Wels

Location: Austria
Solarzaun in Adnet Oesterreich

Solar fence in Adnet

Location: Austria

Solarzaun in Alpbach, Tirol

Solar fence in Alpbach, Tyrol

Location: Austria

Solarzaun in Ayl, Deutschland

Solar fence in Ayl

Location: Germany

Innovations for the energy transition

Photovoltaics with added value

Benefit from real multiple use!
Based on our Next2Sun concept, our approach of vertically arranged or elevated bifacial solar modules can cover two applications in the field of PV power generation:

  • Agri-PV Solar power plants: Fields2Sun
  • Next2Sun solar fence: Fence2Sun

Agri-PV or agri-photovoltaics is the umbrella term for photovoltaic system concepts for open spaces that enable the dual use of photovoltaics and agriculture on one and the same area.


In agriculture or on large open spaces


Your property boundary becomes a solar power plant


Agri-PV as an investment

You too can benefit from this sustainable and lucrative investment opportunity in the energy transition.
The inventors of the Next2Sun concept are still part of the company – so you are investing in great know-how and patented technology.
You can participate from as little as 500 euros!

agri pv anlage freiflaechen

It is undisputed that renewable energies are the future.
Agri-PV with its dual use is regarded as an absolute trend market thanks to the clever combination of agriculture and electricity generation.


Latest news

Next2Sun is successfully represented internationally in the areas of Agri-PV and solar fences.

Through strategic collaborations and partnerships in countries such as India and the USA, the company has expanded its technology into important foreign markets.
These international activities underline Next2Sun’s role as an innovative developer and supplier of vertical bifacial photovoltaic technology.

Double yields thanks to Next2Sun

Your energy independence starts here!

Find out more about our revolutionary bifacial, vertically arranged solar modules, which enable up to 10% more electricity yield.
Contact us today and let our experts advise you!


Frequently asked questions

What are the main advantages of Next2Sun's bifacial modules?

Our bifacial modules use sunlight from both sides and are optimally designed for east-west orientation.
This enables more efficient electricity production in the morning and evening hours.
The vertical installation means that the ground below remains available for agricultural use, which not only increases yields but also helps to protect the environment.

How does Next2Sun contribute to the energy transition?

Next2Sun develops state-of-the-art, environmentally friendly photovoltaic solutions that enable the multiple use of land and make electricity production efficient.
Through our innovations, we support the reduction of land consumption and promote the spread of renewable energies.

As a farmer, can I benefit from a partnership with Next2Sun?

Yes, our Agri-PV solutions are specifically designed to provide farmers with an additional source of income without compromising agricultural productivity.
The installation of our bifacial modules makes it possible to maximize land use by operating photovoltaics and agriculture simultaneously on the same property.

Are the Next2Sun systems cost-effective?

Our systems are not only leading due to their environmentally friendly and innovative concepts, but also cost-effective.
The special orientation and design of our modules ensure higher energy yields and shorter amortization times compared to traditional systems.

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