



What's new in version 8.6.75 ?

What's new in version 8.6.74 ?

What's new in version 8.6.73 ?

What's new in version 8.6.72 ?

What's new in version 8.6.71 ?

What's new in version 8.6.70 ?

What's new in version 8.6.69 ?

What's new in version 8.6.68 ?

What's new in version 8.6.67 ?

What's new in version 8.6.66 ?

What's new in version 8.6.65 ?

What's new in version 8.6.64 ?

What's new in version 8.6.63 ?

What's new in version 8.6.62 ?

What's new in version 8.6.61 ?

What's new in version 8.6.60 ?

What's new in version 8.6.59 ?

What's new in version 8.6.58?

What's new in version 8.6.57 ?

What's new in version 8.6.56 ?

What's new in version 8.6.55 ?

What's new in version 8.6.54 ?

What's new in version 8.6.53 ?

What's new in version 8.6.52 ?

What's new in version 8.6.51 ?

What's new in version 8.6.50 ?

What's new in version 8.6.49 ?

What's new in version 8.6.48 ?

What's new in version 8.6.47 ?

What's new in version 8.6.46 ?

What's new in version 8.6.45 ?

What's new in version 8.6.44 ?

What's new in version 8.6.43 ?

What's new in version 8.6.42 ?

What's new in version 8.6.41 ?

What's new in version 8.6.40 ?

What's new in version 8.6.39 ?

What's new in version 8.6.38 ?

What's new in version 8.6.37 ?

What's new in version 8.6.36 ?

What's new in version 8.6.35 ?

What's new in version 8.6.34 ?

What's new in version 8.6.33 ?

What's new in version 8.6.32 ?

What's new in version 8.6.31 ?

What's new in version 8.6.30 ?

What's new in version 8.6.29 ?

What's new in version 8.6.28 ?

What's new in version 8.6.27 ?

What's new in version 8.6.26 ?

What's new in version 8.6.25 ?

What's new in version 8.6.24 ?

What's new in version 8.6.23 ?

What's new in version 8.6.22 ?

What's new in version 8.6.21 ?

What's new in version 8.6.20 ?

What's new in version 8.6.19 ?

What's new in version 8.6.18 ?

What's new in version 8.6.17 ?

What's new in version 8.6.16 ?

What's new in version 8.6.15 ?

What's new in version 8.6.14 ?

What's new in version 8.6.13 ?

What's new in version 8.6.12 ?

What's new in version 8.6.11 ?

What's new in version 8.6.10 ?

What's new in version 8.6.9 ?

What's new in version 8.6.8 ?

What's new in version 8.6.7 ?

What's new in version 8.6.6 ?

What's new in version 8.6.5 ?

What's new in version 8.6.4 ?

What's new in version 8.6.3 ?

What's new in version 8.6.2 ?

What's new in version 8.6.1 ?

Version 8.6 released on 12/04/23 contained 260078 neurons.

What's new in version 8.6 ?
  • Forty-Five new data sets (14452 reconstructions) have been added:
  • The following new Species have been added:
    • cattle
  • The following new Strains of species have been added:
    • cattle: Swiss
    • drosophila melanogaster: FRT82b, GH146-FLP, QUAS-FRT-stop-FRT-mCD8-GFP/lov-T2A-QF2, Mz612-GAL4; UAS-FRT10-stop-FRT10-3xHalo7-CAAX/+, ph505, ScmD1, UAS-mCD8-GFP, hs-FLP/+; FRTG13, tub-GAL80/FRTG13, UAS-mCD8-GFP;; GH146-GAL4 IV:/+, UAS-mCD8-GFP/+; Split7-GAL4 i.e. FlyLight SS01867: 72C11-p65ADZp; VT033006-ZpGDBD:/+
    • mouse: ApoE4/ApoE4, B6.129S7-Rag1tm1Mom/J, B6.APP/PS1, B6128SF2, C57BL/6J-Qtrt1em1Tuo, C9-500, ChATCre,Rosa26tdTomato, cNurrDATCreER, Cx40CreER, Rosa26tdTomato, Cx40CreER,Rosa26tdTomato, DBA/2J, DBA/2J-gpnmb+, EKO/EKO, GFAP-A2AR, GFAP-CRE-A2AR, GFAP-Cre-ERT2, FGFR2fl/fl, Grin1 floxed, hGFAP-cre fgfr2, Itgb3fl/fl,Emx1cre,Thy1-GFP-M-positive, LRRK2 G2019S, NPFFCre, Nurr1, OMP-Cre,R26-Ioxp-TeNT, P301S::ApoE3/ApoE3, Pcdh-Cre,R26-CAG-IoxP-TeNT, Pcdh21-Cre,Grin1 floxed, PV-Cre,Ai14, PWK.APP/PS1, PWK/PhJ, R26-CAG-IoxP-TeNT, Robo3 lox/lox, Robo3 R3–5 cKO, Shank3 +/+, Shank3 deltaC/deltaC, SOD1G93A-, SOD1G93A+, TgDrd1a-tdTomato:6Calak, TrkBCreER:tdTomato, TrkBCreER:tdTomato:Sox2-GFP, Zeb2fl/fl NexCre
    • zebrafish: Tgpou4f3:GAL4-VP16:ion6d, TgUAS:sypb-EGFP:ion7d, mitfaw2/w2
  • The following new Primary Brain Regions have been added:
    • Periventricular region
    • Pre-subiculum
  • The following new Secondary Brain Regions have been added:
    • (antennal lobe) glomerulus DA4l
    • (brainstem) lateral lemniscus
    • (cerebellum) ansiform lobule, cerebellar peduncle
    • (forebrain) dorsal telencephalon
    • (medulla) caudal ventrolateral, cuneate nucleus, medial lemniscus
    • (peripheral nervous system) autonomic
    • (pons) ventral
    • (spinal cord) L1-L2
    • (thalamus) dorsolateral geniculate nucleus
  • The following new Tertiary Brain Regions have been added:
    • (brainstem ➡ facial nucleus) Left, Right
    • (brainstem ➡ hindbrain) medial, vestibular nerve
    • (brainstem ➡ trigeminal nucleus) sensory
    • (cerebellum ➡ cerebellar peduncle) middle
    • (cerebellum ➡ vermis) declive VI
    • (entorhinal cortex ➡ lateral) layer 1, layer 2, layer 3, layer 5, layer 5b, layer 6,
    • (entorhinal cortex ➡ medial) layer 1, layer 3, layer 6
    • (hippocampus ➡ CA3) right
    • (main olfactory bulb ➡ dorsal) juxtaglomerular layer
    • (medulla ➡ caudal ventrolateral) lateral reticular nucleus
    • (mesencephalon ➡ midbrain tegmentum) red nucleus
    • (neocortex ➡ temporal) Brodmann area 38
    • (peripheral nervous system ➡ trigeminal ganglion) Meckel's cave, sensory root
    • (pons ➡ ventral) pontine gray
    • (spinal cord ➡ L1-L2) dorsal horn, superficial
    • (spinal cord ➡ thoracic) cuneate fascile
  • The following new Secondary Cell Types have been added:
    • (interneuron) drape, juxtaglomerular
    • (principal cell) cardiac-projecting, Fan
  • The following new Tertiary Cell Types have been added:
    • (interneuron ➡ Excitatory) NPFF-positive, vertical
    • (interneuron ➡ neurogliaform) unelongated
    • (principal cell ➡ Antennal lobe projection neuron-(adPN)) olfactory
    • (principal cell ➡ cardiac-projecting) anterior-projecting, posterior-projecting
    • (principal cell ➡ ganglion) pou4f3-positive
    • (principal cell ➡ Neural progenitor cell) Doublecortin (DCX)-expressing
    • (principal cell ➡ projection) cervicothalamic tract
    • (principal cell ➡ pyramidal) Red Nucleus-projecting, subiculum-projecting
    • (principal cell ➡ stellate) multiform
    • (sensory ➡ Gustatory) TrKB-expressing
    • (sensory ➡ mechanosensory) neurofilament (NF)-positive
    • (sensory ➡ Multidendritic-dendritic arborization (DA)) nociceptive
    • (sensory ➡ nociceptive) calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)-positive, neurofilament (NF)-positive
    • (sensory ➡ Pseudounipolar) TrkB-positive
  • The following new stains have been added:
    • red-green-blue (RGB)
  • The following new reconstruction software have been added:
    • ArborTool
  • The following new magnifications have been added:
    • 8
    • 10, 20
  • The following new experimental conditions have been added:
    • 2,6-diaminopurine (DAP), A2AR silencing, APP/PS1 transgenic, APP/PS1 transgenic + Microglia depletion (PLX5622), C3aR Antagonist, C3aR Antagonist + H. pylori outer membrane vesicles (OMVs), CGS21680 incubation, Chronic sleep restriction, Chronic sleep restriction + Probiotic fed, collagenase injection, collagenase injection + Psel-Crry, conditional knockout Nurr1, Controlled Cortical Impact, Controlled Cortical Impact + Seizure, cryopreserved, FGFR2 knockout, Grin1 KO, Grin1 KO (CRISPR-Cas9, gRNAs), Grin1 KO (CRISPR-Cas9, gRNAs) + RhoA overexpression, Grin1 KO (Grin1 floxed crossed with Pcdh21-Cre), Grin1 KO (Grin1 floxed crossed with Pcdh21-Cre) + Grin1 overexpression, H. pylori outer membrane vesicles (OMVs), hLRRK2 G2019S mutation, Kir2.1 + constitutively active RhoA overexpression, Kir2.1 + RhoA overexpression, Kir2.1 overexpression, MECP2 R270X mutation, Microbiota re-colonized mice, MT-TeNT, myocardial infarction + C18 treatment, myocardial infarction + Ivacaftor treatment, myocardial infarction + Lumacaftor treatment, Nrp1 overexpression, OSN-TeNT, ph RNAi knockdown, pro-inflammatory cytokine priming, Probiotic fed, Qtrt1 knockout, RhoABC triple KO (CRISPR-Cas9, gRNAs), RhoABC Triple KO (CRISPR-Cas9, gRNAs), RhoABC triple KO (CRISPR-Cas9, gRNAs) + gRNA-resistant RhoA overexpression, Robo3 conditional knockout, SCH58261 incubation, Scm knockdown, SCN1A missense mutation, short-term antibiotic (ABX) treatment early in life, Superoxide dismutase (SOD1) mutation, Whisker Deprived, Zeb2 knockout
  • New functionality added: the site now includes a new web-based universal converter of digital reconstructions of neuronal morphology from any existing format and tracing system into the SWC standard. This Rosetta stone for neural morphology, called xyz2swc, has been fully described and tested and can be also accessed through an API with corresponding documentation. The resource also includes a pilot function to skeletonize triangular mesh reconstructions into centerline tracings.
  • New functionality added: researchers can now check which peer reviewed publications utilize specific datasets shared via NeuroMorpho.Org based on the PMID or DOI of the original scientific report describing them.Analysis of these data demonstrates that sharing neural reconstructions increased the impact of the original research, thus benefiting both authors and users. Users can also register for an email alert service to be notified when new papers appear that utilize specific datasets.
  • Literature Coverage has been updated to include publications through November 2023.

  • Version 8.5 released on 04/20/23 contained 245626 neurons.

    What's new in version 8.5 ?
    • Sixty-seven new data sets (13597 reconstructions) have been added:
    • The following new Species have been added:
      • Masked Greenling
    • The following new Strains of species have been added:
      • cricket: Hokudai WT
      • drosophila melanogaster: C380-GAL4 UAS-mCD8::GFP/w1118;+/+;ChAT-GAL80/+, C380-GAL4 UAS-mCD8::GFP/Y;+/+;ChAT-GAL80/+, FRT40A; ppk-Gal4, UAS-CD4-tdGFP, Gal4221,UAS-CD4-tdGFP, hsFLP, elavC155-GAL4, UAS-mCD8-GFP/Y; FRT42D tubP-GAL80/FRT42D Dscam21, hsFLP, elavC155-GAL4, UAS-mCD8-GFP/Y; FRT42D tubP-GAL80/FRT42D Dscam21, LpR1 -/-, Pdf-Gal4,UAS-LpR1G-GFP, Pdf-Gal4,UAS-LpR1H-GFP, ppk-Gal4, UAS-CD4-tdTomato, UAS-CD4-tdTomato/+; SmidC161 Gal4/+, Vps50KO/Df;ppk-Gal4, UAS-CD4-tdTomato, Vps50KO/KO; Gal4221>UAS-CD4-tdGFP, Vps50KO/KO; ppk-Gal4, UAS-CD4-tdTomato, Vps50KO/KO;ppk-Gal4, UAS-CD4-tdTomato, Vps50KO, UAS-CD4-tdTomato/ Vps50KO; SmidC161 Gal4/+, Vps53KO/Df;ppk-Gal4, UAS-CD4-tdTomato, Vps53KO FRT40A/ Vps53KO FRT40A; ppk-Gal4, UAS-CD4-tdGFP, Vps53KO/KO;ppk-Gal4, UAS-CD4-tdTomato, Vps54KO/KO; Gal4221>UAS-CD4-tdGFP, Vps54KO/KO; ppk-Gal4, UAS-CD4-tdTomato, Vps54KO/KO;ppk-Gal4, UAS-CD4-tdTomato, Vps54KO, UAS-CD4-tdTomato/ Vps54KO; SmidC161 Gal4/+, w/Y;P{R17A04-p65.AD}attP40,P{UAS-IVS-mCD8::GFP}su(Hw)attP5/+;P{R68A06-GAL4.DBD}attP2/+, w/Y;P{R17A04-p65.AD}attP40, P{UAS-IVS-mCD8::GFP}su(Hw)attP5/UAS-Dscam1-RNAi;P{R68A06-GAL4.DBD}attP2/UAS-dcr2, w/Y;UAS-dcr2/eve-GAL4.RN2.P UAS-mCD8::GFP/+;actin-FRT-Stop-FRT-GAL4 UAS-FLP, w/Y;UAS-dcr2/eve-GAL4.RN2.P UAS-mCD8::GFP/+;actin-FRT-Stop-FRT-GAL4 UAS-FLP/UAS-Dscam1-RNAi
      • mouse: B6129SF2/J, B6.Cg-Tg(Thy1-YFP)HJrs/J, bc004004-/-, Bl6/NCrl, Bl6/NCrl Plppr3 -/-, Bl6/NCrl Plppr3 +/-, C57/6Ei x C3H/HeSnJ (B6EiC3) F1, C57Bl/6-129Ola, C57BL/6JXSJL, C57BL/6 Sox14cre/+, Celsr2f/-;Rosa26Tom;Nestin CreERT2, Celsr2-/-;Rosa26Tom;Nestin CreERT2, Celsr2+/+;Rosa26Tom;Nestin CreERT2, CSPG4-EGFP, Dlgap2 -/-, Dlgap2 +/-, Dyrk1A +/-, FVB-TG (tTA:Chrnb2V287L), GRPRCreERT2, HAB, NAB, Phox2a;Ai32, Ptenflx/flx; Raptorflx/flx, Rosa26-LSL-Bdnf-myc-IG/Pf4iCre, SST-IRES-Cre(Ssttm2.1(cre)Zjh/J), tg-ArcSwe, TgDyrk1A, Ts65Dn, VIP-IRES-Cre;Ai14
      • rat: Snca+/+
    • The following new Secondary Brain Regions have been added:
      • abdominal ganglion: terminal
      • adult subesophageal zone: Left, Right
      • forebrain: Arcopallium
      • optic Lobe: ventral
      • ventral nerve cord: dorsal mesothoracic neuromere, dorsal midline
    • The following new Tertiary Brain Regions have been added:
      • (basal ganglia → claustrum): core, shell
      • (forebrain → Arcopallium): Adjacent Dorsal Intermediate Arcopallium (AId), Robust Nucleus of the Arcopallium (RA)
      • (neocortex → parietal): layer V-VI
      • (neocortex → somatosensory): layer 1-3
      • (optic Lobe → ventral): lateral
      • (peripheral nervous system → abdominal): white abdominal wall
      • (retina → ganglion layer): temporal, ventral
      • (spinal cord → lumbar): L3-L5
    • The following new Secondary Cell Types have been added:
      • interneuron: Angular, Feeding circuit, Hilar projecting, HIPP Like, medial perforant pathway associated, MOCAP, Pear shaped, Polygonal, Rectangular, Round, subiculum projecting, Triangular, Unipolar
      • principal cell: Spindle-shaped
    • The following new Tertiary Cell Types have been added:
      • (interneuron → ascending): 10-2 dorsal-projecting, 10-3 dorsal-projecting, 9-2 dorsal-projecting, 9-3 dorsal-projecting, brain-projecting, Giant Interneuron (GI), gnathal ganglion (GNG)-projecting, Lateral Giant Interneuron (LGI), Medial Giant Interneuron (MGI), mesothoracic ganglion (MsTG)-projecting, metathoracic ganglion (MtTG)-projecting, prothoracic ganglion (PTG)-projecting, terminal abdominal ganglion (PTG)-projecting, terminal abdominal ganglion (TAG)-projecting, ventral-projecting
      • (interneuron → Calretinin (CR)-positive): adult-born
      • (interneuron → cholinergic): giant fiber
      • (interneuron → Excitatory): Gastrin-releasing peptide receptor expressing
      • (interneuron → Feeding circuit): Billiards, bitter-sensing, Bract1, Bract2, Buster, Clavicle, Cleaver, Dandelion, descending, Fdg, FMIn, Fuchs, Fudog, gustatory, motor, Phantom, premotor, Quasimodo, Rattle, Rounddown, Roundtree, Roundup, Second order, Specter, Sternum, sugar-sensing, Third order, Usnea, Zorro
      • (interneuron → periglomerular): Calretinin (CR)-positive
      • (interneuron → subiculum projecting): type II (radial dendrites, horizontal axon), type I (monopolar dendrites, multipolar axon)
      • (principal cell → ganglion): small receptive field (SmRF)
      • (principal cell → glutamatergic): projection neuron, Upper motor neuron
      • (principal cell → induced pluripotent stem cell-(iPSC)-derived): Beta3-Tubulin positive, GABAergic
      • (principal cell → Motoneuron): crawling motorneuron, flight motorneuron, MN5, slow tonic spiking
      • (principal cell → projection): antenna, LNv, non-antenna, Phox2a-positive
    • The following new slicing thicknesses have been added:
      • 1.67
    • The following new original formats have been added:
      • NeuronJ.traces
    • The following new magnifications have been added:
      • 20, 60
      • 200
      • 260
      • 40, 100
    • The following new experimental conditions have been added:
      • Celsr2 knockdown, Celsr2 knockout, Chitosan, DIgap2 Heterozygous, Dlgap2 knockout, Dscam1 MARCM-knockout, Dscam1 RNAi-knockdown, Dyrk1A heterozygous, Dyrk1A overexpression, Dyrk1A overexpression + environmental enrichment, Hypothermia, Hypothermia + Deferoxamine, Hypothermia + Deferoxamine + BAM15 + Protease inhibitor, Hypothermia + Deferoxamine + BAM15 + Protease inhibitor + Rewarming, Hypothermia + Deferoxamine + Rewarming, Hypothermia + Rewarming, LpR1 knockout, LpR1-long rescue, LpR1-short rescue, Maternal immune activation + lipopolysaccharide injection, Normothermia + Deferoxamine, Normothermia + Deferoxamine + BAM15, Normothermia + Deferoxamine + BAM15 + Protease inhibitor, PTEN + Raptor knockout, Poly-ornithine, Prg2 knockout, Prg2 knockout + shPTEN, Retinal explant, Retinal explant + BDNF, Retinal explant + ZEB85, SU-8 flat hard-baked substrate, SU-8 flat polymer substrate, SU-8 nanodots, Vps50 KO/Df, Vps50 Knockout, Vps53 KO/Df, Vps53 Knockout, Vps54 Knockout, double amyloid precursor protein gene mutation, electrospun fibers, elevated intraocular pressure, human amyloid precursor protein overexpression, ibotenic acid injection, intermittent hypoxia, lysolecithin injection, microglia depletion + lipopolysaccharide injection, non-targeting siRNA, optic nerve crush, oxycodone self-administration, oxygen-glucose deprivation, pre-motor PD model, pre-motor PD model + exendin-4, rtPA, shRNA PTEN, siPlat, sustained hypoxia, uncoupling protein 4 overexpression
    • The following new objective types have been added:
      • silicone
    • Literature Coverage has been updated to include publications through March 2023.

    • Version 8.4 released on 10/17/22 contained 232029 neurons.

      What's new in version 8.4 ?
      • One new data set (41886 reconstructions) has been added:
      • The following new Strains of species have been added:
        • mouse: B6.129P-Cx3cr1tm1Litt/J, B6;CBA-Tg(Camk2a-tTA)1Mmay/J, B6SJL-Tg(APPSwFlLon,PSEN1*M146L*L286V)6799Vas/Mmjax
      • The following new experimental conditions have been added
        • 1x Ketamine-Xylazine-Acepromazine (KXA) injection,2x Ketamine-Xylazine-Acepromazine (KXA) injection,3x Ketamine-Xylazine-Acepromazine (KXA) injection,3x Ketamine-Xylazine-Acepromazine (KXA) injection & 1 week recovery,3x Ketamine-Xylazine-Acepromazine (KXA) injection & 2 weeks recovery,3x Ketamine-Xylazine-Acepromazine (KXA) injection & 3 days recovery,CK-p25 model for sporadic Alzheimer-like degeneration,Ovariectomy

      Version 8.3 released on 10/14/22 contained 190143 neurons.

      What's new in version 8.3 ?
      • Sixty-seven new data sets (16322 reconstructions) have been added:
      • The following new Species have been added:
        • collared plover
        • spotted sandpiper
      • The following new Strains of species have been added:
        • bat: Lesser bulldog
        • C. elegans: RB633
        • drosophila melanogaster: ;;ppk-CD4-tdGFP, Canton-S x w1118
        • monkey: pig-tailed macaque
        • mouse: B6;129P2-Pvalbtm1(cre)Arbr/J, B6.129S-Oxt tm1.1(cre)Dolsn/J (OXT-Cre) x (Ai3), CKAMP44-/-, deltaNp73-Cre:ChR2-eYFP-flox:vGluT2-flox, Fmr1 flx/y, fmr1 KO C57/B6, GFAP-IFN, GFAP-IL6, NexCre Rad21+/+, NexCre Rad21flox/flox, PDE1c-Cre:ChR2-eYFP-flox:vGluT2-flox, Psen2N141I/+, Pten flx/flx, Pten flx/flx + Fmr1 flx/y, Pten flx/wt, Pten flx/wt + /Fmr1 flx/y, Pten flx/wt +Fmr1 flx/y, Rictor+/+; Slc6a3 IREScre/+; ROSA26 Ai9/+, Rictorfl/fl; Slc6a3 IREScre/+; ROSA26 Ai9/+, Rptor+/+; Slc6a3 IREScre/+; ROSA26 Ai9/+, Rptorfl/fl; Slc6a3 IREScre/+; ROSA26 Ai9/+, Skor2-GFP/+, TRE-MET-:tTA+/-, TRE-MET+:tTA+, Vangl2+/+, Vangl2Lp/+ heterozygous
        • sheep: Border-Leicester cross Merino
      • The following new Secondary Brain Regions have been added:
        • medulla: layers 4-10
      • The following new Tertiary Brain Regions have been added:
        • (basal ganglia → striatum): caudate (precommisural level), dorsal nucleus
        • (brainstem → trigeminal nucleus): left, right
        • (hypothalamus → Paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus): anterior parvicellular (PaAP), lateral magnocellular (PaLM), medial magnocellular (PaMM), medial magnocellular part (PaMM), medial parvicellular (PaMP), paraventricular hypothalamic dorsal cap (PaDC), posterior (PaPo), ventral (PaV)
        • (neocortex → frontal): association cortex, layer 3-4, layer 4-5
        • (neocortex → insula): gyrus insularis brevis
        • (neocortex → occipital): gray matter, superior occipital gyrus, white matter
        • (neocortex → parietal): lateral gyrus, Precuneus
        • (neocortex → prefrontal): Brodmann Area 8/9, dorsomedial, gray matter, white matter
        • (neocortex → temporal): layer 3-4, layer 4-5
        • (peripheral nervous system → abdominal): posterior
        • (peripheral nervous system → dorsal root ganglion): L3-L6
        • (peripheral nervous system → left): proboscis labellum
        • (peripheral nervous system → right): proboscis labellum
        • (peripheral nervous system → ventral nerve cord): prothoracic neuromere (T1)
        • (spinal cord → lumbar): lamina X
      • The following new Secondary Cell Types have been added:
        • interneuron: GABAAa1-negative, looming-detector
        • principal cell: Dysmorphic, glioma stem cell, HSE, HSN, HSS, LC4, lobula plate columnar cell 1 (LPC1), lobula plate columnar cell 2 (LPC2), lobula plate-lobula columnar cell 1 (LPLC1), lobula plate-lobula columnar cell 2 (LPLC2), lobula plate-lobula columnar cell 4 (LPLC4), lobula-lobula plate columnar cell 1 (LLPC1), lobula-lobula plate columnar cell 2 (LLPC2), lobula-lobula plate columnar cell 3 (LLPC3), LPi1, LPi2, LPi2b, LPi2c, LPi3-4, LPi34-12, LPi3a, LPi4-3, LPT-LPi2a, LPT1234a, LPT123a, LPT12a, LPT13a, LPT1a, LPT1b, LPT23a, LPT2a, LPT2b, LPT34a, LPT34b, LPT3a, LPT3b, LPT3c, LPT3d, LPT3e, LPT3f, LPT4a, LPT4b, LPT4c, Neural stem cell, Tlp11, Tlp12, Tlp13, Tlp14, TmY14, TmY16, TmY18, TmY20, TmY3, TmY4, TmY5a, TmY9, Y11, Y12, Y3
        • sensory: horizontal-motion-sensitive neuron
      • The following new Tertiary Cell Types have been added
        • (glia → astrocyte): Vimentin-immunoreactive (VIM-IR)
        • (glia → Radial): Muller
        • (interneuron → amacrine): S-cone type
        • (interneuron → bipolar): midget, OFF type, ON type, wavelength sensitive
        • (interneuron → Excitatory): radial
        • (interneuron → GABAAa1-negative): Calbindin (CB)-negative, Calretinin (CR)-negative, Cannabinoid receptor (CB1R)-negative, Muscarinic acethylcholine receptor type 2 (M2R)-negative, Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase (nNOS)-negative, Non-neurogliaform, Parvalbumin (PV)-negative, Type 1a metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR1a)-negative, Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide (VIP)-negative
        • (interneuron → GABAergic): adapting, day0 born, inhibitory, intermediate spiking, Skor2-positive, stuttering
        • (interneuron → Horizontal): H1 type, H2 type
        • (interneuron → Motoneuron): DVB, GABAergic
        • (interneuron → neurogliaform): Chicken ovalbumin upstream promoter transcription factor 2 (CoupTFII)-positive, GABAAa1-positive, GABAAdelta-positive, Reelin-negative
        • (interneuron → tangential): vertical system (VS)
        • (principal cell → ganglion): midget, small bistratified
        • (principal cell → glioma stem cell): line G144
        • (principal cell → Motoneuron): leg-projecting, neurofilament-positive
        • (principal cell → Neural stem cell): Differentiated
        • (principal cell → oxytocinergic neuron (OXT)): Magnocellular, Parvocellular
        • (principal cell → Pyramidal-like): microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP2)-positive
        • (principal cell → pyramidal): a-thorny, contralateral dorsal striatum-projecting, dorsal premotor cortex (PMd)-projecting, prefrontal cortex (PFC)-projecting, thorny
        • (sensory → horizontal-motion-sensitive neuron): Am1, dorsal centrifugal horizontal (DCH), H1, H2, lobula-projecting, medulla-projecting
        • (sensory → mechanosensory): leg-projecting
      • The following new stains have been added:
        • Alexa Fluor 546
        • Biotium + Alexa-Fluor 546 conjugated streptavidin
        • osmium and lead nitrate
        • Teal Fluorescent Protein (TFP)
      • The following new slicing thicknesses have been added:
        • 0.008
        • 0.09
      • The following new reconstruction softwares have been added:
        • SparseTracer
        • Viking
      • The following new original formats have been added
        • SparseTracer.swc
        • Viking.swc
      • The following new magnifications have been added
        • 20,25
      • The following new experimental conditions have been added
        • chlorpromazine,CKAMP44 knockout,Conditional cohesin deletion,controllable Met overexpression (cto-Met),decellularized nerve hydrogels (dNHs),delta-Np73 knockout,depressed suicide,DGCR2 shRNA,diazinon,dimethoate,Disc1 Heterozygous + N-acetylcysteine (NAC) administration,distal carboxyl-terminus (DCT) peptide CCATc,distal carboxyl-terminus (DCT) peptide CCATc + nuclear export signal (NES),distal carboxyl-terminus (DCT) peptide CCATc + nuclear localization signal (NLS),distal carboxyl-terminus (DCT) peptide CCTc,distal carboxyl-terminus (DCT) peptide CCTc + nuclear export signal (NES),distal carboxyl-terminus (DCT) peptide CCTc + nuclear localization signal (NLS),distal carboxyl-terminus (DCT) peptide CCTd,distal carboxyl-terminus (DCT) peptide CCTd + nuclear export signal (NES),distal carboxyl-terminus (DCT) peptide CCTd + nuclear localization signal (NLS),distal carboxyl-terminus (DCT) peptide CCTd-V2A,distal carboxyl-terminus (DCT) peptide DCRDc,distal carboxyl-terminus (DCT) peptide DCRDd,Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) treated,enucleation,Fasting,flonicamid,Gold nanostrip array,Gold nanostrip array, wireless electric stimulation,Gulf War Illness (GWI),Gulf War Illness (GWI), intermitted voluntary running exercise (RE),homozygous point mutation in Celsr3 gene,imidacloprid,interferon (IFN-alpha) chronic production,interleukin (IL-6) chronic production,iron-deficient + choline,Iron repletion,Iron repletion + choline,Knock-in + chlorpromazine,Knock-in + chlorpromazine + lipopolysaccharide injection,Knock-in + lipopolysaccharide injection,lim-6 mutant (silenced DVB expression),methomyl,methomyl recovery,mir-1 mutant,mir-1 + nrx-1 mutant,N-acetylcysteine (NAC) administration,nlg-1 + lat-2 mutant,nlg-1 + mir-1 mutant,nlg-1 mutant,nlg-1 + nrx-1 mutant,nlg-1 + unc-49 mutant,NRX-1 long isofrom expression,nrx-1 mutant,PDE1c knockout,pirimicarb,pkd-2 mutant,prenatal methadone exposure (PME),PTEN + Fmr1 knockout,PTEN overexpression,pymetrozine,Refeeding,Silicon wafer substrate,Silicon wafer substrate, wireless electric stimulation,sup-17 mutant,thiacloprid,tm463 Allele deletion,Treadmill training,type I collagen (Col) hydrogel,unc-19 mutant,unc-25 mutant,unc-49 mutant,unc-97 mutant (genetically paralyzed male),wireless electric stimulation
      • New functionality added:Semi-automated metadata annotation. The smart neuroscience metadata suggestion system we introduce with this release greatly facilitates filling in useful information when uploading data to NeuroMorpho.Org. This new functionality harnesses state-of-the-art machine learning techniques in natural language processing and is accessible to both humans through a user-friendly graphical interface and machines via Application Programming Interface.
      • Literature Coverage has been updated to include publications through September 2022.
      • Terms of useupdated, specified that Creative Commons BY-CC license applies for data usage.
      • As a general introduction to NeuroMorpho.Org, GMU TV madea video about our research.

      Version 8.2 released on 05/17/22 contained 173821 neurons.

      What's new in version 8.2 ?
      • One-hundred and fifty-one new data sets (26330 reconstructions) have been added:
      • The following new Species have been added :
        • bat
        • Bonobo
        • giant anteater
        • Gorilla
        • hippopotamus
        • opossum
        • Orangutan
        • porpoise
        • potto
        • red panda
        • sloth
        • Western tarsier
      • The following new Strains of species have been added:
        • bat: Franquet's epauletted fruit bat, Pallas's long-tongued bat, Seba's short-tailed
        • drosophila melanogaster: aSP22 split GAL4 aSP22-SS1, "FRT40A/FRT40A,tub-Gal80; ppk-Gal4, UAS-mCD8GFP,SOP-FLP/+", "FRT40A/FRT40A, tub-Gal80; ppk-Gal4, UAS-mCD8GFP, SOP-FLP/+; Stai-SK7", GH146-GAL4>SPARC2-CsChrimson::tdTomato; nSyb-PhiC31, Or47a-GAL4>UAS-Orco-APEX2 Or7a-GAL4>UAS-Orco-APEX2, split-GAL4 UAS-EB1-GFP; Gal4nompC UAS-EB1-GFP; Gal4ppk, w;TRH-Gal4/+;2x[mBitbow2.1]/+
        • Gorilla: Western
        • guinea pig: Hartley, pigmented
        • monkey: agile mangabey, Callithrix jacchus, Chlorocebus, Emperor tamarin, golden, guereza, mandrill, Mueller's gibbon, patas, pygmy marmoset, white-faced saki
        • mouse: 3 x Tg-AD, Acer3-/-, Ai14Tdtomatotd/+; PCP2Cre/+, Ai32, Ai6; D1-Cre, Aldh2-/-, App NL-G-F, B6.129P2(Cg)-Fmr1 tm2Cgr/Cgr, B6.Cg-Vps35tm1.1Mjff/J, B6EiC3Sn a/A-Ts(1716)65Dn/J; Tg(Gad1-EGFP)98Agmo/J, B6EiC3Sn BLiA-Ts(1716)65Dn/DnJ, C57BL/6Crl; ChAT(BAC)-eGFP, C57BL/6J; NPY-hrGFP, C57BL/6J;POMC-EGFP, C57BL/6JNarl, C57BL/6NCrl (B6N), C57BL6J/129S, Camk2a-CreERT2; MORF3, CaMK2aCreERt2; Tcf4+/+; Thy1-EGFP, CaMK2aCreERt2; Tcf4fl/fl; Thy1-EGFP, ChAT-FlpO; Rosa26Ai65, ChAT:nGFP/beta2-nAChR-KO, CRH-IRES-Cre; Ai32, Cux2-CreERT2; MORF3, Cux2-CreERT2;Ai166, Cx3Cr1-CreERT2; MORF3, CX3CR1(+/G)-GFP, CX3CR1(G/G)-GFP, CX3CR1CreERT2/+, Cx57-iCre; MORF3, DBA2/J; Elp2H206R/R464W, Derl1 NesCre, Derl2 NesCre, Er81 fl/fl;Nkx2.1-creER;GFP, Etv1-CreERT2; MORF3, Fezf2-CreER;Ai166, Fmr1-/Y, G42+/-;Kcns3+/+, G42+/-;Kcns3neo/neo, Gad67-GFP; St8sia2(+/+); St8sia4(+/+), Gfap-creERT2/Zeb2fl/fl, GFP-M; Fmr1+/-, Gnb4-IRES2-CreERT2;Ai139, Gnb4-IRES2-CreERT2;Ai139-hyg, Gnb4-IRES2-CreERT2;Ai140, Gnb4-IRES2-CreERT2;Ai82;Ai140, GRloxP/loxP Emx1-Cre/+, GRloxP/loxP Emx1+/+, Grp-KH288-Cre, K19-Cre Scnn1a(flox/flox), L7-Cre (Pcp2-Cre); MORF3, MADM-7-GT/TG; Emx1-Cre+/-, MADM-7-TG/GT; Emx1-Cre+/-, Meg +/-, Meg +/+, Mfn2-floxed UBC-CRE-ERT2, Nkx2.1-creER;GFP, Nkx2.1Cre; Ai14fl/fl; Pcdh-I3 fcon3fl/fl, Nkx2.1Cre;Ai14, Npy-Cre;Ai9, "PDGF-hAPPSw, Ind J20", Phox2a::Cre;Rosa26LSL-tdTomato, Plxnd1-CreER;Ai166, Plxnd1-CreER;Ai82;Ai140, PR-Cre-R26R-EYFP, Prkcd-cre;Ai9, PSD-95ENABLED;Ai9;PV-IRES-Cre, PV-Cre x tdTomato-flox, PV-Cre; MORF3, PV-IRES-Cre;Ai14, PV-IRES-Cre;Ai32, "Pvalb-Cre, Rhot1-flox/flox", "Pvalb-Cre, Rhot1 +/+", Pvalb-Cre;Ai9, Pvalb-T2A-CreERT2;Ai166, Pvalb-TdTomato, Rem2-/-, Rem2+/+, Rem2+/+;Ai9TdTomatoflex/flex, Rem2flx/flx; Ai9TdTomatoflex/flex, S1782E+/-, Scn1a +/+, Scn1a Stop/+, Scn1a Stop/+;PHP.eB-Cre, Sdk1CreER x Rosa26-LSL-ChR2-tdTomato, Sdk1CreGFP+/-, Slc17a8-iCre;Ai9, Snap-25b; C57BL/6Crl; ChAT(BAC)-eGFP, SST-Cre; MORF3, Sst-Cre;Ai139, SST-cre;Ai9, Sst-ires-Cre; Rosa26 lsl-EYFP; Rptor fl/fl, Sst-ires-Cre; Rosa26 lsl-EYFP; Rptor WT/WT, Sst-IRES-Cre: AAV5-DIO-EYFP, SSTtdTomato::GlyT2-GFP, STIM1flox/flox; Ai14Tdtomatotd/+; PCP2Cre/+, T4826I-RYR1; CGG, Tg 15-LOX-1, Tle4 LacZ/LacZ; Fezf2-EnR, Tle4-/-, Tle4+/+, Tlx3-Cre_PL56;Ai82;Ai161, Tnnt1-IRES2-CreERT2;Ai82;Ai140, TrkB-CreER/Rosa-Alkaline Phosphatase, TTR -/-, Vav3-/-; ChAT(BAC)-eGFP, Viaat-Cre;Ai9, VIP-Cre; Ai14, Vip-Cre; R26-Ai14, Vipr2-Cre;Ai9, Vipr2-IRES2-Cre-neo;Ai166, YAC128/BL6, Zeb2fl/fl
        • opossum: gray short-tailed
        • Orangutan: Bornean
        • porpoise: harbour
        • potto: West African
        • rabbit: P347L
        • rat: Drd2Cre/-;Rosa26td/+, Drd2Cre/+;Rosa26td/+, SOD1G93A, Wistar Han (DAT-/-), Wistar Han (DAT+/-)
        • sloth: Linnaeus's two-toed
        • Wallaby: Parma
        • zebrafish: Tg[islet2B:GFP] x Tg[mnx1:Gal4;UAS:pTagRFP], vGlut2a:Gal4; UAS:Kaede
      • The following new Secondary Brain Regions have been added:
        • accessory olfactory bulb: granule layer
        • amygdala: basal amygdalar nucleus, central, lateral amygdalar nucleus, posterior amygdalar nucleus
        • antenna: segment 3
        • basal forebrain: nucleus basalis of Meynert
        • basal ganglia: endopiriform nucleus
        • brainstem: supratrigeminal nucleus
        • entorhinal cortex: left, right
        • hypothalamus: Periventricular hypothalamic nucleus, suprachiasmatic nucleus
        • mesencephalon: ventral
        • neocortex: ectorhinal, postrhinal, ventral auditory area, visceral
        • olfactory cortex: olfactory tubercle, Postpiriform transition area
        • peripheral nervous system: Superior mesenteric plexus
        • spinal cord: thoracic
        • thalamus: Nucleus reuniens, Paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus, Rhomboid nucleus
      • The following new Tertiary Brain Regions have been added:
        • (amygdala → central) right
        • (basal forebrain → lateral septum) dorsal, ventral
        • (basal ganglia → endopiriform nucleus) dorsal
        • (basal ganglia → globus pallidus) internal segment, ventral
        • (basal ganglia → striatum) ventromedial
        • (basal ganglia → substantia nigra) pars reticulata
        • (brainstem → cochlear nucleus) ventral
        • (brainstem → facial nucleus) geniculate ganglion
        • (brainstem → raphe nuclei) Dorsal
        • (entorhinal cortex → lateral) layer 2-3, layer 6a
        • (entorhinal cortex → medial) Dorsal, layer 2-3, Ventral
        • (hypothalamus → preoptic nucleus) lateral preoptic area
        • (hypothalamus → Ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus) Anterior, Medial, Posterior
        • (main olfactory bulb → mitral layer) dorsal, medial, ventral
        • (mesencephalon → tectum) centrolateral, centromedial, lateral, medial, superficial, superior colliculus
        • (myelencephalon → solitary nucleus) rostral
        • (neocortex → anterior cingulate) Layer 1, right
        • (neocortex → cingulate) layer 5
        • (neocortex → dorsal auditory area) Layer 4
        • (neocortex → frontal) anterior lateral
        • (neocortex → insula) anterior, dorsal, layer 5, layer 6a, layer 6b, posterior, ventral
        • (neocortex → medial prefrontal) ventral
        • (neocortex → occipital) anterior visual, laterointermediate visual Layer 2-3, laterointermediate visual Layer 5, posterior
        • (neocortex → parietal) Superior Parietal Lobule
        • (neocortex → postrhinal) layer 2-3
        • (neocortex → presubiculum) Dorsal
        • (neocortex → primary auditory) Layer 6a, Layer 6b, posterior
        • (neocortex → Retrosplenial area) dorsal, lateral agranular, Layer 2-3, Layer 5, Layer 6a, ventral
        • (neocortex → somatosensory) layer 4/5, lower limb, mouth, nose, supplemental, trunk, upper limb
        • (neocortex → temporal) association area (TEa), Layer 6a, posterolateral lateral suprasylvian, posteromedial lateral suprasylvian, superior temporal gyrus
        • (neocortex → ventral auditory area) Layer 1, Layer 4, Layer 5, Layer 6a
        • (neocortex → visceral) layer 5, layer 6a
        • (peripheral nervous system → Superior mesenteric plexus) left ganglion
        • (peripheral nervous system → thoracic) wing
        • (pons → pontine tegmentum) reticular nucleus
        • (protocerebrum → left) anterior superior
        • (spinal cord → lumbar) Medial
        • (spinal cord → thoracic) left, rigth
        • (spinal cord → ventral) Segment 14-18
        • (thalamus → lateral geniculate nucleus) Intergeniculate leaflet
        • (thalamus → ventral posterolateral nucleus) parvicellular part
        • (thalamus → ventral posteromedial nucleus) parvicellular part
        • (ventral thalamus → thalamic reticular nucleus) Periphery
      • The following new Primary Cell Types have been added:
        • long-range non-principal GABAergic
      • The following new Secondary Cell Types have been added:
        • interneuron: ascending, Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH)-expressing, dorsolateral ascending neuron (dla), dorsolateral commissural neuron (dlc), Glycinergic, MooSEZ, protein kinase Cdelta (PKCdelta)-positive
        • long-range non-principal GABAergic: basal forebrain-projecting, entorhinal cortex (EC)-projecting
        • principal cell: chopping response, embryonic stem cell (ESC)-derived, laminar, Progesterone receptor expressing neurons (PR+), Progesterone receptor non-expressing neurons (PR-), translaminar
        • sensory: mechanosensory, monodendritic external sensory neuron (TSM1), Rohon Beard, Tm5, visual looming responsive
      • The following new Tertiary Cell Types have been added
        • (glia → astrocyte): glutamine synthetase (GS)-positive, Oxytocin receptor (OXTR)-positive
        • (glia → microglia): C-X3-C Motif Chemokine Receptor 1-positive, CD45-positive
        • (glia → Oligodendrocyte): CNPase-positive
        • (interneuron → amacrine): ON
        • (interneuron → basket): Medial Ganglionic Eminence (MGE)-derived
        • (interneuron → Cajal-Retzius): TRPV1-expressing
        • (interneuron → Chandelier): Medial Ganglionic Eminence (MGE)-derived, Vasoactive intestinal peptide receptor 2 (VIPR2)-positive Medial ganglionic eminence (MGE)-derived, Vesicular inhibitory amino acid transporter (VIAAT)-positive Medial ganglionic eminence (MGE)-derived
        • (interneuron → Cholecystokinin (CCK)-positive) Caudal ganglionic eminence (CGE)-derived,-positive) Synuclein Gamma (Sncg) subclass
        • (interneuron → dendritic targeting): neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS)-negative, neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS)-positive, Somatostatin (SOM)-positive
        • (interneuron → glutamatergic): tonic-spiking, V3
        • (interneuron → Glycinergic): L-stellate, Somatostatin (SOM)-negative
        • (interneuron → Horizontal): calbindin-positive
        • (interneuron → Inhibitory): Caudal ganglionic eminence (CGE)-derived, Medial Ganglionic Eminence (MGE)-derived, Parvalbumin (PV)-negative, Somatostatin (SOM)-negative, Synuclein Gamma (Sncg) subclass, Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide (VIP)-negative, Vasoactive intestinal peptide receptor 2 (VIPR2)-positive, Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide receptor 2 (VIPR2)-positive, Vesicular inhibitory amino acid transporter (VIAAT)-positive
        • (interneuron → MooSEZ): Ipsilateral
        • (interneuron → Neuropeptide Y (NPY)-positive) Caudal ganglionic eminence (CGE)-derived
        • (interneuron → Parvalbumin (PV)-positive) Caudal ganglionic eminence (CGE)-derived,-positive) Ecel1 (endothelin converting enzyme like-1)-positive,-positive) excitatory,-positive) Medial Ganglionic Eminence (MGE)-derived,-positive) Pax2-negative,-positive) Pax2-positive,-positive) Solute carrier family 17 member 8 (Slc17a8)-negative,-positive) Somatostatin (SOM)-negative,-positive) Somatostatin (SOM)-positive,-positive) Spp1 (secreted phosphoprotein 1)-positive,-positive) Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide (VIP)-negative,-positive) Vasoactive intestinal peptide receptor 2 (VIPR2)-positive,-positive) Vesicular inhibitory amino acid transporter (VIAAT)-positive
        • (interneuron → Somatostatin (SOM)-positive) Medial Ganglionic Eminence (MGE)-derived,-positive) Parvalbumin (PV)-negative,-positive) Solute carrier family 17 member 8 (Slc17a8)-negative,-positive) somatostatin (SOM)-positive,-positive) Vasoactive intestinal peptide receptor 2 (VIPR2)-positive,-positive) Vesicular inhibitory amino acid transporter (VIAAT)-positive
        • (interneuron → Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide (VIP)-positive) Bistratified,-positive) Calbindin 2 (Calb2)-positive,-positive) Caudal ganglionic eminence (CGE)-derived,-positive) Hilus-projecting,-positive) Molecular layer (ml)-projecting,-positive) Trilaminar,-positive) Vesicular inhibitory amino acid transporter (VIAAT)-positive
        • (long-range non-principal GABAergic → basal forebrain-projecting): Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase (nNOS)-negative, Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase (nNOS)-positive, Somatostatin (SOM)-positive
        • (long-range non-principal GABAergic → entorhinal cortex (EC)-projecting) Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase (nNOS)-positive,-projecting) Somatostatin (SOM)-positive
        • (principal cell → cholinergic): deep layer targeting, L1-targeting, magnocellular, Somatosensory cortex targeting
        • (principal cell → Contralateral projecting): Parafascicular nucleus(PF)-projecting
        • (principal cell → descending): aSP22, Fru-expressing neurons
        • (principal cell → embryonic stem cell (ESC)-derived) bipolar,-derived) fusiform,-derived) multipolar,-derived) prox 139,-derived) prox1,-derived) pyramidal,-derived) serotonergic TPH2,-derived) Synapsin-positive
        • (principal cell → Excitatory): Corticothalamic (CT), Intratelencephalic (IT), Near-projecting (NP), Neuropeptide y (NPY)-positive, Parvalbumin (PV)-negative, Solute carrier family 17 member 8 (Slc17a8)-positive, Somatostatin (SOM)-negative, T-stellate, Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide (VIP)-negative, Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide (VIP)-positive, Vesicular inhibitory amino acid (VIAAT)-negative, Vesicular inhibitory amino acid transporter (VIAAT)-negative, Vesicular inhibitory amino acid transporter (VIAAT)-positive
        • (principal cell → GABAergic): arginine vasopressin V1alpha receptor (AVPR)-positive, Auditory thalamus-projecting, Neuropeptide Y (NPY)-positive, Oxytocin receptor (OXTR)-positive
        • (principal cell → ganglion): broad thorny, calcium-calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII)-positive, Giant, inner maze cell, inner narrow thorny, OFF-transient, ON-delayed, outer maze cell, recursive, S1RGC, Satb1-positive, Satb2-positive, sparse (inner), sparse (outer), tufted
        • (principal cell → glutamatergic): neural progenitor cell derived
        • (principal cell → granule): born at PND28, born at PND3
        • (principal cell → induced pluripotent stem cell-(iPSC)-derived) bipolar,-derived) fusiform,-derived) multipolar,-derived) Neural stem cell (NSC),-derived) pyramidal,-derived) Synapsin-positive,-derived) tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) positive
        • (principal cell → medium spiny): dopamine and cyclic AMP-regulated protein (DARPP-32)-positive
        • (principal cell → Motoneuron): Kv3.1b protein-expressing
        • (principal cell → neurosecretory): arginine vasopressin (AVP)-positive, Hippocampus-projecting, magnocellular
        • (principal cell → Noradrenergic): liver-projecting, sympathetic postganglionic
        • (principal cell → projection): D-stellate, direction/orientation-selective, dorsal cochlear nucleus (DCN)-projecting, Glycinergic, lateral parabrachial area (LPb)-projecting, Laterodorsal (LD)-projecting, location sensitive, Medial prefrontal cortex (MPC)-projecting, medio-dorsal thalamus projecting, nigrothalamic, Parafascicular nucleus(PF)-projecting, primary visual cortex (V1)-projecting, Reuniens nucleus (RE)-projecting, Somatostatin (SOM)-positive
        • (principal cell → pyramidal): bilateral-projecting, Colgalt2-Cre-positive, Extratelencephalic (ET), Intratelencephalic (IT), Layer 2/3-projecting, narrow, Near-projecting (NP), Parvalbumin (PV)-negative, Solute carrier family 17 member 8 (Slc17a8)-negative, Solute carrier family 17 member 8 (Slc17a8)-positive, Somatostatin (SOM)-positive, tufted, untufted, Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide (VIP)-negative, Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP)-positive, Vasoactive intestinal peptide receptor 2 (VIPR2)-negative, Vasoactive intestinal peptide receptor 2 (VIPR2)-positive, Ventral posteromedial (VPM) thalamic nucleus-projecting, Vesicular inhibitory amino acid (VIAAT)-negative, Vesicular inhibitory amino acid transporter (VIAAT)-negative, Vesicular inhibitory amino acid transporter (VIAAT)-positive
        • (principal cell → von Economo neuron): Type 1 (VEN 1), Type 2 (VEN 2), Type 3 (VEN 3)
        • (sensory → Gustatory): relay
        • (sensory → mechanosensory): axial arborization, islet2B-positive
        • (sensory → visual looming responsive): Bilateral-projecting, Ipsilateral-projecting, LC6, LC6G1, LC6G2
      • The following new stains have been added:
        • AAV2-EF1a-DIO-mGFP
        • immunostaining, phalloidin-TRITC
        • Kaede photoconversion
        • pCAG-dsRed2
        • rabbit anti-RFP, alexa fluor 568 goat anti-rabbit, mouse anti-bruchpilot, alexa fluor 647 goat anti-mouse
        • red retrobeads
        • ZsGreen1
      • The following new slicing thicknesses have been added:
        • 0.15
        • 0.988
        • 110
        • 14
        • 320
        • 5000
      • The following new reconstruction softwares have been added:
        • LinLab
        • Reconstruct
      • The following new original formats have been added
        • Knossos.xml
      • The following new magnifications have been added
        • 20,63
        • 2.8
      • The following new experimental conditions have been added
        • 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA)-lesion + L-DOPA treatment,Abelson (Abl) tyrosine kinase knockdown,Abelson (Abl) tyrosine kinase overexpression,Acer3 knockout,acute implant, awake,acute implant, isoflurane-anesthetized,acute implant, ketamine-anesthetized,aldehyde dehydrogenase 2 (ALDH2) knockout,antimicrobial regimen,Beta23 protein transfection,beta-2 nAChR-KO,Beta4 protein transfection,Bmp15 overexpression,Bmp2 overexpression,Bmp4 overexpression,Bmp4 overexpression + Limk1 knockout,Bmp5 overexpression,Bmp6 overexpression,Bmp7 overexpression,Bmp8a overexpression,Bmpr2 knockout,Bmpr2 knockout + Bmpr2dEC rescue,Bmpr2 knockout +Bmpr2d Kinase rescue,Bmpr2 knockout + Bmpr2d Tail rescue,Bmpr2 knockout + Bmpr2 rescue,C2-ceramide injection,C9-HRE overexpression,calcium-binding protein secretagogin (SCGN) expression,Camk2a-tTA;TRE-SLC13A5,Camk2a-tTA;TRE-SLC25A1,Cdc42 overexpression,CGG knock-in,Chimera overexpression,chronic copper-spiked water exposure,chronic implant, awake,Chronic implant, isoflurane-anesthetized,Chronic implant, ketamine-anesthetized,c-Jun N-terminal kinase 1 (JNK1) knockout,colony stimulating factor receptor (CSFR)1 antagonist,cuprizone intoxication,D620N knock-in,Dark reared,Derlin-1 knockout,Derlin-2 knockout,dexamethasone prenatal exposure + unpredictable chronic mild stress,docosahexaenoic acid (DHA),dominant-negative trkB (trkB.DN) expression,Dopamine D2 receptor (Drd2) heterozygous,dopamine transporter heterozygous (DAT) deletion,dopamine transporter knockout (DAT),early-stage degenerated retina,eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA),Elp2 knockout,Environmental enrichment + valproic acid,Epileptiform seizure-like events (SLEs),Epileptiform seizure-like events (SLEs) + albumin,Epileptiform seizure-like events (SLEs) + albumin + bicuculline,Er81 Knockout,exposure to Polychlorinated biphenyls (MARBLES Mix),Fmr1 +/-,Form3-IR,G2019S mutation in LRRK2 gene corrected,gamma protocadherins (Pcdhg) conditional knockout,Gdf5 overexpression,Gdf6 overexpression,Gdf7 overexpression,Gdf9 overexpression,glucocorticoid receptor knockout,hemizygous SHANK3 deletion,High fat diet + low fat diet,huntingtin gene (HTT) knock-in,Huntington's Disease,KAL-PT Mutant,Kcns3-deficient,Large platform control (positive/yoked control),Limk1 overexpression,Limk1 overexpression + Bmpr2dEC overexpression,Limk1 overexpression + Bmpr2d Kinase overexpression,Limk1 overexpression + Bmpr2d lacking 751-813aa,Limk1 overexpression + Bmpr2d tail overexpression,Limk1 overexpression + Bmpr2 overexpression,Limk1 overexpression + rtTA + TRE-cofilin1(S3A) expression,Limk1 overexpression + Slingshot1 overexpression,low fat diet,LRRK2 G2019S mutation,maternal uniparental chromosome disomy (matUPD),MECP2 knockout + uc478 overexpression,MECP2 knockout + uc479 overexpression,Medically Refractory Epilpesy,megalin heterozygous,megalin overexpression,megalin overexpression + transthyretin (TTR) stimulation,Methamphetamine binge,Mfn2 knockout,Mfn2 knockout + Chimera Overexpression,Mfn2 knockout + Mnf2 overexpression,Mfn2 Overexpression,Microbead occlusion,microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP2) mutant,miR-466f-3p mutant overexpression,miR-466f-3p overexpression,miR-466f-3p-sponge overexpression,Miro1 knockout,nerve growth factor (NGF) + docosahexaenoic acid (DHA),nerve growth factor (NGF) + eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA),Neutron exposure,Noggin overexpression,Noggin overexpression + Bax knockout,Optogenetic stimulation,oxytocin receptor agonist,oxytocin receptor antagonist plus vasopressin,Pak1 overexpression,partially glycosylated (N220Q) Kv3.1b protein,paternal uniparental chromosome disomy (patUPD),Perinatal Fentanyl Exposure,PI4KIIa +/- shRNA,PI4KIIIa +/- shRNA,Post-Lasik 3 months,postweaning social isolation,Pre-diabetic,prenatal Poly-IC injection,prenatal Poly-IC injection + postweaning social isolation,PS1 M146V mutant,Rac1 longest 3 UTR mRNA knockdown,Rac1 overexpression + Bmpr2 overexpression,Rac1 overexpression + Limk1 Knockout,rapid eye movement sleep (REMS) deprivation,rapid eye movement sleep (REMS) deprivation recovery,recombinant human caspase-6 C163A,recombinant human caspase-6 N73T,recombinant human caspase-6 WT,recovered post-REMSD + Prazosin (alpha1 noradrenergic alpha1 receptor antagonist) treated,Rem2 conditional knockout,Rem2 knockout,Rem2 knockout + dark rearing,rescue Rac1 long 3 UTR,Rhoa overexpression,rtTA+TRE-mTurquoise2 expression,Salt loading,Scn1a knockout,Scnn1a conditional knock-out,scr-sponge overexpression,Sexually non-receptive,Sexually receptive,Shisa6,Slingshot1 overexpression,Slingshot triple knockout,Slit1 knockdown,Snc1a rescue,Spinal cord T9 lesion,Spinal cord T9 lesion + Zeb2c knockout,Stai[SK7] mutant,steatohepatitis + western diet,STIM1 Knockout,Tcf4 knockout,Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) exposure,Tle4 + Fezf2 co-expression,transducin-like enhancer of split 4 (TLE4) knock-out,transthyretin (TTR) stimulation,uc478 overexpression,uc479 overexpression,unpredictable chronic mild stress,Valproic acid,Vav3 knockout,Western diet
      • New functionality added: Similarity search - Allows fast similarity search to any cell based on morphometrics, persistence vectors, metadata, and combinations thereof, using either FAISS (Facebook AI Similarity Search), traditional Pearson correlation, or a combination of the two, with the option to apply PCA. The functionality is available on the detail page of each cell as well as through an API, as described on theSimilarity search documentation on NeuroMorpho Github.. For more information,
      • Changed web service from HTTP to HTTPS.
      • Literature Coverage has been updated to include publications through April 2022.

      Version 8.1 released on 05/17/21 contained 147491 neurons.

      What's new in version 8.1 ?
      • One-hundred and thirteen new data sets (15766 reconstructions) have been added.
      • The following new Species have been added :
        • drosophila sechellia
        • Ruddy turnstone
      • The following new Strains of species have been added:
        • Crab: wild type
        • drosophila melanogaster: 35843 (ppk-GFP), bel6 /TM3, Sb (x) belneo30/TM3, Sb, Ser, Dscam[TM2]iso-KO, dYPEL3 T1-8, eIF3hk09003 FRT40A, FRT40A (x) GAL4 5-40 (x) UAS-Venus (x) SOP-FLP#42, Gal4elavC155,UAS-mCD8-GFP,hs-FLP,w;;tub-Gal80,FRT80B/FRT80B, Gal4elavC155,UAS-mCD8-GFP,hs-FLP,w;;tub-Gal80,FRT80B/Rac1J10FRT80B, Gal4elavC155,UAS-mCD8-GFP,hs-FLP,w;tub-Gal80,FRT40A/Arpc1Q25sdFRT40A, Gal4elavC155,UAS-mCD8-GFP,hs-FLP,w;tub-Gal80,FRT40A/Arpc1Q25sdFRT40A;UASArpc1GFP/+, Gal4elavC155,UAS-mCD8-GFP,hs-FLP,w;tub-Gal80,FRT40A/Arpc1R337FRT40A, Gal4elavC155,UAS-mCD8-GFP,hs-FLP,w;tub-Gal80,FRT40A/FRT40A, Gal4elavC155,UAS-mCD8-GFP,hs-FLP,w;tub-Gal80,FRT40A/FRT40AWAVEd37, ppk-GAL4 (x) UAS-CCT5 RNAi (BDSC# 41818), ppk-GAL4 (x) UAS-CD2 (BDSC# 1373), ppkGal4,UAS-CD4-tdGFP (x) bel6 /TM3, Sb (x) belneo30/TM3, Sb, Ser, ppkGal4,UAS-CD4-tdGFP (x) shep+/-, ppkGal4,UAS-CD4-tdGFP (x) shep+/BG00836, ppkGal4,UAS-CD4-tdGFP (x) shepBG00836 (x) shepBG00836 (x) yps+/JM2, ppkGal4,UAS-CD4-tdGFP (x) shepBG00836 (x) yps+/JM2, ppkGal4,UAS-CD4-tdGFP (x) shepBG00836 (x) ypsdeltaJM2, ppkGal4,UAS-CD4-tdGFP (x) sqd1/sqdK12 (x) UAS-shepRNAiVDRC, ppkGal4,UAS-CD4-tdGFP (x) sqd1/sqdK12, ppkGal4,UAS-CD4-tdGFP (x) UASpAbp, UASshep3xHA (x) bel6 /TM3, Sb, ppkGal4,UAS-CD4-tdGFP (x) UASpAbp, UASshep3xHA (x) belneo30/TM3, Sb, Ser, ppkGal4,UAS-CD4-tdGFP (x) UASpAbp, UASshep3xHA (x) shep+/-, ppkGal4,UAS-CD4-tdGFP (x) UASpAbp, UASshep3xHA (x) shep+/+, ppkGal4,UAS-CD4-tdGFP (x) UASpAbp, UASshep3xHA, TaoRNAi; Gal4109(2)80,UAS-mCD8-GFP, tral+/09277 (x) ppkGal4,UAS-CD4-tdGFP (x) UASpAbp, UASshep3xHA, tral+/KG08052 (x) ppkGal4,UAS-CD4-tdGFP+/- (x) shepBG00836, tral+/KG08052 (x) shepBG00836 (x) ppkGal4,UAS-CD4-tdGFP, tral+/KG08052 (x) UASpAbp, UASshep3xHA, tralKG08052/TM3, Sb, Ser (x) trald09277, TubP-Gal80,hs-flp,FRT19A; Gal4109(2)80,UAS-mCD8-GFP, TubP-Gal80,hs-flp,FRT19A; Gal4109(2)80,UAS-mCD8-GFP; Taoeta, TubP-Gal80,hs-flp,FRT19A; Gal4109(2)80,UAS-mCD8-GFP; UAS-Tao-D168A, TubP-Gal80,hs-flp,FRT19A; Gal4109(2)80,UAS-mCD8-GFP; UAS-Tao-delta423-900, tweekEY20585 FRT40A, UAS-flaghTaoK2 WT, A135P, A335V, UAS-SPA-GFP/UAS-C3PA-GFP; nSyb- Gal4/UAS-C3PA-GFP, white; UAS-Dicer2/UASSra1RNAi; ppk-Gal4,UASmCD8GFP/+, white; UAS-Dicer2/v60100-control-RNAi;ppk-Gal4,UASmCD8GFP/+, white;477-Gal4, UAS-mCD8::GFP/+, white;477-Gal4, UAS-mCD8::GFP/+;UASWAVEdVCAmyr/+, white;477-Gal4, UAS-mCD8::GFP/+;UASWAVEmyr/+
        • drosophila sechellia: nSyb-Gal4/UAS-C3PA-GFP
        • mouse: 129T2/SvEmsJ::C57Bl/6NTac Nf1+/+, 2aiECKO, 2aKO, aldh1a1-cre/tdTomato, Aldh1l1eGFP, B6.Pvalbtm1Swal x B6Tg(Pvalb-EGFP)1Hmon, B6.Tg (Pvalb-EGFP)1Hmon, B6129P2-Cd40tm1Kik/J (002928 Jax) x CD1, C57BL/6 Pld1-/-, C57BL/6 x Sox2-CreERT2::R26R-tdTom, C57BL/6-Itgb3tm1.1Wlbcr/J x h B6.129S2-Emx1tm1(cre)Krj/J, C57BL/6J x PV-Cre x GAD67-GFP, C57BL/6J x SST-Cre x GAD67-GFP, C57BL/6J x VIP-Cre x GAD67-GFP, C57BL/6J-Npc1nmf164/J, C57BL/6J-Npc1nmf164/J;Npc1nmf16, C57BL/6N-Rock1/Tcp, C57BL/6N-Rock2tm1a(KOMP)Wtsi, C57BL/6NTac-Brd1tm1.2Arte/AborgMmucd (Brd1+/-), C57BL6/J (Sim1-Cre x Ai9), C57BL6/J (Tlx3-Cre x Ai9), CaMKII alpha-Cre x Ai32, CD1 x C57BL/6, Clock delta19/delta19, Cox6a2-/- PV-EGFP, CX3CR1-EGFP x C57BL/6J, Del(Dlx1-Dlx2)1Jlr/Mmucd x ChAT-EGFP-L10a, Dlx5/6-Cre-ires-EGFP, Drd2-eGFP x BACHDdeltaN17 (Q97), Drd2-eGFP x BACWTdeltaN17 (Q31), Drd2-eGFP x Wild-Type (WT), DTA floxxed//GLAST-creERT2, FracR-GFP+_APPPS1_TK-, HIF1alpha floxed UBC-CRE-ERT2, Il1rl1flox/flox, Il1rl1flox/flox:Cx3cr1Cre/+, Il1rl1flox/flox:Cx3cr1CreER, Il33flox/flox:Syn1Cre, Il33H2B-mCherry, mGluR2-EGFP (Grm2-EGFP), Nes Cre- Csf1 fl/fl, Nes Cre+ Csf1 fl/fl, Nr2f1 fl/fl; Emx1-Cre, P2rx3 knock-out x Sox2-CreERT2::R26R-tdTom, Pdyn-Cre, PV-EGFP, Pv-IRES-Cre::tdTomato, RIBEYE-tagRFP-T, S6K1-/-, Shank3 -/-: CAMKII alpha-Cre, Shank3 +/+: CAMKII alpha-Cre, SST-cre, Sst-IRES-Cre::tdTomato, Synapsin-Cre, Tg(Colgalt2-Cre)NF107Gsat, Tg(tetO-Vamp2)1Kdmc, Thy1-eYFP H-line, TrkbGad1-KO, TrkbGad1-WT, Vip-IRES-Cre/wt;Ai14(RCL-tdT)/wt, 129T2/SvEmsJ::C57Bl/6NTac Nf1+/-
        • zebrafish: gjd2b(ncb215), Indian-wildtype, Tg(1.4dlx5a-dlx6a:GFP)ot1, y321Et; UAS:GFP; mpeg1:mCherryTg heterozygotes
      • The following new Primary Brain Regions have been added:
        • antenna
        • Cochlea
        • meninges
        • olfactory cortex
        • retinorecipient mesencephalon and diencephalon
        • Subventricular zone
      • The following new Secondary Brain Regions have been added:
        • amygdala: cortical amygdalar nucleus
        • antenna: segment 2
        • Cochlea: Rosenthal's canal
        • forebrain: ventral telencephalon
        • hippocampus: left, right
        • hypothalamus: premammillary nucleus
        • olfactory cortex: piriform
        • peripheral nervous system: Body wall
        • protocerebrum: anterior optic tubercle (AOTU), dorsal, lateral, superior medial protocerebrum (SMP), ventrolateral protocerebrum (VLP)
        • retina: dorsal
        • retinorecipient mesencephalon and diencephalon: left
        • retinorecipient mesencephalon and diencephalon: right
      • The following new Tertiary Brain Regions have been added:
        • (amygdala → cortical amygdalar nucleus): posterior, posteromedial
        • (antenna → segment 2): Johnston's organ (JO), right
        • (basal ganglia → substantia nigra): Ventral
        • (brainstem → hindbrain): D1 neuromast, D2 neuromast, L1 neuromast, L2 neuromast, L3 neuromast, L4 neuromast, L5 neuromast, L6 neuromast, lateral line, Lii1 neuromast
        • (brainstem → trigeminal nucleus): Outer layer I-II
        • (cerebellum → vermis): lobule I-IV
        • (Cochlea → Rosenthal's canal): Apex
        • (forebrain → ventral telencephalon): Ventral nucleus
        • (hypothalamus → premammillary nucleus): caudal, left, Right, ventral
        • (mesencephalon → midbrain tegmentum): Lateral, Medial
        • (mesencephalon → tectum): cortex, stratum griseum centrale
        • (neocortex → anterior cingulate): Area 1
        • (neocortex → frontal): Brodmann area 9, dorsal, Ventral
        • (neocortex → insula): agranular
        • (neocortex → medial prefrontal): Dorsal
        • (neocortex → Multiple): layer 4, layer 5
        • (neocortex → occipital): Binocular region, medial
        • (neocortex → piriform): layer 2a, layer 2b
        • (neocortex → prefrontal): right
        • (neocortex → Retrosplenial area): deep, granular, layer 3
        • (peripheral nervous system → abdominal): segment 1-2, segment 2-5, segment 2-6
        • (protocerebrum → lateral): posterior
        • (spinal cord → lumbar): Column 3, Lamina I-II
      • The following new Secondary Cell Types have been added:
        • (interneuron) vTely321
        • principal cell: contralateral lateral-accessory lobe (LAL) projecting, Contralateral projecting, descending, enteric, ipsilateral lateral-accessory lobe (LAL) projecting, ipsilateral projecting, lateral accessory lobe (LAL) projecting, meningeal-derived neural stem cells, parasol-like, semilunar cell, Subventricular zone-derived (VZ/SVZ) cells, tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) positive
        • sensory: auditory, Intraepidermal nerve fibres (IENFs)
      • The following new Tertiary Cell Types have been added
        • (Glia → astrocyte): interlaminar, S100B-positive
        • (Glia → microglia): CD68-positive
        • (interneuron → GABAergic): GAD-67 positive, medial-entorhinal-cortex-projecting
        • (interneuron → Somatostatin (SOM)-positive): Delayed firing subtype, Afterdepolarizing subtype (ADP), High frequency firing subtype (HFF), tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) positive
        • (principal cell → Columnar): anterior ventrolateral protocerebrum (AVLP) projecting, lateral accessory lobe (LAL) projecting, Lobula Columnar Type 9 (LC9)
        • (principal cell → descending): a1, a2
        • (principal cell → dopaminergic): AD1b2, aldh1a1-positive, B'2a DAN non-canonical subtype, B'2a DAN subtype 1, B'2a DAN subtype 2, Central Brain Neuron, cluster 01-(gamma5), crepine (CRE) projecting, gamma4gamma5, gamma5 DAN ba (basket axons), gamma5 DAN da (dorsal axons), gamma5 DAN fb (feedback), gamma5 DAN lc (lower commissure), gamma5 DAN uc (upper commissure), Mushroom body (MB) projecting, Output neuron, PPL1 cluster 1-(gamma1;pedc) DAN, Protocerebral DAN input, superior medial protocerebrum (SMP) projecting, superior protocerebrum projecting, Type 01, Type 02, tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) positive
        • (principal cell → enteric): neuron-specific class III beta-tubulin (TuJ1) positive
        • (principal cell → Excitatory): Contralateral projecting
        • (principal cell → GABAergic): Contralateral projecting, Ipsilateral projecting, medial geniculate nucleus-projecting, mushroom body output neuron (MBON)-gamma1pedc>alpha/beta, mushroom body output neuron (MBON)-gamma1pedc>alpha/beta, MVP2, MVP2, short-latency
        • (principal cell → granule): Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII)-positive, Excitatory
        • (principal cell → induced pluripotent stem cell-(iPSC)-derived): glutamatergic, microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP2) positive, Neurogenin-2 (NGN2) induced
        • (principal cell → lateral accessory lobe (LAL) projecting): posterior slope projecting, type I, type II
        • (principal cell → meningeal-derived neural stem cells): Microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP-2) positive, Platelet-derived growth factor receptor beta (PDGFR-Beta) positive
        • (principal cell → Motoneuron): synaptic vesicle protein 2 expressing (SV2), cholinergic, vastus lateralis muscle
        • (principal cell → octapaminergic): mushroom body (MB) gamma 1 projecting, VPM3, VPM4
        • (principal cell → output neuron): protocerebral bridge fan-shaped-body lateral accessory lobe type 3 (PFL3) projecting
        • (principal cell → projection): accessory olfactory bulb (AOB) granule cell layer-targeting, corticofugal
        • (principal cell → pyramidal): anterior-thalamic-nucleus-projecting, BRN1-positive, delay-tuned, Developing, intratelencephalic (IT) cell, lateral posterior thalamic nucleus-projecting, lateral-mammillary-nucleus-projecting, Low Rheobase, Parvalbumin targeting, pyramidal tract (PT) cell, SATB2-negative, SATB2-positive, short, Somatostatin targeting, toropetal, Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide targeting, WFS1-negative, WFS1-positive
        • (principal cell → stellate): auditory thalamus projecting, Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide (VIP) expressing
        • (principal cell → Subventricular zone-derived (VZ/SVZ) cells): Microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP-2) positive, Prominin positive
        • (sensory → auditory): AMMC-B1, JO-A, spiral ganglion neuron (SGN)
        • (sensory → direction sensitive): Lobula columnar neuron, Lobula complex directional cells (LCDCs)
        • (sensory → Multidendritic-dendritic arborization (DA)): proximal bushy
        • (sensory → olfactory): DM2 innervating
        • (sensory → plane polarized targeting): caudal orientation tuned, rostral orientation tuned
      • The following new stains have been added:
        • enhanced green fluorescent protein, immunostaining
        • Neurobiotin, Streptavidin-DyLight 594
        • Horseradish peroxidase conjugated to the cholera toxin beta subunit
        • photo-activatable green fluorescent protein (pa-GFP)
        • Th-VAST (Tyrosine hydroxylase Vector-Assisted Spectral Tracing)
      • The following reconstruction softwares have been added:
        • ShuTu
      • The following original formats have been added
        • Vaa3D.eswc
      • The following objective types have been added
        • IR-coated dipping intravital
      • The following magnifications have been added
        • 2900
        • 4
        • 40, 63
        • 63, 100
      • The following new experimental conditions have been added
        • ablation of DAT+ PMv neurons with AAV5-EF1a-DIO-mCherry-dtA, ACY738, allogeneic stem cell transplantation, alpha-5 treatment, Arpc1Q25sd mutant clone, Arpc1Q25sd mutant clone rescue, Arpc1R337 mutant clone, astrocyte ablation (1 day post-tamoxifen), astrocyte ablation (11 days post-tamoxifen), astrocyte ablation (28 days post-tamoxifen), ATP-citrate lyase (ACLY)-targeting small interfering RNAs (siRNAs), bicuculline (Bic) plus 4-amino pyridine (4-AP), ATPcitrate lyase (ACLY)-targeting small interfering RNAs (siRNAs), Belle (Bel) 30 epistasis + shep overexpression, Belle (Bel) 6 epistasis + shep overexpression, Belle (Bel) mutant, Big plataform (BP), BM-MSCs secretome injection, body helium irradiation (30 cGy), body helium irradiation (30 cGy) + Microglia depletion (PLX5622), Brd1 heterozygous, Bridging integrator 1 (BIN1) knockdown, CaMKII inhibitor autocamtide-2-related inhibitory peptide (AIP), CaMKII inhibitor treatment, Carboxypeptidase E (CPE) knockdown, Carboxypeptidase E (CPE) overexpression, castrate, castrate + estradiol implant, CB2 cannabinoid receptor knockout, CD40-Fc, CD40-Fc + anisomycin (Ani), CD40-Fc + flavonoid fisetin (Fis), CD40-Fc + flavonoid fisetin (Fis) + anisomycin (Ani), CD40-Fc + flavonoid fisetin (Fis) + SP600125, CD40-Fc + Go6983 + anisomycin (Ani), CD40-Fc + Go6983 + flavonoid fisetin (Fis), CD40-Fc + Go6983 + flavonoid fisetin (Fis) + anisomycin (Ani), CD40-Fc + Go6983 + flavonoid fisetin (Fis) + SP600125, CD40-Fc + Go6983 + U0126, CD40-Fc + Go6983 + U0126 + anisomycin (Ani), CD40-Fc + Go6983 + U0126 + SP600125, CD40-Fc + phorbol-12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) + U0126 + SP600125, CD40-Fc + phorbol12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA), CD40-Fc + phorbol12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA) + anisomycin (Ani), CD40-Fc + phorbol12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA) + flavonoid fisetin (Fis), CD40-Fc + phorbol12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA) + flavonoid fisetin (Fis) + anisomycin (Ani), CD40-Fc + phorbol12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA) + flavonoid fisetin (Fis) + SP600125, CD40-Fc + phorbol12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA) + SP600125, CD40-Fc + phorbol12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA) + U0126, CD40-Fc + phorbol12-myristate-13-acetate (PMA) + U0126 + anisomycin (Ani), CD40-Fc + U0126 + anisomycin (Ani), CD40-Fc + U0126 + SP600125, Chaperonin containing TCP1 subunit 5 (CCT5) RNAi expression, chronic intermittent ethanol, Chronic nitroglycerin, Chronic nitroglycerin + ACY738, Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), Clock delta19 dominant-negative mutation, Clock delta19 dominant-negative mutation + myocardial infarction, co-lipofected with T large antigen (TAg) plasmid, conditional deletion of Il1rl1, conditional deletion of Mfsd2a, conditional knockout IL-33, constitutive deletion of Il1rl1, Cortical Spreading Depression (CSD), Cortical Spreading Depression (CSD) + ACY738, Corticotrophin-releasing factor (CRF), Corticotrophin-releasing factor (CRF) and CaMKII inhibitor autocamtide-2-related inhibitory peptide (AIP), Corticotrophin-releasing factor (CRF) and Neuropeptide Y (NPY), Corticotropin-releasing factor receptor antagonist (NBI 27914) and neuropeptide Y2R-selective agonist (ahx5-24 NPY), Cox6a2 full Knock-Out, CRISPR/Cas9 edited, CRISPR/Cas9 mutagenesis magoh-/-, CRISPR/Cas9 mutagenesis magoh-/-;foxo3b-/-, CRISPR/Cas9 mutagenesis magoh-/-;foxo3b+/-, CRISPR/Cas9 mutagenesis rbm8a-/-, CRISPR/Cas9 mutagenesis rbm8a-/-;foxo3b-/-, CRISPR/Cas9 mutagenesis rbm8a-/-;foxo3b+/-, CSF1 depletion, Cyclosporine A (CsA), Cyclosporine A (CsA) and Neuropeptide Y (NPY), cysteine-rich PDZ-binding protein (CRIPT) + deltaPDZ overexpression, cysteine-rich PDZ-binding protein (CRIPT) overexpression, D-serine treatment, dCas9-KRAB + scramble gRNA, dCas9-KRAB + SNAP91 gRNA, dCas9-KRAB + TSNARE1 gRNA, dCas9-VPR + scramble gRNA, dCas9-VPR + SNAP91 gRNA, dCas9-VPR + TSNARE1 gRNA, deletion of the N17 domain of the Huntingtin gene, Dlx1/2-/- knockout, Dominant-negative hypoxia-inducible factor (dnHIF), Dominant-negative hypoxia-inducible factor (dnHIF), bicuculline (Bic) plus 4-amino pyridine (4-AP), dominant-negative SNARE (dnSNARE) + BM-MSCs secretome injection, dominant-negative SNARE (dnSNARE) + Neurobasal A injection, dominant-negative WAVEdVCAmyr, Dscam TM2 Knock-Out, early-life stressed (ES) + tactile experience enrichment (TEE), estradiol implant, Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit h (eIF3h) mutant, extracellular vesicles (EV)-treated, Fc protein, Fc protein + anisomycin (Ani), Fc protein + flavonoid fisetin (Fis), Fc protein + phorbol-12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), GCP16 Overexpression, gene-targeted deletion of Mfsd2a, Genetic deletion of Il1rl1, Germ-Free (GF), Gjd2b-/- mutant, Globin, Globin, bicuculline (Bic), plus 4-amino pyridine (4-AP), glucose analog 2-deoxy-D-glucose (2-NBDG) uptake, glucose analog 2-deoxy-D-glucose (2-NBDG) uptake, bicuculline (Bic) plus 4-amino pyridine (4-AP), glucose analog 2-deoxy-D-glucose (2-NBDG) uptake, cycloheximide (CHX), glucose analog 2-deoxy-D-glucose (2-NBDG) uptake, cycloheximide (CHX), bicuculline (Bic) plus 4-amino pyridine (4-AP), Glut3-targeting small interfering RNAs (siRNAs), Glut3-targeting small interfering RNAs (siRNAs), bicuculline (Bic) plus 4-amino pyridine (4-AP), Human tau (hTau) accumulation, Hypoxia Inducible Factor 1 Alpha (HIF1A) gene innactivation, Integrin subunit beta 3 (Itgb3) Knockout, Lentiviral infection with alpha2delta1-double hemagglutinin (HA)-tag, Lentiviral infection with alpha2delta3-double hemagglutinin (HA)-tag, Leucine-rich glioma-inactivated 1 antibodies, long isoform of Nitric Oxide Synthase 1 Adaptor Protein (NOS1AP-L) overexpression, long isoform of Nitric Oxide Synthase 1 Adaptor Protein (NOS1AP-L) overexpression + D-serine treatment, Maternal immune activation, Maternal separation, MET activity inhibition (PHA665752), Microglia depletion (PLX3397 gavage), Microglia depletion (PLX5622), multimodal enrichment (MME), myocardial infarction, N-Ras overexpression, N-Ras shRNA + N-Ras WT, N-Ras shRNA + N-RasC181S, Neurobasal A injection, Neurofibromatosis type 1, Neuropeptide Y (NPY), Neuropeptide Y (NPY), Neuropeptide Y5-antagonist CGP71683A (CGP), Neuropeptide Y1-agonist (F7P34NPY), Neuropeptide Y2R-selective agonist (ahx5-24 NPY), Neuropeptide Y5-agonist [cPP1-7,NPY19-32, Ala31,Aib32,Gln34]hPP (cPP), non-targeting small interfering RNAs (siCT), non-targeting small interfering RNAs (siCT), bicuculline (Bic) plus 4-amino pyridine (4-AP), NPC1 mutant, Nr2f1 conditional knock-out, Okadaic acid (OA), Okadaic acid (OA) and Neuropeptide Y5-agonist [cPP1-7,NPY19-32, Ala31,Aib32,Gln34]hPP (cPP), open chromatin peak deletion, P2rx3 knockout, PFKFB3 inhibitor 3PO, Phospholipase D1 (PLD1) Knockout, Poly(A)-Binding Protein (PABP) + shep overexpression, Poly(A)-Binding Protein (PABP) + shep/SUP-26 overexpression, Poly(A)-Binding Protein (PABP) overexpression, protein S6 kinase 1 knock-out (S6K1 KO), Rac1J10 mutant clone, Ras C181S Overexpression, Ras shRNA, Ras shRNA + Ras C181S expression, Ras shRNA + Ras Overexpression, Ras shRNA + Ras resistant (N-RasR) Overexpression, Ras shRNA + Ras WT, Ras shRNA + RasC181S, Ras shRNA + Zdhhc9 + GCP16, Ras shRNA + Zdhhc9 Overexpression, Ras shRNA + Zdhhc9 shRNA + Zdhhs9, Ras shRNA + Zdhhc9 shRNA + Zdhhs9 Overexpression, Ras shRNA + Zdhhs9 Overexpression, rescue expressing full length Gjd2b, RNAi Tao knockdown, Rock1 heterozygous, Rock2 heterozygous, Salmeterol, sciatic nerve injury, Sez6; Sez6L; Sez6L2 triple knockout, Shank3 heterozygous, Shank3 knockout, shep/SUP-26 overexpression, short isoform of Nitric Oxide Synthase 1 Adaptor Protein (NOS1AP-S) overexpression, short isoform of Nitric Oxide Synthase 1 Adaptor Protein (NOS1AP-S) overexpression + D-serine treatment, Siah E3 Ubiquitin Protein Ligase 2 (SIAH2)-targeting small interfering RNAs (siRNAS), Siah E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase 2 (SIAH2)-targeting small interfering RNAs (siRNAs), bicuculline (Bic) plus 4-amino pyridine (4-AP), sleep deprivation (SD), social housing (SOC), sra1 knockdown, Streptozotocin injection, Streptozotocin injection + insulin implant, syngeneic stem cell transplantation, tactile experience enrichment (TEE), Tao hyperactive form, Tao kinase inactive form, Tao wildtype, Taoeta mutant, TC10 Overexpression, Theta-burst stimulation (TBS), Theta-burst stimulation (TBS) + MK-801, Theta-burst stimulation (TBS) + ZD7288, Trailer Hitch (Tral) + shep overexpression epistasis, Trailer Hitch (Tral) mutant, Trailer Hitch (Tral) mutant + Poly(A)-Binding Protein (PABP) + shep/SUP-26 overexpression, Trailer Hitch (Tral) mutant + shep overexpression, Trailer Hitch (Tral) mutant + shep overexpression epistasis, tweek mutant, wave mutant clone, WAVEd37 mutant clone, Ypsilon schachtel (Yps) epistasis + shep overexpression, Ypsilon schachtel (Yps) mutant (+/-) + shep overexpression, Ypsilon schachtel (Yps) mutant (+/-) + shep overexpression epistasis, Ypsilon schachtel (Yps) mutant, Ypsilon schachtel (Yps) mutant + shep +/- overexpression epistasis, Zdhhc9 + GCP16, Zdhhc9 + GCP16 + Ras C181S Overexpression, Zdhhc9 + GCP16 + Ras Overexpression, Zdhhc9 + GCP16 + Ras shRNA, Zdhhc9 + GCP16 + RasC181S, Zdhhc9 + GCP16 Overexpression, Zdhhc9 + GCP16 Overexpression + Ras shRNA, Zdhhc9 Overexpression, Zdhhc9 shRNA, Zdhhc9 shRNA resistant
      • Metadata revisions:
        • 10 neurons on with primary brain region neocortex and secondary brain region piriform cortex were assigned to primary brain olfactory cortex (new term), still with secondary brain region piriform cortex. The piriform cortex region under neocortex was removed.
        • Objective magnification in the Kula-Gugula for layer 2-3 pyramidal neurons was corrected to 20x
      • New functionality added:Summary reporting - Allows users to efficiently download digests of metadata and morphometrics from multiple groups of similar cells for further analysis
      • Definitions of morphological attributes added to FAQs.
      • Literature Coverage has been updated to include publications through April 2021.
      • 235 reconstruction duplicates identified by updated duplicate detection algorithm were removed. The new version uses FAISS (Facebook AI Similarity Search) to enable parallel all-against-all duplicate detection, which previously was not possible using a serial processing. The novel algorithm also uses persistence vectors in addition to summary morphometrics, where previous versions have only used summary morphometrics. For a full list of duplicates, including their originals and related publications, please see thelinked spreadsheet.

      Version 8.0 released on 06/29/20 contained 131960 neurons.

      What's new in version 8.0 ?
      • Sixty-five data sets (10416 reconstructions) have been added:
      • The following new Species have been added :
        • Axolotl
        • cheetah
        • Crisia eburnea
        • leopard
        • Mormyrid fish
        • Ranitomeya imitator
        • Rhinella arenarum
        • Scinax granulatus
        • Sea lamprey
        • Semipalmated plover
        • Xenopus tropicalis
      • The following new Strains of species have been added:
        • drosophila melanogaster: white& GAL4 5-40& UAS-Venus& SOP-FLP/+& FRT(w[hs])G13& tubP-GAL80/FRT G13, white& GAL4 5-40& UAS-Venus& SOP-FLP/+& FRT(w[hs])G13& tubP-GAL80/FRT G13& acc 2, white& +/+& ppk-Gal4& UAS-mCD8GFP/+, white& +/+& ppk-Gal4& UAS-mCD8GFP/UAS-srebp 8241, white& OK376-Gal4& ppk-G4/UAS-srebp& srebp 189/srebp 189& ppk:: CD4tdGFP, white& OK376-Gal4/UAS-srebp& ppk::CD4tdGFP/+, white& OK376-Gal4/UAS-srebp& srebp 189/srebp 189& ppk:: CD4tdGFP, white& UAS-Dicer2/+& P(GawB)2-21& UAS-mCD8GFP/UAS-srebp 37640, white& UAS-Dicer2/+& P(GawB)smidC161& UAS-mCD8GFP/ UAS-srebp 37640, white& UAS-Dicer2/+& ppk-Gal41.9& UAS-mCD8GFP/UAS-Srebp 37640, white& UAS-Dicer2/+& ppk-Gal41.9& UAS-mCD8GFP/UASacc dsRNA8105, white& UAS-Dicer2/UAS-fasn1 dsRNA108339& ppk-Gal41.9& UAS-mCD8GFP/+, white& UAS-Dicer2/UAS-fasn1 dsRNA108339& ppk-Gal41.9& UAS-mCD8GFP/+ + white&& srebp189/+, white& UAS-Dicer2/UAS-fasn1 dsRNA29349& ppk-Gal41.9& UAS-mCD8GFP/+, white& UAS-Dicer2/UAS-OR42b 101143& P(GawB)2-21& UAS-mCD8GFP/+, white& UAS-Dicer2/UAS-OR42b 101143& P(GawB)smidC161& UAS-mCD8GFP/+, white& UAS-Dicer2/UAS-OR42b 101143& ppk-Gal41.9& UAS-mCD8GFP/+, white& UAS-Dicer2/UAS-srebp 37641& P(GawB)2-21& UAS-mCD8GFP/+, white& UAS-Dicer2/UAS-srebp 37641& P(GawB)smidC161&UAS-mCD8GFP/+, white& UAS-Dicer2/UAS-srebp 37641& ppk-Gal41.9& UAS-mCD8GFP/+, white& srebp189/+
        • leopard: African
        • locust: desert locust (Wild type)
        • Mormyrid fish: Gnathonemus petersii
        • mouse: B6.Cg-Rptor(tm1.1Dmsa)/J, C57BL/6 SST-Cre -/- iDTR +/-, C57BL/6 SST-Cre +/- iDTR +/-, C57BL/6NHsd, L7-SK2, M71-GFP, Mbnl1(DeltaE3/DeltaE3)&Mbnl2(cond/cond)&Nestin-Cre+/-, Mbnl2(cond/cond)&Nestin-Cre+/-, MRL/lpr, NDNF-cre, NDNF-cre& NPY-hrGFP, NexCre&Ai9, Ppp1r2-Cre::RTM, Pvalb::cre& Ai14, Rictor(tm1.1Klg)/SjmJ, SOM-IRES-Cre, Swiss albino, Tg(Thy1-EGFP)MJrs, Tsc1 wt/wt&DAT-IRES-Cre wt/+, Tsc1fl/fl& DAT-IRES-Cre wt/+, VGLUT2-Cre, VIP-cre& Ai9
        • rat: BAC-synuclein transgenic
        • zebrafish: ale oko (jj50), dctn1b, dctn1b x mikre oko (mok m632), Gal4-elavl3, Gal4-Lhx9, Gal4-s1013tET, Gal4-s1101tET, Gal4-s1171tET, Gal4-vGlut2a, Gal4-vGut2a, mikre oko (mok m632), Tg(KalTA4u508)u508Tg& Tg(elavl3:H2B-GCaMP6s)jf5Tg
      • The following new Primary Brain Regions have been added:
        • cerebral ganglion
        • electrosensory lobe
        • subpallium
      • The following new Secondary Brain Regions have been added:
        • cerebellum: left, medial octavolateral nucleus, right
        • electrosensory lobe: ventrolateral zone
        • hippocampus: V-area (DG-like)
        • hypothalamus: intermediate zone, left
        • lateral horn: ventral
        • main olfactory bulb: left, right
        • mesencephalon: torus longitudinalis
        • myelencephalon: glossopharyngeal ganglion, left, right, vagal region
        • neocortex: sensorimotor
        • pallium: left, right
        • peripheral nervous system: olfactory epithelium, trigeminal ganglion
        • pons: pontine nuclei
        • retina: ventral
        • subpallium: left, right
        • thalamus: left, right
      • The following new Tertiary Brain Regions have been added:
        • (amygdala → basolateral amygdala complex): caudal, lateral, medial
        • (basal ganglia → striatum): ventral part of dorsal striatum, left, right
        • (brainstem → hindbrain): anterior, intermediate, posterior
        • (brainstem → raphe nuclei): left, right
        • (cerebellum → cerebellar cortex): cerebellar folia
        • (cerebellum → medial octavolateral nucleus): left, right
        • (electrosensory lobe → ventrolateral zone): ganglion layer
        • (ganglion → right): octaval
        • (hypothalamus → intermediate zone): left, right
        • (hypothalamus → left): caudal zone, rostral zone
        • (hypothalamus → posterior tuberculum (PT)): left
        • (hypothalamus → posterior tuberculum (PT)): right
        • (hypothalamus → preoptic nucleus): left, right
        • (mesencephalon → midbrain tegmentum): interpeduncular nucleus, left, right, torus semicircularis
        • (mesencephalon → tectum): pretectal region, retinal arborization field 7 (AF7)
        • (mesencephalon → torus longitudinalis): left, right
        • (myelencephalon → dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus): lateral, medial
        • (myelencephalon → glossopharyngeal ganglion): right
        • (myelencephalon → left): stripe 1, stripe 2, stripe 3, stripe 4
        • (myelencephalon → pre-Botzinger complex): ventrolateral
        • (myelencephalon → right): stripe 1, stripe 2, stripe 4, stripe 5
        • (myelencephalon → vagal region): left, right
        • (neocortex → parietal): posterior association area
        • (neocortex → sensorimotor): layer 2
        • (peripheral nervous system → olfactory epithelium): left
        • (peripheral nervous system → olfactory epithelium): right
        • (peripheral nervous system → trigeminal ganglion): right
        • (retina → ganglion layer): left
        • (retina → ganglion layer): right
      • The following new Secondary Cell Types have been added:
        • interneuron: Canopy, nicotinic acetylcholine receptor alpha7-positive
        • principal cell: dorsal striatum projecting, eurydendroid, ipsilateral medial cerebellum-projecting, ipsilateral optic tectum-projecting, ventral striatum projecting
      • The following new Tertiary Cell Types have been added
        • (Glia → astrocyte): fibrous astrocyte, radial
        • (Glia → microglia): Parenchymal, vessel-associated
        • (Glia → Oligodendrocyte): transitional
        • (interneuron → amacrine): high frequency, ON-mini alpha
        • (interneuron → basket): aspiny, double-bouquet
        • (interneuron → Canopy): neuron-derived neurotrophic factor (NDNF)-positive, Neuropeptide Y (NPY)-negative
        • (interneuron → Fast-spiking): Fusiform-like
        • (interneuron → GABAergic): giant
        • (interneuron → Martinotti): Non-fast spiking
        • (interneuron → neurogliaform): neuron-derived neurotrophic factor (NDNF)-positive
        • (interneuron → nicotinic acetylcholine receptor alpha7-positive): bipolar dendrite, multipolar dendrite, neuron-derived neurotrophic factor (NDNF)-negative
        • (interneuron → Non-fast spiking): aspiny
        • (interneuron → periventricular): projection
        • (interneuron → Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide (VIP)-positive): bipolar dendrite
        • (interneuron → Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide (VIP)-positive): fast-adapting
        • (interneuron → Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide (VIP)-positive): high-input resistance
        • (interneuron → Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide (VIP)-positive): neuron-derived neurotrophic factor (NDNF)-negative
        • (principal cell → contralateral): midbrain and hindbrain tegmentum-projecting
        • (principal cell → dorsal striatum projecting): controlateral projecting
        • (principal cell → GABAergic): large, small
        • (principal cell → ganglion): CART-negative, CART-positive, colliculo-parabigeminal circuit projecting, colliculo-pulvinar circuit projecting, FOXP2-negative, FOXP2-positive, high frequency, medium, OFF-suppressed, ON-contrast suppressed, ON-sustained, ON-transient, slow, SMI32-negative, SMI32-positive
        • (principal cell → induced pluripotent stem cell-(iPSC)-derived): excitatory
        • (principal cell → Motoneuron): Diaphragm innervating
        • (principal cell → pyramidal): apical intermediate progenitor (aIP)-derived, Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII)-positive, controlateral secondary motor cortex-projecting, induced-pluripotent-stem-cell (iPSC)-derived, other progenitor (OP)-derived, Solitary neurons of Meynert
        • (principal cell → stellate): apical intermediate progenitor (aIP)-derived, Non-fast spiking, other progenitor (OP)-derived
        • (sensory → olfactory): glomeruli projecting
      • The following new stains have been added:
        • Alexa Fluor 488/594 - Dextran
        • Avidin-Alexa Fluor 488
        • Biocytin, Streptavidin-Cy3
        • GCaMP6f + Td tomato
        • mCherry, enhanced yellow fluorescent protein, biocytin
        • neurobiotin + Streptavidin-Alexa Fluor 568
        • SFV-eGFP
        • sulforhodamine 101
      • The following reconstruction softwares have been added:
        • Aiva
      • The following original formats have been added
        • Aivia.swc, TREES Toolbox.mat
      • The following new experimental conditions have been added
        • 5 weeks of moderate ocular hypertension, acetyl-Coa carboxylase (acc) dsRNA knockdown, acetyl-Coa carboxylase (acc) knockdown, Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), Csde1 knockdown, Csde1 knockdown + Csde1 (WT) rescue, Csde1 knockdown + Ctnnb1 rescue, Dengue virus infected - (DENV1), DHHC15 knockdown, DHHC15 knockdown + zDHHC15 Rescue, DHHC15 knockdown + zDHHS15 Rescue, DHPG treatment, diabetic, diphtheria toxin bilateral injection, dynactin1a/b double mutant, dynactin1a mutant, dynactin1b mutant, dynactin2 mutant, eFT508 treatment, Endomorphin-1, Endomorphin-1 + Nociceptin, fatty acid synthase-1 (FASN1) dsRNA-1 knockdown, fatty acid synthase-1 (FASN1) dsRNA-2 knockdown, fatty acid synthase-1 (FASN1) dsRNA-2 knockdown + srebp-null mutant (srebp189), fibroblast-derived iPSCs transplanted in NOD-SCID (Nonobese diabetic/severe combined immunodeficiency) mice, GT949, IGF1 treatment, induced astrocyte reactivity, Ketamine intraperitoneal injection, L-glutamate, L-glutamate + GT949, maternal inflammation, Mbnl2 neuron-specific conditional KO, monocular deprivation, Nestin-Cre Mbnl1/2 double KO, Nociceptin, paraquat 10mg/kg injection, paraquat 1mg/kg + lectin, plasticity induced by intracellular tetanization, plasticity induced by pairing to S1 input, plasticity induced by pairing to S2 input, Raptor knockout, Rictor knockout, SHANK2 mutant, SHANK2 NULL, SHANK2 R841X, srebp knockdown (srebp dsRNA-1), srebp knockdown (srebp dsRNA-2), srebp-null mutant (srebp189), srebp rescue, TG003 treatment, TrKB Knockout, Tsc1 Knockout, UAS-srebp DN, zDHHC15 overexpression
      • Metadata revisions:
        • 18 neurons with tertiary brain region "Brainstem>hindbrain>reticular formation>putative" had region "putative" removed from tertiary regions.
        • The strain of the 10 neurons with species "locust" changed from "not reported" to "locusta migratoria"
        • Protocerebrum removed from from primary brain regions. 19 neurons affected had child regions moved up.
      • Major update of backend allowing for agile data releases: forthcoming archives will be released as soon as their data and metadata have been processed. Previously, archives were released in batches three times per year.
      • New ability to submit data and metadata directly, please see under Home → Submit Data in the menu.
      • Due to a software component failure, download statistics was not recorded during a time period from starting in q4 2019 and ending in q1 2020. Data has been extrapolated from the respective quarters to cover the missing period.
      • Download statistics were added retroactively for direct .swc-file downloads starting from Apr 2014, and hits statistics were updated similarly updated retroactively to account for metadata access through the API.
      • Literature Coverage has been updated to include publications through May 2020.

      Version 7.9 released on 12/13/19 contained 121544 neurons.

      What's new in version 7.9 ?
      • Seventy-one data sets (9334 reconstructions) have been added:
      • The following new Species have been added :
        • Semipalmated sandpiper
        • Treeshrew
      • The following new Strains of species have been added:
        • drosophila melanogaster: GDL-GAL4, GH146-GAL4/+; UAS-CD2::HRP/+, HB4-93-GAL4/GH146-QF, NP3056-GAL4/GH146-Q, pJFRC28-10XUAS-IVS-GFP-p1044 x GAL4 SS02344, (VT015785-p65ADZp (attP40); R42F06-ZpGdbd (attP2)), w; ppk-GAL4/+; UAS-dicer2/+, w; ppk-GAL4/+; UAS-dicer2/UAS-Gaq-RNAi, w; ppk-GAL4/+; UAS-dicer2/UAS-NorpA-RNAi
        • mouse: ABc (+/+), Afg3l1-/- (L1-/-), APP/PS1, astro-DKO, B6SJL-Tg(SOD-1-G93A)1Gur/J, BAc (+/+), Beta2-/- mutant, C3H/PDX1-cre (hom, het or WT) or C57BL/GAD2-cre (hom, het or WT), C3H/PDX1-cre het or WT and ICR WT, C58/J, cacna1ctm3Hfm x C57BL/6J, CACNG5-cre, ChaT-IRES-Cre:Ai14, ChAT(BAC)-eGFP, Gfap-Cre;Smofl/fl, Split-Cre, TrkB-CreER
        • rat: Fischer 344 / NHsd
      • The following new Primary Brain Regions have been added:
        • fornix
        • parasubiculum
      • The following new Secondary Brain Regions have been added:
        • amygdala: basomedial amygdalar nucleus
        • basal forebrain: dorsolateral septum, lateral septum
        • Central nervous system: anterior, left, posterior, right
        • cerebellum: arbor vita, copula pyramidis, posterior, vestibular
        • corpus callosum: fiber tracts
        • entorhinal cortex: lateral
        • forebrain: lateral
        • fornix: columns of the fornix
        • hippocampus: dorsal
        • lateral horn: anterior dorsal tract 1, anterior dorsal tract 3, anterior ventral tract 1, anterior ventral tract 2, anterior ventral tract 3, anterior ventral tract 4, anterior ventral tract 5, anterior ventral tract 6, anterior ventral tract 7, posterior dorsal tract 2, posterior dorsal tract 3, posterior dorsal tract 4, posterior ventral tract 1, posterior ventral tract 12, posterior ventral tract 2, posterior ventral tract 4, posterior ventral tract 5, posterior ventral tract 6
        • mesencephalon: midbrain tegmentum, reticular formation
        • myelencephalon: reticular nucleus, rubrospinal tract
        • neocortex: temporo-parietal, dorsal auditory area, internal capsule, piriform
        • optic Lobe: left, right
        • pallium: Mesopallium
        • peripheral nervous system: dorsal, Scarpa's Ganglion, bone marrow, sensory neuropil
        • pons: pontine reticular nucleus
        • protocerebrum: pars intercerebralis
        • retina: left
        • spinal cord: L3-L5, L6
        • thalamus: external medullary lamina, lateral dorsal nucleus, medial geniculate body, polymodal association thalamus, posterior complex, submedial nucleus, subparafascicular nucleus, ventral posterolateral nucleus
        • ventral nerve cord: thoracic
      • The following new Tertiary Brain Regions have been added:
        • (accessory lobe → lateral): basocentral compartment, left, right
        • (amygdala → medial): anterodorsal, anteroventral, posterodorsal, posteroventral
        • (antennal lobe → glomerulus D): medial
        • (antennal lobe → glomerulus DA1): medial
        • (antennal lobe → glomerulus DA3): medial
        • (antennal lobe → glomerulus DC1): medial
        • (antennal lobe → glomerulus DC2): medial
        • (antennal lobe → glomerulus DC3): medial
        • (antennal lobe → glomerulus DL1): medial
        • (antennal lobe → glomerulus DL3): medial
        • (antennal lobe → glomerulus DL5): medial
        • (antennal lobe → glomerulus DL6): medial
        • (antennal lobe → glomerulus DM1): medial
        • (antennal lobe → glomerulus DM2): medial
        • (antennal lobe → glomerulus DM3): medial
        • (antennal lobe → glomerulus DM5): medial
        • (antennal lobe → glomerulus DM6): Left, medial, Right
        • (antennal lobe → glomerulus DP1m): medial
        • (antennal lobe → glomerulus VA1d): medial
        • (antennal lobe → glomerulus VA1lm): medial
        • (antennal lobe → glomerulus VA2): medial
        • (antennal lobe → glomerulus VA3): medial
        • (antennal lobe → glomerulus VA6): medial
        • (antennal lobe → glomerulus VA7l): medial
        • (antennal lobe → glomerulus VA7m): medial
        • (antennal lobe → glomerulus VC2): medial
        • (antennal lobe → glomerulus VL2): medial
        • (antennal lobe → glomerulus VL2p): medial
        • (antennal lobe → glomerulus VL2p+): medial
        • (antennal lobe → glomerulus VM1): medial
        • (antennal lobe → glomerulus VM2): medial
        • (antennal lobe → glomerulus VM3): medial
        • (antennal lobe → glomerulus VM7): medial
        • (antennal lobe → lateral cell cluster): right
        • (basal forebrain → dorsolateral septum): left, right
        • (basal forebrain → lateral septum): rostral, rostroventral
        • (basal ganglia → globus pallidus): external segment
        • (brainstem → epithalamus): stria medullaris
        • (brainstem → hindbrain): spinal vestibular nucleus, superior, vestibular utricle
        • (brainstem → raphe nuclei): posterior, rostral
        • (brainstem → trigeminal nucleus): motor nucleus of trigeminal
        • (Central nervous system → anterior): bordering antennal lobe medial cell cluster
        • (Central nervous system → posterior): bordering central brain and optic lobe
        • (cerebellum → posterior): paraflocculus
        • (cerebellum → vermis): central lobule, culmen
        • (cerebellum → vermis): folium-tuber, lobule VII, lobule VIIA, lobule VIII, paramedian lobule, simple lobule, uvula
        • (cerebellum → vestibular): basal interstitial nucleus, flocculus, white matter
        • (forebrain → lateral): bundle system
        • (hippocampus → CA2): stratum radiatum
        • (hippocampus → CA3): dorsal
        • (hippocampus → dorsal): commissure
        • (hypothalamus → lateral hypothalamic area): tuberal nucleus
        • (hypothalamus → Posterior hypothalamic nucleus): mammilary body, mammillothalamic tract, medial mammillary nucleus
        • (main olfactory bulb → glomerular layer): bordering external plexiform layer
        • (mesencephalon → midbrain tegmentum): dorsal tegmental decussation, Edinger-Westphal nucleus, periaqueductal gray
        • (mesencephalon → reticular formation): caudal, lateral, parvicellular reticular nucleus
        • (mesencephalon → tectum): nucleus of the brachium, tectospinal pathway
        • (myelencephalon → dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus): left, right
        • (myelencephalon → reticular nucleus): dorsal, lateral, paragigantocellular reticular nucleus
        • (myelencephalon → solitary nucleus): subnucleus centralis (cNTS)
        • (neocortex → anterior cingulate): layer 6a, layer 6b
        • (neocortex → dorsal auditory area): layer 5
        • (neocortex → frontal): layer 6a, layer 6b
        • (neocortex → parietal): Brodmann area 7a, Intraparietal sulcus
        • (neocortex → piriform): anterior, layer 2-3
        • (neocortex → piriform): piriform-amygdalar area
        • (neocortex → prefrontal): layer 6a
        • (neocortex → presubiculum): layer 3-4, Layer 5, Layer 6, Layers 2-3
        • (neocortex → primary auditory): layer 6
        • (neocortex → somatosensory): layer 6a
        • (optic Lobe → lobula): anterior
        • (pallium → Mesopallium): Caudal
        • (peripheral nervous system → abdominal): left, right, segment 4-7
        • (peripheral nervous system → bone marrow): neuroblastoma
        • (peripheral nervous system → sensory neuropil): left, right
        • (peripheral nervous system → thoracic): left
        • (peripheral nervous system → thoracic): medial
        • (peripheral nervous system → thoracic): right
        • (peripheral nervous system → thoracic): segment 1
        • (peripheral nervous system → thoracic): segment 2
        • (pons → pontine reticular nucleus): caudal
        • (protocerebrum → left): dorsoposterior, medial
        • (protocerebrum → right): dorsoposterior, medial
        • (spinal cord → L3-L5): ventral horn
        • (spinal cord → lumbar): lamina II-III, ventral, white matter
        • (thalamus → polymodal association thalamus): posterior limiting nucleus
        • (thalamus → somatosensory thalamus): parvicellular part
        • (thalamus → subparafascicular nucleus): parvicellular
        • (ventral nerve cord → thoracic): segment A3-A6
      • The following new Secondary Cell Types have been added:
        • interneuron: A00c, A00g, A01, A01a, A01b2, A01c1, A01c2, A01d3, A02e, A02f, A02g, A03, A03a4, A03ax, A03g, A06e, A06l, A07c4, A08c, A08e, A08e1, A08e2, A08e3, A08h2, A08s1, A09a, A09b, A09c, A09e, A09g, A09l, A09o, A10f-like, A12b, A12c3, A12g, A12p, A14, A14a, A14b, A18j, A18l, A19l, A23a, A23f2, A26f, A26g, A26x, A27a, A27e, A27e-2, A27j, A27k, A27n, A27p, A31f, anlagen, crescent, Drunken-1, global local, goro-like, Griddle-1, Griddle-2, Handle-A, Handle-B, Ladder-a, Ladder-b, Ladder-c, Ladder-d, Ladder-f, lateral neuron, Neuropeptide F (NPF)-positive, patchy local, pioneer, posterior slope and gnathal ganglion innervating, pre-goro, pre-swallowtail, swallowtail, T01d1, T03a1, T03g, T07u, T08v, T10a, T19v
        • principal cell: AF3, AF4, AF5, broad-spiking, catecholaminergic, CCK-8s activated, contralateral, corticotropin hormone (CRH)-releasing, dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus (DMV) projecting, hugin, midline projection, mushroom body feedback, mushroom body-projecting, pancreas-projecting, PD2a1, PD2b1, subesophageal zone (SEZ)-descending, T5a, T5b, T5c, T5d, thoracic-projecting, Tm4, TmY, unpaired, ventral nerve cord (VNC)-descending
        • sensory: B1, B2, lateral extrastriolar afferent, lch5 2-4, lesA, medial extrastriolar afferent, nociceptive, striolar afferent, v'td, vchA-B, vesA
      • The following new Tertiary Cell Types have been added
        • (Glia → astrocyte): GFAP-positive
        • (interneuron → A02m/A02n): Pseudolooper-4
        • (interneuron → A02o): Wave-1
        • (interneuron → A06e): AAZ3
        • (interneuron → A06e): Saaghi-3
        • (interneuron → A06l): AAZ1
        • (interneuron → A06l): Saaghi-1
        • (interneuron → A08e): A08e3
        • (interneuron → A08h2): Jupiter
        • (interneuron → A09a): Basin-2
        • (interneuron → A09b): Basin-1
        • (interneuron → A09c): Basin-4
        • (interneuron → A09g): Basin-3
        • (interneuron → A09l): Down-and-back-1
        • (interneuron → A10a): Chair-1
        • (interneuron → A12c3): Jaam-3
        • (interneuron → A12g): Jaam-2
        • (interneuron → A12p): Jaam-1
        • (interneuron → A23f2): pre-goro
        • (interneuron → amacrine): nNOS-1, nNOS-2
        • (interneuron → Basin-3): A09g
        • (interneuron → crescent): A08s
        • (interneuron → GABAergic): dorsolateral, glycinergic, Spontaneously Active Bursty Interneuron (SABI)
        • (interneuron → glutamatergic): A02d, superficial tufted, vasopressinergic
        • (interneuron → Inhibitory): drunken-4
        • (interneuron → lateral neuron): LN1, LN2, LN4
        • (interneuron → lateral neuron): NC2, Non-clock
        • (interneuron → Local circuit neuron): AV4a, AV4a1, AV4a2, AV4a3, AV4a4, AV4a5, AV4b, AV4b5, AV4b8, AV4c, AV4c1, AV4c2, PD3a, PD3a1, PD3a2, PD3a3, PD3b, PD3b1, PV2a, PV2a1, PV2a2, PV2b, PV2b1, PV2c, PV2c1, PV2d, PV2d1, PV4a, PV4a1, PV4a10, PV4a12, PV4a2, PV4a3, PV4a4, PV4a5, PV4a6, PV4a7, PV4b, PV4b1, PV4b2, PV4c, PV4c2, PV4d, PV4d1, PV4d3, PV4f, PV4f1
        • (interneuron → Neuropeptide F (NPF)-positive): coaster
        • (interneuron → Parvalbumin (PV)-positive): inhibitory, tonic firing
        • (interneuron → pioneer): Cholinergic, pCC, projection
        • (interneuron → pre-motor): A01c1, A01x3, A02j, A02m, A03a4, A03a5, A03a6, A03d-e, A03g, A03x, A05a, A05k, A06l, A18b3, A18f, A27h, A27k, A31d, excitatory, glutamergic, Looper-10, Pseudolooper-3, Saaghi-1, T01d4, T03g2
        • (interneuron → projection): Type 1
        • (interneuron → T08v): Recliner
        • (interneuron → T1): ascending, contra, descending, local, PC-ascending
        • (interneuron → T10a): Chair-1
        • (principal cell → AF3): thermo
        • (principal cell → AF4): Large Spider Neuron
        • (principal cell → AF5): Short
        • (principal cell → bipolar): vbd
        • (principal cell → broad-spiking): intermediate-spiking, phasic-spiking, tonic-spiking
        • (principal cell → Columnar): LO tan Lo1-2 large, LO tan Lo1-2 medium 01, LO tan Lo1-2 T5a specific
        • (principal cell → CT1): CT1-pre home, CT1-pre-A, CT1-pre-A LO, CT1-pre-AG LO, CT1-pre-B, CT1-pre-B LO, CT1-pre-C, CT1-pre-C LO, CT1-pre-D LO, CT1-pre-D ME, CT1-pre-E, CT1-pre-E ME, CT1-pre-F LO, CT1-pre-F ME, CT1-pre-G LO, CT1-pre-H, CT1-pre-H ME, CT1-pre-I LO, CT1-pre-I ME, CT1-pre-J LO, CT1-pre-J ME, CT1-pre-P LO, CT1-pre-P ME, CT1-pre-Q LO, CT1-pre-R, CT1-pre-Wxout LO, LO, ME
        • (principal cell → hugin): protocerebrum-projecting, ring gland-projecting, ventral nerve cord-projecting
        • (principal cell → induced pluripotent stem cell-(iPSC)-derived): SH-SY5Y
        • (principal cell → L1): Short
        • (principal cell → Mi): Mi1-A, Mi1-B, Mi1-C, Mi1-D, Mi1-E, Mi1-F, Mi1-H, Mi1-I, Mi1-J, Mi1-P, Mi1-Q
        • (principal cell → Mi1): Mi1 Home
        • (principal cell → Mi4): Mi4 Home, Mi4-A, Mi4-B, Mi4-C, Mi4-D, Mi4-E, Mi4-F, Mi4-G, Mi4-H, Mi4-I, Mi4-J, Mi4-P
        • (principal cell → Mi9): Mi9-B, Mi9-C, Mi9-D, Mi9-F, Mi9-H, Mi9-I, Mi9-J, Mi9-P, Mi9-Q, Mi9-X
        • (principal cell → Motoneuron): aCC, C3 Home, C3-A, C3-B, C3-F, C3-H, C3-I, gastric-projecting, innervating longitudinal muscle 1, innervating transverse muscle 1, innervating transverse muscle 2, innervating transverse muscle 3, innervating transverse muscle 4, ISN, pharyngeal, RP1, RP2, RP3, RP4, RP5, SN, U1, U2, ventrolateral-2
        • (principal cell → neurosecretory): insulin producing, median
        • (principal cell → output neuron): a2sc, AD1a, AD1a1, AD1a2, AD1a4, AD1b, AD1b1, AD1b2, AD1c, AD1c1, AD1c2, AD1d, AD1d1, AD1e, AD1e1, AD1f, AD1f1, AD3b, AD3b1, AD3b2, AD3f, AD3f1, AV1a, AV1a1, AV1a2, AV1a3, AV2a, AV2a1, AV2a2, AV2a3, AV2a4, AV2b, AV2b1, AV2b2, AV3a, AV3a1, AV4b, AV4b3, AV4b4, AV4b6, AV4b7, AV4c, AV4c1, AV4c2, AV4c4, AV4f, AV4f1, AV5a, AV5a1, AV6a, AV6a1, AV6a2, AV6a3, AV6b, AV6b1, AV6c, AV6c1, AV7a, AV7a1, PD2a, PD2a1, PD2a2, PD2b, PD2b1, PD2e, PD2e2, PD2f, PD2f1, PD4a, PD4a4, PV12a, PV12a1, PV2b, PV2b1, PV2c, PV2c1, PV2d, PV2d1, PV4b, PV4b1, PV4b2, PV4b3, PV4c, PV4c1, PV4c3, PV4d, PV4d1, PV4d3, PV4d4, PV4f, PV4f1, PV5a, PV5a1, PV5a2, PV5a3, PV5b, PV5b1, PV5b2, PV5b3, PV5c, PV5c1, PV5c2, PV5c3, PV5g, PV5g1, PV5g2, PV5k, PV5k1, PV6a, PV6a1, PV6a3, PV6b, PV6b1, PV6c, PV6c1
        • (principal cell → Purkinje): projection
        • (principal cell → pyramidal): CTIP2+, giant cell
        • (principal cell → Shepherd's crook neuron): isthmic nuclei-projecting
        • (principal cell → T2): T2 Home, T2-T2a LO2-02, T2-T2a LO2-06
        • (principal cell → T4): Lobula plate-projecting
        • (principal cell → T4a): T4a edge-39, T4a-03, T4a-11, T4a-19, T4a-22, T4a-25, T4a-29, T4a-52, T4a-53, T4a-56, T4a-57
        • (principal cell → T4b): T4b-01, T4b-02, T4b-08, T4b-17, T4b-28, T4b-30, T4b-32, T4b-36, T4b-43, T4b-54
        • (principal cell → T4c): T4c-05, T4c-14, T4c-15, T4c-18, T4c-20, T4c-23, T4c-35, T4c-49, T4c-55
        • (principal cell → T4d): T4d-07, T4d-09, T4d-10, T4d-12, T4d-13, T4d-21, T4d-31, T4d-33, T4d-38
        • (principal cell → T5a): T5a-06, T5a-11, T5a-15, T5a-16, T5a-18, T5a-30, T5a-33, T5a-35, T5a-42, T5a-43, T5a-44, T5a-59, T5a-67, T5a-74
        • (principal cell → T5b): T5b-01, T5b-02, T5b-04, T5b-05, T5b-09, T5b-12, T5b-14, T5b-17, T5b-28, T5b-36, T5b-37, T5b-46, T5b-49
        • (principal cell → T5c): T5c-03, T5c-10, T5c-13, T5c-19, T5c-20, T5c-27, T5c-29, T5c-41, T5c-52, T5c-54
        • (principal cell → T5d): T5d-07, T5d-21, T5d-23, T5d-25, T5d-26, T5d-32, T5d-40, T5d-47, T5d-60, T5d-66, T5d-71, T5d-76
        • (principal cell → thalamocortical): auditory cortex projecting
        • (principal cell → Tm1): Tm1 Home, Tm1-A, Tm1-B, Tm1-C, Tm1-D, Tm1-E, Tm1-F, Tm1-H, Tm1-I, Tm1-J, Tm1-P, Tm1-Q, Tm1-R, Tm1-W
        • (principal cell → Tm2): Tm2 Home, Tm2-A, Tm2-B, Tm2-C, Tm2-D, Tm2-E, Tm2-F, Tm2-H, Tm2-I, Tm2-J, Tm2-P, Tm2-Q, Tm2-R, Tm2-Wxout
        • (principal cell → Tm3): Tm3 Home, Tm3-B, Tm3-C, Tm3-E, Tm3-F, Tm3-I, Tm3-O, Tm3-R, Tm3-W-ant
        • (principal cell → Tm4): Tm4 Home, Tm4-A, Tm4-B, Tm4-C, Tm4-E, Tm4-I, Tm4-J, Tm4-K, Tm4-L, Tm4-P
        • (principal cell → Tm9): Tm9 Home, Tm9-A, Tm9-B, Tm9-D, Tm9-E, Tm9-F, Tm9-G, Tm9-H, Tm9-I, Tm9-J, Tm9-P, Tm9-Q, Tm9-R
        • (principal cell → TmY): TmY Lop1, TmY Lop12, TmY-LO1, TmY-LO3-4, TmY-LO4
        • (principal cell → TmY15): TmY15-01 Home, TmY15-02, TmY15-03
        • (principal cell → transmedulla): TmY15-04
        • (sensory → B1): ACa, AVa
        • (sensory → B2): ACp, AVa
        • (sensory → Multidendritic-dendritic arborization (DA)): A08n, A09q, descending sog, projection, projection A, projection B, projection C, projection D, TePn05, TePn19
        • (sensory → nociceptive): induced pluripotent stem cell-(iPSC)-derived
        • (sensory → photoreceptor): Rhodopsin 5 expressing, Rhodopsin 6 expressing
      • The following new stains have been added:
        • Biocytin, Streptavidin-Alexa 633
        • cyan fluorescent protein
        • Multi-Color Flip-Out (MCFO)
        • Osmium tetroxide, Potassium ferrocyanide, Uranyl acetate, Lead aspartate
        • uranyl acetate + Sato's lead
      • The following slicing thicknesses have been added:
        • 10
      • The following original formats have been added
        • Catmaid.hoc, Catmaid.ser, Simple Neurite Tracer.nd2
      • The following magnification has been added
        • 2000, 5, 600
      • The following new experimental conditions have been added
        • Autistic-like phenotype, C3aR Knockout, Capsaicin, Channelrodhopsin bilateral injection into CA2 on CA2 +/- mice, Chronic deferoxamine (DFO)-treatment, Chronic Unpredictable Stress, Chronic Unpredictable Stress + unstressed recovery, Congenital insensitivity to pain (CIP), copper-deficient, Cytosolic PSD-95 interactor (cypin)-overexpression, Cytosolic PSD-95 interactor mutant (cypin-deltaPDZ)-overexpression, D3cpv nuclear filled, double-transgenic, double-transgenic + URMC-099, Effective RNF2 RNAi, Ethanol, Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis Benztropine-treated, Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis Calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP)-treated, Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis Combination-treated (Benztropine + Tuftsin), Experimental Autoimmune Encephalomyelitis (EAE), Forebrain-specific Connective tissue growth factor conditional knockout (FbCtgf KO), FPL-treated, FPL-treated Knockout, GCaMP3, GCaMP3-Xc, GCaMP3-Xn, GCaMP3-Xo, GCaMP5G nuclear filled, GCaMP5G-Xc, GCaMP6m nulclear filled, GCaMP6m-Xc, Gfap Smo CKO, gp120IIIB treatment, Gprasp2 knockout, High fat diet + Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB), High fat diet + Sham surgery, Ineffective RNAi, inverse pericam nuclear filled, Methylazoxymethanol acetate (MAM)-treatment, Migrating, mSOD1 + VCE-003.2, Nimodipine-treated, Nimodipine-treated Knockout, NLS-GCaMP3-NLS, NMDAR chimera, Par1b/MARK2 KO, perfusion with CCK-8s, PS19-C3aR Knockout, PS19 Transgenic, PUM1 overexpression, R1139W mutation, R1147W mutation, Setd5 haploinsufficient heterozygte, Social instability stress, social touch paradigm in freely-cycling subjects, Spinal cord T8 lesion, Spinal cord T8 lesion + Wheel running, T1035S mutation, transplanted VGAT -/-, transplanted VGAT +/-, transplanted VGAT +/+, TUBB4A pA271T mutant, TUBB4A pD249N mutant, TUBB4A pR2G mutant, TUBB4A (WT) over-expression, UAS-RNAi targeting Gaq, UAS-RNAi targeting NorpA, Wintering
      • Metadata revisions:
        • The primary brain region "dorsal thalamus" merged with "thalamus"
        • Neurons with secondary brain regions "posterior thalamic nucleus" and "ventral posteromedial nucleus" had these terms moved to tertiary brain regions under somatosensory thalamus as secondary
        • 87 cells in Jacobs archive with the secondary cell type "projection" and tertiary cell type "pyramidal" changed to secondary cell type "pyramidal" and tertiary cell type "projection"
        • 165 cells with secondary brain region "nucleus accumbens" under basal ganglia was moved to tertiary brain region under secondary brain region "ventral striatum" (also under basal ganglia). "Nucleus accumbens" was removed as secondary brain region.
      • Novel interactive WebGL 3D visualization tool added under neuron detail information page.
      • Literature Coverage has been updated to include publications through November 2019.

      Version 7.8 released on 8/19/19 contained 112244 neurons.

      What's new in version 7.8 ?
      • Sixty-four data sets (4850 reconstructions) have been added:
      • The following new Species have been added :
        • Praying mantis (Hierodula membranacea)
        • Praying mantis (Rhombodera megaera)
        • Toadfish
      • The following new Strains of species have been added:
        • mouse: 129S6, 129S6 MAO-A Neo, 5HTR2a-EGFP, C57BL/6J + FVB, CalretininCre, CBA/CaJ, Chat-IRES-Cre:Ai47, CX3CR1gpf/+, D2-Cre MORF mNeon, DAT-Cre, DAT+/cre x TfamloxP/loxP, DAT+/+ x TfamloxP/loxP, En1::2ADre;Dbh::Flpo;RC::RFLTG, Hb9::GFP [ Yen_Chen Yen_Chen-bis ], IG-DMRmat-Delta;Hb9::GFP, JAX 005582, Nkx2.1::Ai14(2) x Swiss Webster, Tac1-IRES2-Cre-D, Tg(Grp-EGFP)DV197Gsat, VIP-Cre;Ai32, VIP-Cre;Ai9, Vsx1Cer2, zQ175 heterozygous
        • drosophila melanogaster: GAL4[19-12],UAS-mCD8::tdGFP (x) OregonR, GAL4[19-12],UAS-mCD8::tdGFP (x) UAS-Atg12-IR, GAL4[19-12],UAS-mCD8::tdGFP (x) UAS-Atg1[6b], GAL4[19-12],UAS-mCD8::tdGFP (x) UAS-Atg18-IR, GAL4[19-12],UAS-mCD8::tdGFP (x) UAS-Atg1[delta3D], GAL4[19-12],UAS-mCD8::tdGFP (x) UAS-Atg1-IR, GAL4[19-12],UAS-mCD8::tdGFP (x) UAS-Atg1[K38Q], GAL4[19-12],UAS-mCD8::tdGFP (x) UAS-Atg2-IR, GAL4[19-12],UAS-mCD8::tdGFP (x) UAS-Atg4-IR, GAL4[19-12],UAS-mCD8::tdGFP (x) UAS-Atg5-IR, GAL4[19-12],UAS-mCD8::tdGFP (x) UAS-Atg6-IR, GAL4[19-12],UAS-mCD8::tdGFP (x) UAS-Atg7-IR, GAL4[19-12],UAS-mCD8::tdGFP (x) UAS-Atg8a-IR, GAL4[19-12],UAS-mCD8::tdGFP (x) UAS-Atg8b-IR, GAL4[19-12],UAS-mCD8::tdGFP (x) UAS-Atg9-IR, GAL4[477],UAS-mCD8::GFP; ppk-Gal4,UAS-mCD8::GFP (x) UAS-Atg12-IR, GAL4[477],UAS-mCD8::GFP; ppk-Gal4,UAS-mCD8::GFP (x) UAS-Atg1[6b], GAL4[477],UAS-mCD8::GFP; ppk-Gal4,UAS-mCD8::GFP (x) UAS-Atg18-IR, GAL4[477],UAS-mCD8::GFP; ppk-Gal4,UAS-mCD8::GFP (x) UAS-Atg1[delta3D], GAL4[477],UAS-mCD8::GFP; ppk-Gal4,UAS-mCD8::GFP (x) UAS-Atg1[K38Q], GAL4[477],UAS-mCD8::GFP; ppk-Gal4,UAS-mCD8::GFP (x) UAS-Atg2-IR, GAL4[477],UAS-mCD8::GFP; ppk-Gal4,UAS-mCD8::GFP (x) UAS-Atg4-IR, GAL4[477],UAS-mCD8::GFP; ppk-Gal4,UAS-mCD8::GFP (x) UAS-Atg5-IR, GAL4[477],UAS-mCD8::GFP; ppk-Gal4,UAS-mCD8::GFP (x) UAS-Atg6-IR, GAL4[477],UAS-mCD8::GFP; ppk-Gal4,UAS-mCD8::GFP (x) UAS-Atg7-IR, GAL4[477],UAS-mCD8::GFP; ppk-Gal4,UAS-mCD8::GFP (x) UAS-Atg8a-IR, GAL4[477],UAS-mCD8::GFP; ppk-Gal4,UAS-mCD8::GFP (x) UAS-Atg8b-IR, GAL4[477],UAS-mCD8::GFP; ppk-Gal4,UAS-mCD8::GFP (x) UAS-Atg9-IR, GAL4[477],UAS-mCD8::GFP; ppk-Gal4,UAS-mCD8::GFP (x) UAS-MJD78Q, nompC-GAL4,UAS-mCD8::GFP (x) OregonR, nompC-GAL4,UAS-mCD8::GFP (x) UAS-Atg1; UAS-cut RNAi, nompC-GAL4,UAS-mCD8::GFP (x) UAS-cut RNAi, PPKGAL4,CD8GFP, UAS-CD8::GFP/+; JO15-Gal4/+, UAS-cut; GAL4[221],UAS-mCD8::GFP (x) OregonR, UAS-cut; GAL4[221],UAS-mCD8::GFP (x) UAS-Atg12-IR, UAS-cut; GAL4[221],UAS-mCD8::GFP (x) UAS-Atg18-IR, UAS-cut; GAL4[221],UAS-mCD8::GFP (x) UAS-Atg1[delta3D], UAS-cut; GAL4[221],UAS-mCD8::GFP (x) UAS-Atg1-IR, UAS-cut; GAL4[221],UAS-mCD8::GFP (x) UAS-Atg1[K38Q], UAS-cut; GAL4[221],UAS-mCD8::GFP (x) UAS-Atg2-IR, UAS-cut; GAL4[221],UAS-mCD8::GFP (x) UAS-Atg4-IR, UAS-cut; GAL4[221],UAS-mCD8::GFP (x) UAS-Atg5-IR, UAS-cut; GAL4[221],UAS-mCD8::GFP (x) UAS-Atg6-IR, UAS-cut; GAL4[221],UAS-mCD8::GFP (x) UAS-Atg7-IR, UAS-cut; GAL4[221],UAS-mCD8::GFP (x) UAS-Atg8a-IR, UAS-cut; GAL4[221],UAS-mCD8::GFP (x) UAS-Atg8b-IR, UAS-cut; GAL4[221],UAS-mCD8::GFP (x) UAS-Atg9-IR, Vglut-LexA, LexAop-myrGFP
        • zebrafish: Tg(OtpECR6:BrbM; hsp:nls-Cre), Tg(Oxt:BrbM; hsp:nls-Cre)
      • The following new Primary Brain Regions have been added:
        • Pro-subiculum
      • The following new Secondary Brain Regions have been added:
        • adult subesophageal zone: Saddle
        • basal ganglia: claustrum
        • brainstem: midbrain
        • neocortex: temporo-parietal
        • peripheral nervous system: dorsal, Scarpa's Ganglion
        • protocerebrum: pars intercerebralis
        • retina: left
        • subesophageal zone-(SEZ): left, right
      • The following new Tertiary Brain Regions have been added:
        • (adult subesophageal zone → Saddle): antennal mechanosensory and motor center
        • (amygdala → basolateral amygdala complex): left, right
        • (basal ganglia → claustrum): caudal, middle, rostral
        • (basal ganglia → striatum): Putamen
        • (basal ganglia → substantia nigra): medial
        • (brainstem → cochlear nucleus): anteroventral, dorsal third
        • (brainstem → raphe nuclei): Central Linear Nucleus
        • (brainstem → trigeminal nucleus): Caudal third
        • (hippocampus → CA1): oriens/alveus border
        • (main olfactory bulb → external plexiform layer): deep, superficial
        • (mesencephalon → tectum): left, right
        • (neocortex → frontal): Medial, superior gyrus, ventrolateral
        • (neocortex → temporo-parietal): layer 2-3, right
        • (optic Lobe → Left Lobula Complex): Anterior lobe, Anterior lobe and outer lobes, central brain
        • (optic Lobe → lobular complex): central brain, layers 1 and 3, layers 2 and 4, outer lobes
        • (optic Lobe → medulla): central brain
        • (peripheral nervous system → abdominal): anterior, pleural body wall, segment 2-3
        • (peripheral nervous system → Scarpa's Ganglion): Left, Right
        • (protocerebrum → pars intercerebralis): left, right
      • The following new Secondary Cell Types have been added:
        • sensory: bipolar
        • principal cell: Giant fiber, induced neural border stem cell, neurosecretory
        • sensory: olfactory, Ventricular dilator
      • The following new Tertiary Cell Types have been added
        • (interneuron → Calretinin (CR)-positive): non-late spiking,
        • (interneuron → Commissural): Columnar
        • (interneuron → Excitatory): Substance P-(SP) expressing
        • (interneuron → GABAergic): retrosplenial layer 1-targeting, subiculum-projecting
        • (interneuron → granule): 5 week-old, Calretinin (CR)-negative, Calretinin (CR)-positive
        • (interneuron → Inhibitory): Gastrin-releasing peptide-expressing
        • (interneuron → Non-fast spiking): intracolumnar, local projecting, Martinotti-like, Neurogliaform-like, non-Martinotti-like, supragranular projecting, transcolumnar, VIP-like
        • (interneuron → tangential): centrifugal, dorsal, southern, ventral, VS-like1, VS-like2, VS-like3, VS2, VS3, VS4, VS5, VS6
        • (interneuron → Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide (VIP)-positive): interneuron-specific, type3
        • (principal cell → cholinergic): projection
        • (principal cell → Columnar): Lo-LoP, Me-LoP, Type 1, Type 2
        • (principal cell → ganglion): Monostratified, multistratified, Ret-positive
        • (principal cell → glutamatergic): Bushy, Globular
        • (principal cell → granule): postnatally born
        • (principal cell → induced neural border stem cell): dopaminergic
        • (principal cell → modulatory): enteric nervous system projecting, pharynx-projecting, Serotonergic, axillary nerve, depressor mandibulae, masseter, maxillary nerve, musculocutaneous nerve, Pleural Muscle, posterior brachial cutaneous nerve, pterygoideus, radial nerve, submaxillaris, suprascapular nerve
          (principal cell → Motoneuron): temporalis
        • (principal cell → neurosecretory): diuretic hormone (DH44)-releasing, Dromyosuppressin (DMS)-releasing, neuroendocrine output
        • (principal cell → Noradrenergic) CA1-projecting, mPFC/A24-projecting
        • (principal cell → oxytocinergic neuron (OXT)): encephalotropic, hypophysiotropic
        • (principal cell → Pharyngeal) Antennal nerve, anterior lateral part of anterior central sensory compartment projecting, anterior part of anterior central sensory compartment projecting, anterior part of anterior ventral sensory compartment projecting, posterior lateral part of anterior central sensory compartment projecting, posterior lateral part of anterior central sensory compartment projection, posterior lateral part of anterior central sensory ompartment projecting, posterior part of anterior central sensory compartment projecting, posterior part of anterior ventral sensory compartment projecting, prothoracic accessory nerve, ventromedial sensory compartment projecting
          (principal cell → projection): corticostriatal
        • (principal cell → pyramidal): B-like, Ma-like, Mb-like, Mc-like
        • (principal cell → tangential): projection
        • (principal cell → thalamocortical): primary visual cortex projecting
        • (principal cell → tufted): ventrolateral
        • (sensory → bipolar): utricular afferents
        • (sensory → pigment dispersing factor (PDF)-positive): antennal lobe-projecting, lamina-projecting, lobula valley tract loop-projecting, lobula-projecting, medulla-projecting, ocelli-projecting, posterior optic commissure (POC)-projecting
      • The following new stains have been added:
        • AAV + eGFP;Alexa Fluor 488 - Dextran;Alexa Fluor 488 + Texas Red;Avidin-Rhodamine Red;Biocytin + Alexa 594;biolistic trasnfection;Brainbow;Endogenous fluorescence;GCaMP;mCherry;Neurobiotin, Cy3-conjugated streptavidin;Osmium tetroxide, Potassium ferrocyanide, Thiocarbohydrazide, Uranyl acetate, Lead aspartate;silver-intensified cobalt lysine;Streptavidin-Alexa 568
      • The following slicing direction has been added:
        • oblique coronal
      • The following slicing thicknesses have been added:
        • 1.5, 180
      • The following original formats have been added
        • Imaris.asc, TrakEm2.nml
      • The following magnification has been added
        • 240
      • The following new experimental conditions have been added
        • 1a old 5xFAD (Alzheimer mouse model), ArhGAP15 knockout, Bicaudal D2 (BICD2) - transfection, Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), CAMK2G co-transfection, CAMK2G-Knockdown, CAMK2G-Knockdown + CAMK2A co-transfection, CAMK2G-Knockdown + CAMK2B co-transfection, CAMK2G-Knockdown + CAMK2G co-transfection, Cdk4/cyclinD1 (4D)-overepression (4D+), co-expression of cut and Atg12 RNAi, co-expression of cut and Atg18 RNAi, co-expression of cut and Atg1 RNAi, co-expression of cut and Atg2 RNAi, co-expression of cut and Atg4 RNAi, co-expression of cut and Atg5 RNAi, co-expression of cut and Atg6 RNAi, co-expression of cut and Atg7 RNAi, co-expression of cut and Atg8b RNAi, co-expression of cut and Atg9 RNAi, co-expression of cut and kinase-dead Atg1, co-expression of cut and mutant Atg1, Cortical and subcortical metaplasia, Cortical and subcortical neoplasm, CT100(I716F) virus, CT100(I716F) virus + rAAV-Syn-Cre-T2A-EGFP virus, DSCAM downregulation, DSCAM overexpression, Ectopic expression of cut, Epilepsy, Epilepsy + hippocampal sclerosis + microdysgenesis, Epilepsy + left hippocampal sclerosis + dysgenesis, Epilepsy + left interictal spikes, FGF10 Overexpression, FGF9 Overexpression, FGFR1/2/3 Knockout, FGFR1/2/3 KO + kainic acid, HIV-1 T26 Transgenic, Lipopolysaccharide-(LPS) incubation, Maternal polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid potassium salt treatment, Maternal polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid potassium salt treatment + Lipopolysaccharide injection, mGluR5 cKO + TrkA LOF, MitoPark, Monoamine oxidase A hypomorphic, Nek7 LOF, Nerve growth factor overexpression, Nerve growth factor overexpression + TrkA, NgR2 Knockout, orthokeratology (OK) long-term treatment, orthokeratology (OK) short-term treatment, rAAV-Syn-Cre-T2A-EGFP virus, RNAi-based cut knockdown, RNAi-based cut knockdown and over expression of Arg1, Status epilepticus,Subcortical neoplasm, SynCAM1/Cadm1 knockout, Tmc mutant, TrkA LOF, UAS-driven Atg12 RNAi expression, UAS-driven Atg18 RNAi expression, UAS-driven Atg1 overexpression, UAS-driven Atg1 RNAi expression, UAS-driven Atg2 RNAi expression, UAS-driven Atg4 RNAi expression, UAS-driven Atg5 RNAi expression, UAS-driven Atg6 RNAi expression, UAS-driven Atg7 RNAi expression, UAS-driven Atg8a RNAi expression, UAS-driven Atg8b RNAi expression, UAS-driven Atg9 RNAi expression, UAS-driven expression of Atg9 RNAi, UAS-driven expression of kinase dead Atg1, UAS-driven expression of kinase-dead Atg1, UAS-driven expression of MJD/SCA3 with polyglutamine expansion plus overexpression of Atg1, UAS-driven expression of mutant Atg1
      • Metadata revisions:
        • 3650 reconstructions previously reported as "sensory receptors" were changed to "sensory".
        • The primary brain region "optic Lobe" was renamed to "optic lobe"
        • The secondary brain region "optic lobe > lobular complex" was renamed "optic lobe > lobula complex".
        • The secondary cell type "principal > modulatory neuron" was renamed "principal > modulatory".
      • Twitter feed added to start page.
      • Literature Coverage has been updated to include publications through August 2019.

      Version 7.7 released on 4/8/19 contained 107394 neurons.

      What's new in version 7.7 ?
      • Sixty-eight data sets (5894 reconstructions) have been added:
      • The following new Species have been added :
        • Grasshopper
        • Apis mellifera (Western Honey bee)
        • Silkmoth
      • The following new Strains of species have been added:
        • drosophila melanogaster: dar1-3010 mutant, dar1-3232 mutant, dar1 mutant, KhcKOattP, w1118
        • grasshopper: American bird
        • monkey: Squirrel
        • mouse: ApoE-Knockout, B6;129S-Pdyntm1.1(cre)Mjkr/LowlJ, BTBR, C57B6, C57Bl/6J + SVCJ129, C57BL/J, CGG, Chrna2-Tom, DAT-Cre, B6.SJL-Slc6a3tm1.1(cre)Bkmn/J, Df(h15q13)/+, Esr2-IRES2-Cre, Gpr158tm1(KOMP)Vlcg, Hmx3cre::R26-tdTOMflox;Htr3a-GFP, Humanized ApoE3, Humanized ApoE4, Lhx6-iCre+/-; RCE-EGFP+/-, Ndnf-IRES2-dgCre, Neto2 -/-, Nkx2-1-CreERT2, Ntsr1-Cre, Penk-IRES2-Cre-neo, Sema6-/-, Sema6+/-, Sim1-Cre_KJ18, T4826I-RYR1, T4826I-RYR1 + FMR1 premutation, Tlx3-Cre_PL56 VGAT-Cre, Slc32a1tm2(cre)Lowl/J, VIP-IRES-cre
        • Silkmoth: Kinshu-Showa
        • Zebra finch: Wildtype
        • zebrafish: Et(E1b:Gal4-VP16)s1101t, Tg(UAS:loxP-tdTomato_CAAX-loxP-EGFP_CAAX)mpn128, otx1b:Cre, Gal4s1013t, UAS:Optobow, mnx1:Gal4; UAS:H2B-Cerulean-p2a-mKO2-CAAX, mnx1:eGFP-hTDP43wt, mnx1-GFP, mnx1:mVenus-zTDP43, Tg(pet1:gal4-p2A-EGFP)gy1 & Tg(UAS:Kaede)s1999t
      • The following new Primary Brain Regions have been added:
        • accessory lobe
        • Central complex
        • Central nervous system
        • forebrain
        • subesophageal zone-(SEZ)
      • The following new Secondary Brain Regions have been added:
        • accessory lobe: lateral, Mori cluster
        • antennal lobe: dorsolateral, glomerulus DA4, glomerulus DC4, glomerulus DL2, glomerulus DM4, glomerulus DP1, glomerulus V, glomerulus VA1, glomerulus VA4, glomerulus VA5, glomerulus VA7, glomerulus VC1, glomerulus VC3, glomerulus VC4, glomerulus VL1, glomerulus VL2, glomerulus VM4, glomerulus VM5, glomerulus VM6, glomerulus VP1, glomerulus VP2, glomerulus VP3, glomerulus VP4, lateral cell cluster, Medial cell cluster
        • basal forebrain: medial septum
        • Central complex: posterior
        • Central nervous system: ventral
        • main olfactory bulb: dorsal
        • optic Lobe: lobula
        • peripheral nervous system: anterior, inter-parapodial, left, pygidial cirrus, Pygidial cirrus, right, segment 0, segment 1, segment 2, segment 3, ventral nerve cord
        • subesophageal ganglion: posterior protocerebral lobe
        • subiculum: Polymorphic layer
      • The following new Tertiary Brain Regions have been added:
        • (accessory lobe → lateral) posterior surface, (accessory lobe → Mori cluster) lateral, (antennal lobe → glomerulus DA4) lateral, (antennal lobe → glomerulus DA4) medial, (antennal lobe → glomerulus DL2) dorsal, (antennal lobe → glomerulus DL2) ventral, (antennal lobe → glomerulus DP1) lateral, (antennal lobe → glomerulus DP1) medial,(antennal lobe → glomerulus VA1) dorsal,(antennal lobe → glomerulus VA1) ventral, (antennal lobe → glomerulus VA7) medial, (antennal lobe → glomerulus VA7) lateral, (antennal lobe → glomerulus VC3) lateral, (antennal lobe → glomerulus VC3) medial, (antennal lobe → glomerulus VL2) posterior, (antennal lobe → glomerulus VM5) dorsal, (antennal lobe → glomerulus VM5) ventral, (antennal lobe → glomerulus VM7) dorsal, (antennal lobe → glomerulus VM7) ventral, (basal ganglia → substantia nigra) Dorsal, (basal ganglia → substantia nigra) Lateral, (brainstem → reticular formation) Intermediate zone, (Central nervous system → ventral) anterior, (Central nervous system → ventral) medial, (main olfactory bulb → dorsal) right, (mesencephalon → tectum) Dorsal cortex, (mesencephalon → tectum) External cortex, (neocortex → medial prefrontal) layer 2, (neocortex → medial prefrontal) layer 3, (neocortex → occipital) visual cortex (V1 and V2 / Brodmann areas 17 and18), (neocortex → somatosensory) Brodmann area 1 and 3b,(neocortex → somatosensory) hand representation, (optic Lobe → lobula) posterior, (peripheral nervous system → abdominal) segment 2-4, (peripheral nervous system → anterior) left, (peripheral nervous system → enteric) distal colon, (peripheral nervous system → inter-parapodial) left, (peripheral nervous system → inter-parapodial) right, (peripheral nervous system → inter-parapodial) segment 1, (peripheral nervous system → left) anterior, (peripheral nervous system → Pygidial cirrus) left, (peripheral nervous system → Pygidial cirrus) not reported, (peripheral nervous system → pygidial cirrus) right, (peripheral nervous system → Pygidial cirrus) right, (peripheral nervous system → Pygidial cirrus) ventral, (peripheral nervous system → pygidial cirrus) ventral, (peripheral nervous system → right) anterior, (peripheral nervous system → segment 0) right, (peripheral nervous system → segment 1) left, (peripheral nervous system → segment 1) not reported, (peripheral nervous system → segment 1) right, (peripheral nervous system → segment 2) left, (peripheral nervous system → segment 2) right, (peripheral nervous system → segment 3) left, (peripheral nervous system → segment 3) right, (peripheral nervous system → ventral nerve cord) decussating trunk, (peripheral nervous system → ventral nerve cord) ipsilateral, (peripheral nervous system → ventral nerve cord) segment 2, (peripheral nervous system → ventral nerve cord) segment 3, (protocerebrum → mushroom body) Calyx Pedunculus, (protocerebrum → mushroom body) contralateral, (protocerebrum → mushroom body) gamma, (spinal cord → lumbar) L5-L6, (spinal cord → lumbar) mid-lumbar, (subesophageal ganglion → posterior protocerebral lobe) dorsal central body, (subiculum → Polymorphic layer) dorsal
      • The following new Secondary Cell Types have been added:
        • Glia: Radial
        • interneuron: arc, ciliomotor, Commissural, Commissural-T, periventricular, rope, Vibration sensitive
        • principal cell: Antennal lobe projection neuron-(adPN), Columnar, kenyon cell, Motoneuron, Multiglomerular projection, superficial tufted
        • sensory receptor: biciliated, collar receptor neuron, not reported
      • The following new Tertiary Cell Types have been added
        • (Glia → astrocyte) Protoplasmic, (interneuron → amacrine) Orientation selective, (interneuron → cholinergic) GABAergic,(interneuron → collar receptor neuron) split, (interneuron → Commissural) cross,(interneuron → Commissural) Up,(interneuron → dopaminergic) GABAergic, (interneuron → oriens-lacunosum moleculare) acetylcholine receptor alpha-2 (Chrna2)-positive, (interneuron → periglomerular) oligoglomerular, (interneuron → periventricular) bistratified, (interneuron → periventricular) tristratified, (interneuron → Somatostatin (SOM)-positive) nicotinic acetylcholine receptor alpha2 subunit (Chrna2)-positive,(None → medium spiny) projection, D1-type dopamine receptor-expressing, (principal cell → GABAergic) hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide gated channel 4 (HCN4)-positive, (principal cell → GABAergic) Orchid, (principal cell → GABAergic) SATB1-positive, (principal cell → GABAergic) Sharp Wave Ripple (SWR)-active, (principal cell → GABAergic) Sharp Wave Ripple (SWR)-unchanged, (principal cell → glutamatergic) Area X-projecting, (principal cell → glutamatergic) robust nucleus of the arcopallium- and area X-projecting, (principal cell → Induced Neurons) H9-derived, (principal cell → kenyon cell) a'B'c, (principal cell → kenyon cell) a'B's, (principal cell → Motoneuron) arm, (principal cell → Motoneuron) bow,(principal cell → Motoneuron) crab, (principal cell → Motoneuron) hose, (principal cell → Motoneuron) mnx1 expressing, (principal cell → Motoneuron) ring, (principal cell → Motoneuron) spider, (principal cell → projection) bilateral, (principal cell → projection) macroglomerular complex-targeting, (principal cell → projection) bistratified, (principal cell → projection) monostratifed, (principal cell → projection) multiglomerular, (principal cell → projection) non-stratified, (principal cell → projection) periventricular, (principal cell → projection) Pre-hypoglossal, (principal cell → projection) tristratified, (principal cell → pyramidal) Ctip2-negative, (principal cell → pyramidal) peritumoral,(principal cell → robust nucleus of the arcopallium projecting) glutamatergic(principal cell → superficial tufted) horizontal, (principal cell → superficial tufted) vertical, (principal cell → uniglomerular projection) t5, (sensory receptor → biciliated) unpaired, (sensory receptor → collar receptor neuron) biciliated, (sensory receptor → collar receptor neuron) unpaired, (sensory receptor → Multidendritic-dendritic arborization (DA)) ddaB
      • The following new stains have been added:
        • AAV2-EF1a-DIO-mCherry, Adeno-associated virus (AAV), Alexa Fluor 647 hydrazide, Kaede fluorescent protein, mTurquoise2 + enhanced yellow fluorescent protein + tdTomato, Phase contrast, Steptavidin-Alexa Fluor 555, td tomato + photoactivatable green fluorescent protein (paGFP)
      • The following reconstruction softwares have been added:
        • GTree
      • The following original formats have been added
        • GTree.swc, Neuronstudio.nst
      • The following new experimental conditions have been added
        • 2,4-di-nitrobenzene sulfonic acid-(DNBS) colitis model, 2,4-di-nitrobenzene sulfonic acid-(DNBS) colitis model + GR159897 once daily, IP, 78Q + CrebA Overexpression, 78Q Overexpression, 78Q + Rac1 + CrebA Overexpression, 78Q + Rac1 Overexpression, Bisphenol A-(BPA), CrebA + Rac1 Overexpression, CREB Overexpression + Mecp2 KO, CREB Overexpression + Mecp2 V247fs mutation, CRISPR/Cas9-corrected Mecp2 V247fs mutation, DNMT3A-KO, Electrical field stimulation at 2000Hz, Electrical field stimulation at 20Hz, Electrical field stimulation at 5Hz, Floxed-stop Dcx-shRNA electroporation + Tamoxifen-inducible Cre recombinase + mCherry + Tamoxifen, GluA2CTP, GR159897 once daily IP, Mecp2 KO + Rolipram, Mecp2 T158M mutation, Mecp2 T158M mutation + Rolipram, Mecp2 T158M mutation + WNT2 Overexpression, Mecp2 V247fs mutation, Mecp2 V247fs mutation + Rolipram, Mecp2 V247fs mutation + WNT2 Overexpression, Mettl14 f/f, Negr1 shRNA, Pah^enu2 KO, Pah^enu2 KO rAvPAL-RBC treated, Rac1 Overexpression, Repeated Cross Fostering-(RCF) + Cocaine, Retinoic acid, shNova2, shNova2 + X1, shNova2 + X1 mutant, shNova2 + X5, shRNA electroporation targeting Dcx + mCherry, shRNA in utero electroporation targeting Dcx + GFP, shX1 + X1, shX1 + X1 mutant, shX1 + X5, trkB IgG, zTDP-43 (wt) expression
      • Secondary brain region for Kole cells (38 neurons related to PMID=15062977) corrected from CA1 to CA3.
      • Literature Coverage has been updated to include publications through April 2019.
      • Added FAQ: How do you compute the ticker tape statistics?
      • The following major errors were corrected:
        • 78 cells with Class3: "NG2-expressing" was changed to the existing entry "Nerve/Glial proteoglycan 2 (NG2)-positive"
        • Objective of the Tenner archive cells changed from dry to oil
        • Age scale added where it was missing to neurons with defined age
        • "Whole mount" removed from Slicing Thickness menu/table. All 373 cases which had that value had Slicing direction set to "Whole Mount" and Slicing Thickness set to "Not applicable"
        • Original files URL corrected in cases where it was pointing to non-existent entries.
        • 2 duplicate neurons removed from earlier release in Tenner archive
      • Minor errors corrected (spelling, duplicate menu entries, etc)

      Version 7.6 released on 11/28/2018 contained 101,503 neurons

      What's new in version 7.6 ?
      • The following new Species have been added: capuchin monkey
      • The following new Strains of species have been added:
        • C. elegans: sax-7(dz156), dma-1(tm5159):mnr-1(dz175), dma-1(tm5159):sax-7(dz156), mnr-1(dz175):sax-7(dz156)
        • mouse: PDE1c-tdTomato, Wnt3a-tdTomato, Arctic48, Arctic48/C5aR1KO, B6.Cg-Tg(Scnn1a-Cre)3Aibs/J, C5aR1KO, Chat-IRES-Cre-neo, h-GFAP-Cre;Frs2(fl/fl);Frs3-/-
      • The following new Brain Regions have been added:
        • Secondary brain region: Area X, subthalamic nucleus
        • Tertiary brain region: Reeler barrel equivalent
      • The following new Cell Types have been added:
        • Tertiary cell type: 6 month old, CamKIIalpha-negative, CamKIIalpha-positive, D2-type dopamine receptor-expressing, Microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP2)-positive, Spontaneously firing
      • The following new Experimental Conditions have been added: Arctic(E22G) mutations, Arctic(E22G) mutations + C5a receptor 1 knockout, cocaine, Swedish(K670N+M671L), 1 dendrite branch severed + dendrites regenerated, 13 weeks post-lesion, 16 weeks post-lesion, 3-double mutant, 45 minute left (controlateral) middle cerebral artery occlusion 60 days prior, 45 minute left (ipsilateral) middle cerebral artery occlusion 60 days prior, 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA)-lesion, ACEA+GP1a-Treated, ACEA-Treated, Acetylcholine, Kynurenic acid, Acetylcholinesterase, alpha-bungarotoxin 50nM, angled/circular micro-pattern plating, Ank2-IR, Antalarmin hydrochloride, Anterior thalamic nuclei lesion, anti-DENV2 hyperimmune serum, antibody-enhanced dengue disease, APP Knockout, APP Swedish mutation, APP Swedish mutation + seleginine, APP Swedish/Indiana double mutation (TgTRND8), ATXN1-knockout, axotomy of olfactory sensory neurons, bead injection, beta-actin morpholino, beta-actin morpholino + beta-actin rescue, Both ear clip, Brn3b+/-; Brn3a CKOAP/+, Brn3b+/-; Brn3a CKOAP/-, Brn3b+/
      • The following new Slicing thickness values have been added: 0.029
      • The following new Stain values have been added: mRuby2, Streptavidin Alexa 633
      • One cell from Keyvani archive (34-8-2-KD) and three from Markram archive (SM100428A1-3-RPINT-IDF, SM081009A1-7-IDC, SM081009A1-7-IDB) were removed from the repository due to duplicity with other cells in the same archives (Keyvani, 34-8-1-KD; Markram, SM100428A1-3-IDF, SM081009A2, SM081009A4).

      Version 7.5 released on 08/02/2018 contained 96831 neurons

      What's new in version 7.5 ?
      • The following new Species have been added: Calango lizard, Steller's Sculpin, zebra finch
      • The following new Strains of species have been added:
        • Calango lizard: Wild-caught
        • drosophila melanogaster: GAL4[221],UAS-mCD8::GFP (x) UAS-Trio GEF2, GAL4[221],UAS-mCD8::GFP (x) UAS-Trio-IR, GAL4[477],UAS-mCD8::GFP (x) UAS-Trio, GAL4[477],UAS-mCD8::GFP (x) UAS-Trio GEF2, GAL4[477],UAS-mCD8::GFP (x) UAS-Trio-IR, GAL4[221],UAS-mCD8::GFP (x) UAS-Trio, GAL4[221],UAS-mCD8::GFP (x) UAS-Trio GEF1, GAL4[477],UAS-mCD8::GFP (x) UAS-Trio GEF1
        • mouse: C57BL/6JRj, B6.Cg-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm14(CAG-tdTomato)Hze/J (JAX# 007914), Nkx2.1-cre:RCE, C57BL6 x B6.129P2(C)-Mecp2+/y, L7-tau-GFP, C57BL6 x B6.129P2(C)-Mecp2-/y, VGAT-Cre, B6.129S4-Grin1tm2Stl/J, hGFAP::CreERT2; Rosa26R-YFP
        • zebrafish: Tg(6.7FRhcrtR:gal4VP16), Tg(pkd2l1:Gal4)icm10
      • The following new Brain Regions have been added:
        • Secondary brain region: Apical nervous system, enteric
        • Tertiary brain region: dorsolateral sensory cluster, high vocal center, inferior, lobule IX, lobule V, medial frontal gyrus, myenteric plexus, nasal, oculomotor, peptidergic circuit, proximal, segment 8, smooth muscle layers
      • The following new Cell Types have been added:
        • Secondary cell type: asymmetric, biciliary, ciliary photoreceptor, glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP)-expressing, IRP2-positive, long-branched ciliary, myoinhibitory peptide (MIP)-positive, persistent activity neuron (PAN), robust nucleus of the arcopallium projecting, Type IV (bipolar), unciliated, uniciliary
        • Tertiary cell type: 14 days old, allatostatin-C (ASTC)-positive, Bursicon-positive, bushy, cerebrospinal fluid-contacting neurons (CSF-cNs), corticopontine, F-mini-Off, F-mini-On, FMRFamide-positive, hypertrophic, J type, M2 type, Medial Ganglionic Eminence (CGE)-derived, myoinhibitory peptide (MIP)-positive, NADPH diaphorase-expressing, Nerve/Glial proteoglycan 2 (NG2)-positive, Nitrergic, Nonclassical transient On, pentaciliary, persistent activity neuron (PAN), putative, RGWamide-positive, S100beta-expressing, Sox10-expressing, tOn-alpha, Type 3, Type 4, Type 5, Type 6, Type I (protoplasmic), Type II (fibrous), Type III (extraganglionic)
      • The following new Experimental Conditions have been added: Brn3b+/-; Brn3a CKOAP/+, Brn3b+/-; Brn3a CKOAP/-, Brn3b+/-; Brn3c CKOAP/+, Brn3b+/-; Brn3c CKOAP/-, Brn3b-/-; Brn3a CKOAP/+, Brn3b-/-; Brn3a CKOAP/-, Brn3b-/-; Brn3c CKOAP/+, Brn3b-/-; Brn3c CKOAP/-, caspase3, cavernous hemangioma, Cdkl5 knockout, chronic restraint stress, crmp+/-, crmp+/-;crmp2+/-, crmp-/-, crmp1+/-;sema3a+/-, crmp2+/-, crmp2-/-, Cyst, Dichlobenil + Minocycline, environmental enrichment + Piry virus-infected, Erythropoietin, Erythropoietin + chronic restraint stress, glioma, high fever, HUCPVC Conditioned Media, intractable seizures, in utero exogenous cannabinoid exposure, Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, Mecp2 KO, miR-196a transgene, Naris Occlusion, Neurilemmona in the middle cranial fossa, NR1 knockout, oligodendroglioma, Pilocytic astrocytoma, Piry virus-infected, sema3a+/-, sema3a+/-;crmp2+/-, sema3a-/-, siRNA NaV1.1-1.3 knock-down
      • The following new Original Format of reconstruction files have been added: EyeWire.mat, Farsight.swc
      • The following new Slicing thickness values have been added: 0.03
      • The following new Stain values have been added: horseradish peroxidase + diaminobenzidine, mcherry
      • The following new Reconstruction Software have been added: EyeWire, Farsight

      Version 7.4 released on 04/16/2018 contained 86893 neurons

      What's new in version 7.4 ?
      • The following new Species have been added: African wild dog, Aplysia, Blue wildebeest, Caracal, Clam worm, Domestic dog, ferret, Greater kudu, Lemur, Lion, Mongoose, Wallaby, Zebra
      • The following new Strains of species have been added:
        • Aplysia: Wild
        • Clam worm: Platynereis dumerilii
        • Crab: Jonah
        • drosophila melanogaster: pJFRC-20XUAS-IVS-RFPnls-PQR-cut, UAS-shep-RNAiVDRC, RhoGAP18b-IR melanogaster, Wdb-IR melanogaster, ppkGal4,UAS-CD4-tdGFP, RpL24-IR melanogaster, RpS13-IR melanogaster, OreR, cpa-IR melanogaster, caper-CC01391 mutant, SkpA-IR melanogaster, Ank2-IR melanogaster, RhpGAP18b-IR melanogaster, ctp_cdlc-IR melanogaster, CG7033-IR melanogaster, ppk-CD4-tdTomato reporter, RpS2-IR melanogaster, shep-BG00836 mutant, Dmn-IR melanogaster, Tcp1-IR melanogaster, RpL7-IR melanogaster, RpS17-IR melanogaster, msps-IR melanogaster, RpL36A-IR melanogaster, cpb-IR melanogaster, Ret_C168/Df(Bsc312)
        • Lemur: Ring-tailed
        • Mongoose: Banded
        • monkey: Golden lion tamarin, callithrix penicillata
        • mouse: B6.Cg-Gt(ROSA)26Sortm6(CAG-ZsGreen1)Hze/J (JAX# 007906), C57BL/6JRccHsd, Transgenic EGFP, CD1, Rosa-CreER, Nestine-rtTA/Tet-Bax, Cre+ Tor1aflx/+, CCK-CreER, DLXcre/+;mGluR5f/f, Crhr1-Cre, 129/SVE, daDREAM, Dnmt3b, Hoxd10-GFP, 15q11-13patDp/+, BL/6; 129SvJ, Opn4CreERT2/+;Z/AP, VGLUT3-Cre, HRASG12V, C57BL/6 LRRK2-/- Knock-out, Thy1-YFP-G & C57BL/6{J} & OMP-ChR2:EYFP, Rhot1, ChAT-Cre, FVB, C57BL/6 LRRK2 wild-type, Igfbp5, Tbet-Cre/C57, Chrna2-Cre{;Ai3} on mixed FVB/N & Crl:CD1[ICR] & C57BL/6 background, PV / myrGFP-LDLRct, NeuroD4, C57BL/6J x GAD67-GFP, FVB-Tg(GadGFP)45704Swn/J, NHE6, C57BL/6J x Nestin-Cre/tdTomato, Tor1aflx/+, Cln5-KO, MR-transgenic, Pvcre, 5HTr6, PVFlpO+vGATiCre, Kcnip2, SCA6-84Q/84Q, Pcdh-alpha-f/f;Slc6a4::Cre, TorsinA Conditional Knockout, CB2-GFP, DAT-GFP, C57BL/6J, d Viptm1(cre)Zjh/J (VIPCre), TorsinA Heterozygous, Rhot2, PVFlpO+vGlut2, Cbln2-GFP, dlx6a-cre 1Mekk/J, kif20b magoo, C57BL6/TH-GFP, TgH(CX3CR1-EGFP)xTgN(THY1.2-EYFP), Prmt8tm1a(EUCOMM)Wtsi, Dlx5/6-Cre, GFAP-td
        • rabbit: Flemish giant
        • rat: Green, PVG hooded, Lewis
        • Wallaby: Red-necked
        • Zebra: Plains, Mountain
        • zebrafish: Tg(elavl3:GCaMP5G)a4598 transgenic, TL
      • The following new Brain Regions have been added:
        • Primary brain region: abdominal ganglion, eye circuit, olfactory pit, pallium, peptidergic circuit
        • Secondary brain region: Anterior group of the dorsal thalamus, Anterior hypothalamic nucleus, Anterodorsal nucleus, Anteromedial nucleus, Anteroventral nucleus, Central lateral nucleus of the thalamus, Central medial nucleus of the thalamus, Dorsomedial nucleus of the hypothalamus, Interanterodorsal nucleus of the thalamus, Intralaminar nuclei of the dorsal thalamus, Lateral posterior nucleus of the thalamus, Mediodorsal nucleus of thalamus, Nucleus of reunions, Paracentral nucleus, Parafascicular nucleus, Paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus, Posterior hypothalamic nucleus, Postsubiculum, Retrosplenial area, Subparaventricular zone, Ventral anterior-lateral complex of the thalamus, Ventral medial nucleus, Ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus, ciliary band I, ciliary band II, ciliary band III, ciliary zone 1, ciliary zone 2, ciliary zone 3, ciliary zone 4, ciliary zone 5, ciliary zone 6, ciliary zone 7, ciliary zone 8, cortex, dorsal cluster, epithalamus, nuchal organs, raphe nuclei
        • Tertiary brain region: Brodmann area 12, Brodmann area 24, Brodmann area 3, Brodmann area 4, Lateral habenula, Lateral longitudinal fasciculus, Medial longitudinal fasciculus, anterior, anterior macula, association area TE, fourth visual, intrinsic to the optic neuropil, juxtaglomerular space, layer 1, layer 2, layer 2-3, layer 3, left, medial, medial crista, neuromast, nucleus of medial longitudinal fasciculus, occipital projecting, oculomotor, otic, peripheral, posterior crista, posterior macula, putative, putative trigeminal, right, septal, trans optic neuropil, vestibular nucleus, visual association (TE), visual association (TEO), visual association (TEad)
      • The following new Cell Types have been added:
        • Secondary cell type: Fvamide, Myoinhibitory peptide, Neural progenitor cell, RGWamide, Schnorkel, TmY15, acrotroch, anterior paired lateral neuron, axo-axonic cell (AAC), bag cell neuron, ciliomotor, crescent, loop, metatroch, modulatory neuron, myelinated, octapaminergic, paratroch, peptidergic, photoreceptor, pigment depressing factor (PDF)-positive, prototroch
        • Tertiary cell type: CaD, CaP, CaV, D1-type dopamine receptor-expressing, Inner ear projecting, MC, MeL, MeLM, MeLc, MeLr, MeM, MeMD, MeMv, MiD, MiD2, MiD2CL, MiD2cm, MiD2i, MiD3, MiD3CL, MiD3cm, MiD3i, MiM1, MiR, MiR1, MiR2, MiT, MiV, MiV1, MiV2, On-Off, Peripheral lateral line afferent neuron, Posterior lateral line nerve projecting, Putative spinal projecting, RoI2, RoI2C, RoI2R, RoL, RoL1, RoL2, RoL3, RoM, RoM1, RoM1C, RoM1R, RoM2, RoM2L, RoM2m, RoM3, RoM3L, RoM3M, RoV3, auditory association cortex targeting, cMNATO, cMNd, ciliomotor, clasping short axon cell, contralaterally-projecting, eyespotPRCR3, heart projecting, hippocampus-projecting, infraorbital projecting, ipsilaterally-projecting, mandibular-projecting, mauthner cell, middle, occipital projecting, oculomotor projecting, optic nerve projecting, peptidergic, preoptic nucleus projecting, sensory, ser-h1, ser-tr1, thermosensory, ventral pallidum-projecting, vestibulospinal
      • The following new Experimental Conditions have been added: Early training, odor enrichment for 7 days, Acetylcholinesterase, Ank2-IR, Anterior thalamic nuclei lesion, APP Swedish mutation, beta-actin morpholino, beta-actin morpholino + beta-actin rescue, CG7033-IR
      • The following new Original Format of reconstruction files have been added: Catmaid.csv, Catmaid.swc, Knossos.nlm, Simple Neurite Tracer.ndf
      • The following new Slicing thickness values have been added: 0.06, 1, 25, 265, 270, 277, 285, 292, 295, 310, 332, 339, 356, 360, 405, 420, 425, 429, 434, 438, 593
      • The following new Stain values have been added: Streptavidin Alexa Fluor 555, immunogold, membrane-targeted GFP, Streptavidin-Alexa Fluor 488, Tag red fluorescent protein, tetramethylrodamine-dextran
      • One neuron entry (20120828SC2) from an earlier release (v.7.0) was changed from secondary cell type "basket" to "Chandelier"

      Version 7.3 released on 11/28/2017 contained 80012 neurons

      What's new in version 7.3 ?
      • The following new Species have been added: Crab
      • The following new Brain Regions have been added:
        • Secondary brain region: cornea, glomerulus DA2, glomerulus DL4, hindbrain, inner nuclear layer, layer 2-4, mediodorsal thalamic nucleus, neurosecretory preoptic area (NPO), posterior tuberculum (PT), preoptic nucleus, skin, tail, thoracic, trigeminal nucleus
        • Tertiary brain region: Brodmann area 20, Lateromedial Visual, Marginal zone, T3, above plexus, alpha, alpha-1, alpha-2, alpha-3, alpha-prime, apex, column 3, dorsal agranular cingulate, down, lobule III, low-threshold mechanoreceptor-recipient zone (LTMR-RZ), maxillary subregion, medial preoptic area, principal trigeminal nucleus, segment 2, segment 3, segment 4, segment 4-6, segment 5, segment 6, segment 7, subgranular zone
      • The following new Cell Types have been added:
        • Secondary cell type: Induced Neurons, Kenyon cell, Pseudounipolar, SIFamide, dorsal paired medial-(DPM), gastric mill, induced pluripotent stem cell-(iPSC)-derived, lateral gastric, lateral pyloric, lung terminal, magnocellular, neural integrators, non-Kenyon cell, oxytocinergic neuron (OXT)
        • Tertiary cell type: 2A, A-beta afferent nerve fiber, Chrna2-positive, Glomerular layer-projecting, Local edge detector type, M1 type, Osteocrin-positive, PAM, PFC-anterior cingulate projecting, PFC-orbital projecting, PFC-projecting, PPL1, Reelin secreting, SATB2-positive, Tbr2 lineage, anterior paired lateral-(APL), complex, core-targeting, cough receptor, direction-selective, hindbrain projecting, mature, midline-crossing, mixed bipolar, non-Tbr2 lineage, pituitary projecting, posterior-targeting, right main bronchus, right middle lobe, spinal projecting, surface-targeting, tOff-alpha
      • The following new Experimental Conditions have been added: GP1a-Treated, ACEA+GP1a-Treated, ACEA-Treated, Osteocrin-overxpressing, Osteocrin siRNA, 45 minute left (controlateral) middle cerebral artery occlusion 60 days prior, 45 minute left (ipsilateral) middle cerebral artery occlusion 60 days prior, lipopolysaccharide injection + PXS-4681A, mgluR5 cKO, iron-deficient, eltrombopag-treated, Opn4 expression, dendrotomy, APP Swedish mutation + seleginine, APP Swedish mutation, Morphine Sulphate self-administered, tissue-nonspecific alkaline phosphatase (TNAP) Knockout, high anxiety-like behavior + fluoxetine, high anxiety-like behavior, anti-DENV2 hyperimmune serum, antibody-enhanced dengue disease, enriched environment, Kif20b-/- Mutant, Trim9 Knockout, Transplanted embryonic neurons, Tpx2-depleted, axotomy of olfactory sensory neurons, mineralocorticoid receptors overexpression, stress + mineralocorticoid receptors overexpression, overpressure-exposed, Post-Lasik 1 month, Post-Lasik 1 week, Post-Lasik 6 months, Rorb overexpression, simulated microgravity (SMg) for 14 days, NHE6 KO, Chronic Ethanol, siTCERG1, chronic mild restraint stress, 13 weeks post-lesion, 16 weeks post-lesion, Pilocarpine-induced epilepsy, LPS-triggered, Tor1a null, Tor1a +/-, treatment, high susceptibility to apomorphine, low susceptibility to apomorphine, High licking/grooming mother, Low licking/grooming mother, Costello Syndrome, Ras hyperactivation, Fitm RNAi-1 knockdown, Deferoxamine (DFX), VK-28, spinocerebellar ataxia type 6 model, Chronic cough, normal raising for 7 days + odor enrichment for 7 days + and odor removal for 5 days, ATXN1-knockout, right ear clip + bead injection, bead injection, ear clipping, Left ear clip, Right ear clip, Both ear clip, alpha-bungarotoxin 50nM, Choline 0.1mM, Choline 1mM, Nicotine 50nM, Nicotine 50nM + alpha-bungarotoxin 50nM, PNU-282987 1uM, PNU-282987 10uM, Choline 0.1nM, capre -/-, shep-/-, shep-RNAi, saporin treated, saporin + dihydrotestosterone treated, saporin + estradiol treated, saporin + testosterone treated, early-life stressed (ES), Antalarmin hydrochloride, Polyethylene glycol, early-life stressed (ES) + Antalarmin hydrochloride, early-life stressed (ES) + Polyethylene glycol, SCH23390 + Nicotine, SCH23390, Infraorbital nerve cut, dendrites severed by 2-photon laser (balding) + dendrites regenerated, 1 dendrite branch severed + dendrites regenerated
      • The following new Original Format of reconstruction files have been added: Knossos.nml, Neurolucida.hoc, Neurolucida.xml, Raveler.swc, neuTu.swc, TrakEm2.swc
      • The following new Slicing thickness values have been added: 0.045µm, 0.5µm, 45µm, 450µm, 7µm
      • The following new Stain values have been added: betaIV-spectrin, streptavidin-488, Streptavidin-Alexa 405, Fluorescence Cytochrome Oxidase, Streptavidin-conjugated Alexa 647, tandem dimer green fluorescent protein (tdGFP), Texas red
      • The following new Reconstruction Software have been added: neuTu, TrakEm2

      Version 7.2 released on 07/19/2017 contained 70025 neurons

      What's new in version 7.2 ?
      • The following new Species have been added: Blind mole-rat
      • The following new Strains of species have been added:
        • Blind mole-rat: Spalax Judaei
        • C. elegans: wdIs52, mnr-1(dz175), lect-2(rz2), lect-2(rz2):dma-1(tm5159), lect-2(rz2):mnr-1(dz175), lect-2(rz2):sax-7(nj48), dma-1(tm5159), sax-7(nj48)
        • domestic pig: Yorkshire
        • drosophila melanogaster: ppkCD4tdTomato heterozygous
        • monkey: Cynomolgus
        • mouse: VIPcre/tdTomato heterozygous, B6.129S4-Pten/J homozygous, Ebf2- Cre, MMP-9 -/-, B6;C3-Opa1, Tg2576, B6.Cg-Tg(Thy1-YFPH)2Jrs/J, eGFP-DRD4/Chat-Cre/TdTomato, Thy-GFP-M, FVB-NJ (wild type), CBA/C57BL6 Hybrid, Thy1-YFP-H, R26R:Nex-Cre, Reeler (rlr), Htr3a-GFP, B6c3Fe(+/-)a/a-Reln, GlyT2-GFP, Ctgf-2A-dgCre, Thy-1-EGFP line M, Wildtype, Ts16, C57BL6J/129SvJae, Mash1CreER:RCE, AT-1 S113R/+
        • rabbit: pigmented
        • zebrafish: wild type, pou4f3:GAL4 X UAS:GAP-GFP, GE4a, RIKEN Wako
      • The following new Brain Regions have been added:
        • Primary brain region: accessory olfactory bulb
        • Secondary brain region: cingulate, glomeruli, somatosensory thalamus, ventral tegmental area
        • Tertiary brain region: 0 degree receptive field, 1 degree receptive field, 20 degree receptive field, Brodmann area 21, G glomerular cluster, Locus Coeruleus, basal nucleus, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, central, lG glomerular cluster, lG3 glomerulus, lG4 glomerulus, lateral nucleus, layer 6a, left, maG glomerular cluster, mdG1 glomerulus, mdG2 glomerulus, mdG3 glomerulus, mdG4 glomerulus, mdG5 glomerulus, mdG6 glomerulus, sublamina a, sublamina b, vaG glomerular cluster, ventrolateral preoptic nucleus, vmG glomerular cluster, vpG glomerulus, vpG1 glomerulus
      • The following new Cell Types have been added:
        • Secondary cell type: dLGN-projecting, low-threshold calcium spiking, microglia, modified bipolar, non low-threshold calcium spiking, noradrenaline-excited, noradrenaline-inhibited, noradrenaline-inhibited, noradrenergic, output neuron, propriospinal, serotonin-excited, serotonin-inhibited, tilted, unusual projection neurons
        • Tertiary cell type: A17, A2, a/b bistratified, beta-hydroxylase-positive, C-type, Cerebellar-projecting, Class 1, Class 2, Class 3, cone, Connective Tissue Growth Factor positive, corticofugal, corticogeniculate, early-born, edge detector, IN-like, Iba1-positive, lhx2a tg+, Long wavelength-depolarized, medium-field, melanopsin-positive, narrow-field, ON-OFF type, Off response, On response, On-Off direction selective ganglion cell, orientation selective, polyaxonal, PVD, rod, serotonin-excited, serotonin-inhibited, sleep promoting neuron, stem cell-derived (ES:Hb9), Sustained, tbx21 tg+, Thoracic, Transient, translocating, triphasic, UV-depolarized, Vg3, W3b, wide-field
      • The following new Experimental Conditions have been added: 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium ion (MPP), 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium ion (MPP) + Neuroprotectin D1 (NDP1), Activity-based anorexia, Alfy/Wdfy3 Knockout, BDNF+CNTF, Beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate (HMB), BRAF, Cisplatin, Crmp2 knockout, Disc1, DISC1 N terminus (1-301 expressing), DISC1-Boymaw fusion protein expressing, dma-1, dma-1/lect-2 double mutant, DMSO, Down Syndrome trisomic, DYNC1I1 knockdown, DYNC1I1 knockdown+BRAF, FGF7, FGFb, Frizzled1-knockdown, gamma-tubulin shRNA, GDNF, GI 254025X, GI 254025X + rNegr1, Glra2KO, heterozygote, high fat diet, high frequency infralimbic stimulation, high multiplicity of infection (MOI), human AT-1 overexpression, idebenone, IDPN treated, IGF, in utero glucocorticoid (iuGC), Katnal2 Knockout, lect-2, lect-2/mnr-1 double mutant, lect-2/sax-7 double mutant, Lithium-pilocarpine injection, Metformin, Metformin + Cisplatin, mnr-1, traumatic brain injury
      • The following new Original Format of reconstruction files have been added: Custom.hoc, Knossos.swc, NeuroGPS-Tree.swc, PyKNOSSOS.nmx
      • The following new Slicing thickness values have been added: 0.025µm, 135µm
      • The following new Stain values have been added: "Alexa Flour 488, immunostaining", "Biocytin, Alexa 568", Alexa Fluor 460, membrane-tetherd YFP, OGB-1, osmium and lead citrate, Texas Red dextran
      • The following new Reconstruction Software have been added: Knossos, NeuroGPS-Tree, PyKNOSSOS
      • TheAbout page includes three new interactive plots for number of reconstructions, data categories, and, downloads and hits, respectively.

      Version 7.1 released on 03/30/2017 contained 62304 neurons

      What's new in version 7.1 ?
      • The following new Species have been added: Baboon, Hamster, Leopard, Tiger, Xenopus laevis
      • The following new Strains of species have been added:
        • Baboon: Chacma
        • drosophila melanogaster: NP0282-Gal4, R13F02-GAL4>UAS-C3PA-GFP; UAS-dicer2
        • Hamster: Syrian Hamster
        • monkey: Vervet
        • mouse: C57BL/6N, BALB/c, C57BL/6 - NgR1, C57BL6/J x CBA, Thy1-GFP-M, C57BL/6-Tg-(CAM2a-BDNF)A9stl/J, Cux2-CreERT2, TgCRND8, C57BL/6-(BAC)-transgenic mouse, C56BL/6J, C57BL/6-C3H/HeJ, SynRas transgenic, OMP-GFP (129 x C57BL/6), C57BL/6J Lgi1-/-, Thy1-GFP M-line, Sst-IRES-Cre (Jax 013044) x Ai14 Cre reporter line (Jax 007914), Pvalb-Cre (Jax 008069) x Ai14 Cre reporter line (Jax 007914), Thy1-YFP-G, M72-GFP, Pvalb-2A-Cre/Ai3, X98 SST (Jax 006340), OF1, B6SJLTgN(SOD1-G93A)/1Gur/J
        • rabbit: New Zealand white
        • rat: WAG/Rij
        • zebrafish: Nacre
      • The following new Brain Regions have been added:
        • Primary brain region: corpus callosum
        • Secondary brain region: Posterior Cingulate, inferotemporal, presubiculum
        • Tertiary brain region: A1, A4, B2, B3, Brodmann area 5, Brodmann area 7, C2, C4, C5, Cluster cortex, Contralateral, Core, D1, D2, D5, E2, E4, E5, Hindlimb representation, Ipsilateral, Secondary gyrus brevis, Septa, Subplate, area 4, area 6, caudal fin, dorsolateral cortex, dorsolateral cortex 1, dorsolateral cortex 4, hand representation, inferior temporal gyrus, infrapyramidal blade, inner, intermediate capsule, lateral edge, lateral spinal nucleus, mid-septo-temporal, middle temporal gyrus, middle third, optic, outer, posterior third, posterior/dorsal, precentral gyrus
      • The following new Cell Types have been added:
        • Primary cell type: glia
        • Secondary cell type: CT1, Dm, Dm10, Dm3, Dm6, Dm7, Excitatory, Inhibitory, Lawf2, Mi, Mi2, Mi4, Mi9, Oligodendrocyte, Pm, Pm2, Regulator of calcineurin 2 (Rcan2)-postive, Serotonin receptor type 3A (5-HT3)-positive, T4a, T4b, T4c, T4d, T4out, astrocyte, deep projecting cell, horizontally elongated, oriens-bistratified, shrub cell, single bouquet, tritufted
        • Tertiary cell type: 16 days old, AII, Caudoputamen-projecting, GIN, GIN-like, Homeobox Protein Cux-2-positive, Intercalated, Intrinsically photosensitive, Midbrain-projecting, NG2-expressing, Non-neurogliaform, Precursor cell, X94-like, afferent fiber collateral, alpha-beta, atypical SOM-like, delayed, direct pathway, elongated, equatorial, fast motor unit, giant bistratified, high-threshold, indirect pathway, initial doublet, interplexiform, northern, quasi fast spiking, recoverin-positive, repetitive, slow motor unit
      • The following new Experimental Conditions have been added: Arousal, Blocked wheel, caSRF-expressing, CELSR3 shRNAi, Chrna5 knockout, ciSRF-expressing, Cocaine, cocaine self-administration, conditional Knock-Out, Corticosterone, corticosterone/Fluoxetine, Daidzein, Disc 1 Homozygous Knockout, Disc1 Heterozygous, Doxycycline + NRG2 overexpression, Early training, Endotoxin, Eutherm, GYKI, Habituated control, Late training, Limited wheel access, mSOD1 mutant, Nestin-Mfp2 knockout, NGF, Non-habituated control, Paclitaxel, PIWIL1 siRNA, Resolvin D1, scar-like reactive astrocytes, scar-like reactive astrocytes & Olfactory ensheathing cell transplantation, Spared nerve injury, Stimulated, Torpor, Transgenic, Tumor, unlimited wheel access, Va112-Ha-Ras, Wheel running, yoked saline, yoked-cocaine
      • The following new Original Format of reconstruction files have been added: Amira.swc, Imaris.hoc, Imaris.imx, Imaris.swc, Janelia Workstation-Large Volume Viewer.swc, Orion.swc, Simple Neurite Tracer.swc, Simple Neurite Tracer.traces, Trees
      • The following new Slicing thickness values have been added: 0.01µm, 1.00µm, 2.00µm, 5.00µm, 25.00µm, 35.00µm, 160.00µm, 230.00µm, 310.00µm
      • The following new Stain values have been added: Alexa 647-dextrane, Alexa Fluor 555, enhanced yellow fluorescent protein, Streptavidin-Alexa 488
      • The following new Age Classification values have been added: tadpole
      • The following new Reconstruction Software have been added: Janelia Workstation-Large Volume Viewer, ORION, TREES toolbox
      • Current known issues to be fixed will be listed and described in a specific page from this version on. For more details, see theKnown Issues page.
      • Terminology of several metadata categories has been updated in the repository (details available for downloadhere).

    Version 7.0 released on 09/01/2016 contained 50356 neurons

    What's new in version 7.0 ?
    • The following new Species have been added: Siberian hamster
    • The following new Strains of species have been added:
      • drosophila melanogaster: Canton S G1 x w1118
      • giraffe: Masai
      • mouse: C57BL/6JxBALB/cJ, Vip-eGFP, Gad2-IRES-Cre, C57BL6/delta3'UTRalphaCamKII, C57BL6/nestin::CreERT2XFmr1, E0585-Gal4, 5-HT1A-Gal4, nestin-Cre ERT2-αCaMKIIf/f/Rosa26-LacZ+/-, GlyT2-EGFP, Htr3a-Cre_NO152, nestin-Cre ERT2+αCaMKIIf/f/Rosa26-LacZ+/-, Nr5a1-Cre, Ntsr1-Cre_GN220, Pv-cre x RosaYFP, Pvalb-IRES-Cre, Rbp4-Cre_KL100, Rorb-IRES2-Cre, ROSA26tdTomato, B6.129S4-Pten/J, Cr-iCre, C57BL/6-Tg(Grik4-cre)G32-4Stl/J, Scnn1a-Tg2-Cre, Scnn1a-Tg3-Cre, Sst-IRES-Cre, VIP-cre x RosaYFP
      • turtle: Trachemys scripta elegans
    • The following new Brain Regions have been added:
      • Secondary brain region: D10, D8, D9, L2, L5, L5-L6, S1, S2
      • Tertiary brain region: L2i, L2o, L3, dorsal border, dorsal horn border, forelimb representation, lamina VII, parieto-occipital contour, ventral border, ventral horn border
    • The following new Cell Types have been added:
      • Secondary cell type: A00b, A00b2, A00c, A02m/A02n, A02o, A03o, A05e, A05q, A08d, A08m, A08x, A08y, A10a, A10f, A10j, A10l, A12m, A12q, A19c, A23g, A29b, Basin-1, Basin-2, Basin-3, Basin-4, Back-Projecting, Gustatory, Goro, Ipsigoro, Ipsiphone, lch5-1, lch5-3, lch5-5, lch5-2/lch5-4, MOPP, non-renshaw, oriens-alveus, oriens-oriens, prion protein (PrP) promoter-positive, scratch-activated, SEZ DN 1, T05t, T08x, Telegoro, Telephone, TePn04, transverse, v'ch, vchA/vchB
      • Tertiary cell type: Chicken ovalbumin upstream promoter transcription factor 2 (CoupTFII)-negative, Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase (nNOS)-negative, Neurotensin Receptor 1-positive, Plasma Retinol-Binding Protein-Positive, Retinoid-Related Orphan Receptor-Beta-positive, Non Voltage Gated 1 Alpha Subunit-positive, Sodium Channel, Non Voltage Gated 1 Alpha Subunit-Negative, Serotonin receptor type 3A (5-HT3)-negative, Steroid Hormone Receptor Ad4BP-positive, Translaminar, Vesicular glutamate transporter type 3 (VGluT3)-positive, fusiform, galanin-expressing, gigantopyramidal, glycinergic, mossy fiber associated, starfish
    • The following new Experimental Conditions have been added: Acute melatonin treatment, ATP6AP2-knockdown, CELSR1-knockdown, CELSR3-knockdown, Early withdrawal: 1 day post saline/nicotine, Early withdrawal: 1 day post saline/saline, Early withdrawal: 1 day post SCH23390/nicotine, Early withdrawal: 1 day post SCH23390/saline, Electroconvulsive shock, Fmr1 knockout, Late withrawal: 21 days post saline/nicotine, Late withdrawal: 21 days post saline/saline, Late withdrawal: 21 days post SCH23390/nicotine, Late withdrawal: 21 days post SCH23390/saline, Learning, Learning + Fmr1 knockout, Learning + Fmr1 knockout + MPEP Treatment, lipopolysaccharide injection, Myosin 2B knockout, Phosphatase and Tensin Homolog on Chromosome Ten knockout, Tamalin knockout, TARP Gamma-1, TARP Gamma-2, TARP Gamma-3, TARP Gamma-4, TARP Gamma-5, TARP Gamma-7, TARP Gamma-8, TARP Gamma-8 & APV-treated (5-10 DIV), TARP Gamma-8 & CNQX-treated (5-10 DIV), TARP Gamma-8 shRNA, TARP Gamma-8-ct-gamma-1, TARP Gamma-8-ex-gamma-1, Tetanus neurotoxin
    • The following new Original Format of reconstruction files have been added: Trees.swc
    • The following new Slicing thickness values have been added: 0.05µm, 125µm, 375µm
    • The following new Stain values have been added: Alexa 555, Sato's lead
    • The following new Reconstruction Software have been added: Catmaid
    • OntoSearch 2.0
      Brain region, cell types, and experimental condition metadata have now been incorporated intoOntoSearch. SeeFAQ for information on underlying conceptual hierarchies and ontologies.
    • The species ontology was updated(OntoSearch v2.0) to include new turtle, giraffe, and rodent species as well as several new mice and fruit fly strains (27 terms mapped to 33 new concepts). SeeFAQ for details about Brain regions, cell types and other metadata.
    • A total of 54 duplicated entries were merged into single entries. We have indicated this in individual entries, and the previous additional reconstructions are still available for download.
    • Some previously released reconstructions fromChiang archive had been incompletely processed. These issues have been fixed and noted in individual entries. The pre-v.7.0 versions of the processed files are available for downloadhere.
    • The literature coverage includes a newData usage entry that lists: (1) references using data downloaded from the repository; (2) references describing data that have been deposited (or in process) in the repository; (3) references about NeuroMorpho.Org; and, (4) references citing NeuroMorpho.Org.
    • Terminology of several metadata categories has been updated in the repository (details available for downloadhere).

Version 6.3 released on 03/04/2016 contained 37712 neurons

What's new in version 6.3 ?
  • The following new Species have been added: domestic pig
  • The following new Strains of species have been added:
    • drosophila melanogaster: transgenic melanogaster
    • guinea pig: Dunkin-Hartley
    • mouse: TH-eGFP, Cdh3, ICR, GFP-YFP, W3, FVB/129, B6;129S6-Chattm2(cre)Lowl/J, GAD67-eGFP, JAM-B, BD, K, C57BL6/GFP-line15, Nkx2.1Cre-RCE, C57BL6/GFP-M, Olfr73-GFP, rTg4510 P301-L mutant, CB2, CB6-Tg(Gad1-EGFP)G42Zjh/J, CBA/J rd1, Ddo -/-, W7, Bassoon (bsn) mutant, NMRI, C57BL/6H
  • The following new Brain Regions have been added:
    • Secondary brain region: diagonal band, external plexiform layer, facial nucleus, lateral geniculate nucleus, M1-M6, mitral layer, posterior thalamic nucleus, spinal trigeminal nucleus, substantia innominata
    • Tertiary brain region: Brodmann area 3b, D8-S1, L9, dorsal, hand representation, hindlimb representation, horizontal limb of diagonal band of broca, inner, inner surface, lateral, layer 10, layer 2/3 & 5, left, mid-temporal, middle, oriens/pyramidale border, outer, postcentral gyrus, precentral gyrus, radiatum/lacunosum-moleculare border, secondary visual, subnucleus caudalis, suprapyramidal blade, ventral
  • The following new Cell Types have been added:
    • Secondary cell type: Choline acetyltransferase (ChAT)-positive, Intersubnuclear neuron, Neuroblast, Shepherd's crook neuron, internal tufted, mitral, tufted, tyrosine-hydroxylase-positive
    • Tertiary cell type: Calbindin (CB)-negative, Caudal Ganglionic Eminence (CGE)-derived, Chicken ovalbumin upstream promoter transcription factor 2 (CoupTFII)-positive, Cholecystokinin (CCK)-negative, Depolarizing, Doublecortin (DCX)-containing, Enkephalin (Enk)-positive, ErbB4-positive, Eugenol-glomerulus projecting (EG), F type, Hyperpolarizing, Immature, Ivy, Medial Ganglionic Eminence (MGE)-derived, Multilaminar, Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase (nNOS)-positive, Neuropeptide Y (NPY)-negative, Non-Eugenol-glomerulus projecting (non-EG), S type, Serotonin insensitive, Serotonin receptor type 3A (5-HT3)-positive, Serotonin sensitive, Somatostatin (SOM)-negative, Sp5c-Pr5 ascending, Vesicular glutamate transporter type 3 (VGluT3)-positive, amygdala-projecting, biphasic, cluster A, cluster B, cluster C, cluster D, cluster E, cluster F, cluster G, cluster H, cluster I, cluster U, cluster V, cluster W, cluster X, cluster Y, cluster Z, corticocortical, early bifurcating, genioglossus, geniohyoid, hyoglossus, inner tongue muscle, late bifurcating, mGluR1alpha-negative, mGluR1alpha-positive, medial-entorhinal-cortex-projecting, medial-prefrontal-cortex-projecting, migratory, omohyoid, post-migratory, sternohyoid, stuttering
  • The following new Experimental Conditions have been added: Calsyntenin-1 knockout, Chronic stress, D-aspartate oxidase (Ddo) knockout, D-aspartate oxidase (Ddo) wildtype (Control), D-aspartate treatment, DA Lesion, Doxycycline (DOX), facial-facial anastomosis, fluoxetine, Mitochondrial Rho GTPase 1 (Miro1)-binding domain of trafficking kinesin protein 2 (TRAK2-MBD), mitofusin 1, porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus
  • The following new Original Format of reconstruction files have been added: FIJI.traces, Imaris.iv, Neurolucida.swc
  • The following new Slicing thickness values have been added: 140.00µm, 275.00µm, 325.00µm
  • The following new Stain values have been added: Streptavidin-Alexa 546, Farnesylated enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP-F), Rapid Golgi, Sindbis XFP virus, turboRFP
  • The following new Protocol values have been added: in ovo, in utero
  • The following new Reconstruction Software have been added: Simple Neurite Tracer
  • The species ontology was updated (OntoSearch v1.3) to include Pig (1 newly term mapped to 4 new concepts) and 26 new strains for mouse, rat, guinea pig, and zebrafish.
  • A total of 8 duplicated entries were merged into single entries. Out of them, 5 were clones and 3 were spliced from independent reconstructions of the dendritic and axonal arbors from the same specimen. We have indicated this in individual entries, and the previous additional reconstructions are still available for download.
  • The SWC units for the neurons inChiang archive are not expressed in micrometers. The exact scaling factors, which are different for each neuron, are not known, but our approximate estimate is 0.32 in XY and 0.26 in Z. A warning note has been added to all neurons in this archive.
  • Metadata of some reconstructions/archives were corrected and updated in the repository (details available for downloadhere). Terminology of several metadata categories has also been updated in the repository (details available for downloadhere).

Version 6.2 released on 10/06/2015 contained 34082 neurons

What's new in version 6.2 ?
  • The following new Species have been added:
    • Bottlenose dolphin, Chimpanzee, Clouded leopard, Giraffe, Humpback whale, Locust, Manatee, Minke whale, Pouched lamprey, Siberian tiger
  • The following new Strains of species have been added:
    • Mouse: Atoh1/nGFP transgenic mice, BDNF Met/Met, BDNF WT, C57BL/6J POMC-Cre EGFP (+), ICR White, L0579 (BDNF WT) X L0582 (BDNF Met/Met), L0579 (BDNF WT) X L0623 (BDNF Met/Met)
    • Manatee: Florida manatee
    • Chimpanzee: Common chimpanzee
  • The following new Brain Regions have been added:
    • Primary brain region: Endocrine system
    • Secondary brain region: Adrenal gland, Lobula, Reticular formation, Tectum
    • Tertiary brain region: Anterior, C2, C3, C4, Central nucleus, Clarke's column, Dorsal left, Dorsal right, Inferior colliculus, L3-L4, L4-L5, Lamina I, Lateral cortex Layer 3, M1, Nucleus magnocellularis, Posterior, Primary motor (M1), Rectus capitus anterior (RCA) motor nucleus, Right, Ventral horn
  • The following new Cell Types have been added:
    • Secondary cell type: Local circuit neuron, Lugaro cell, Nonpyramidal, Parachromaffin cell, Perforant pathway-associated, Trilaminar, Ventral spinocerebellar tract cell
    • Tertiary cell type: Anterolateral-targeting (ALT) neuron, Atypical, Betz-like, Extraverted, Flexor, HICAP cell, HIPP cell, Lobula giant movement detector (LGMD) neuron, Newborn, Pheochromocytoma line 12, Slowly adapting, Somatic, Sternzelle, Touch receptor, Typical, Waldeyer neuron
  • The following new Experimental Conditions have been added: Acetylcholine and Kynurenic acid, Akt-ko, Bile duct litigation (BDL), Bile duct litigation combining ammonia acetate (BDLHD), Bungarotoxin and Pertussis toxin, Choline treatment, Chronic variable stress (CVS), Middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO), Nerve growth factor, Nerve growth factor and Acetylcholine, Nerve growth factor and Kynurenic acid, Nerve growth factor and Nicotine, Nerve growth factor and Pertussis toxin, Nerve transection, Nicotine and FK506, Old heterochronic parabiosis, Old isochronic parabiosis, Sham
  • The following new Original Format of reconstruction files have been added: neuTube.swc
  • The following new Slicing thickness value has been added: 12 µm
  • The following new Stain values have been added: Anti-alpha-Tubulin Antibodies, Bodian stain, Phalloidin, Red fluorescent protein (RFP), Sindbis palGFP virus
  • The following new Protocol has been added: Ex vivo
  • The following new Reconstruction Software has been added: neuTube
  • The species ontology was updated (OntoSearch v1.2) to include giraffe, chimpanzee, manatee, lamprey, dolphin, whale, tiger and leopard (50 newly added terms mapped to sixteen new concepts).
  • Reference articles on the neuron detail information pages include a link to the original journal publication through the associated DOI (when available).
  • Completeness information for all reconstructions deposited in NeuroMorpho.Org have been annotated at the neuron-level. For more details, see theFAQs page.
  • A total of 34 duplicated entries are merged into single entries. Out of them, 14 were clones and 20 were additional reconstructions of the same neuron. We have indicated this in individual entries, and the previous additional reconstructions are still available for download.
  • We updated our data inclusion criteria (seeFAQ page), and as a consequence 26 old cells have been deleted. The reconstructions are still available for downloadhere.
  • Other updates to the database include:
    • Metadata of some reconstructions/archives were corrected and updated in the repository (details available for downloadhere). Consequently, the following new cell type has been added:
      • Tertiary: Alpha
    • Experiment protocol in Kellendonk and Flores has been updated to in vitro
    • Secondary brain region entry Primary visual cortex is updated to Primary visual (V1)

Version 6.1 released on 05/13/2015 contained 31982 neurons

What's new in version 6.1 ?
  • Please note: In every neuron page from these new archives, the soma appears thinner than it should in the static neuron images. This is purely a rendering issue, and the downloadable data (SWC files) have the correct somatic values. New images with the correct soma appearance will be released as soon as we solve the rendering problem.
  • The following new Cell Types have been added:
    • Secondary cell type: Nitrergic neuron
  • The following new Experimental Conditions have been added: AMPAR GluA1(Q)-flip, AMPAR GluA1(Q)-flop, AMPAR GluA1(R)-flip, AMPAR GluA2(Q)-flip, AMPAR GluA2(Q)-flop, AMPAR GluA2(R)-flip, AMPAR GluA2(R)-flop, AMPAR GluA3(Q)-flip, AMPAR GluA3(Q)-flop, AMPAR GluR1(Q)-flip, AMPAR GluR2(Q)-flip, AMPAR GluR2(Q)-flop, AMPAR GluR2(R)-flip, AMPAR GluR2(R)-flop, AMPAR GluR3(Q)-flip
  • We are aware that the database contains 24 cases of duplicate neurons. We have indicated this in individual entries. In future release of NMO, the duplicates will be merged into single entries, where both reconstructions will be made available.
  • Some previously released reconstructions had been incompletely processed. These issues have been fixed and noted in individual entries. The pre-v.6.1 versions of the processed files are available for downloadhere.
  • Brain regions included inBrainInfo portal and also present in NeuroMorpho.Org are now cross-linked by hyperlinks when displayed in the various results pages. For more details, see theFAQs page.
  • TheMetadata_Form has been updated to include a more detailed description and examples of the metadata categories.
  • Literature Coverage has been updated to include publications through April 2015. When available, Digital Object Identifiers (DOI) are now included within the literatureComplete Details sheet.
  • Other updates to the database include:
    • Metadata of some reconstructions/archives were corrected and updated in the repository (details available for downloadhere). Consequently, the following new Brain regions have been added:
      • Secondary: Cercal
      • Tertiary: Cercal mechanosensory periphery

Version 6.0 released on 12/11/2014 contained 27385 neurons

What's new in version 6.0 ?
  • The following new Strains of species have been added:
    • Drosophila melanogaster: 5-HT1B-Gal4, Cha-Gal4, FRT40A wild-type control MARCM clone, fru-Gal4, G0239-Gal4, Gad1-Gal4, GH146, GH146-Gal4, NP5194, NP6099, npf-GAL4, Tdc2-Gal4, TH-Gal4, Trh-Gal4, tutlc00018 FRT40A mutant MARCM clone, UAS-Actin-GFP constructs, VGlut-Gal4, wild-type Oregon R
  • The following new Brain Regions have been added:
    • Primary brain region: Left Adult Central Complex, Left Adult Subesophageal Zone, Left Antennal Lobe, Left lateral Complex, Left Lateral Horn, Left Mushroom Body, Left Optic Lobe, Left Protocerebrum, Left Subesophageal Ganglion, Left Ventrolateral Neuropils, Right Adult Central Complex, Right Adult Subesophageal Zone, Right Antennal Lobe, Right lateral Complex, Right Lateral Horn, Right Mushroom Body, Right Optic Lobe, Right Protocerebrum, Right Subesophageal Ganglion, Right Ventrolateral Neuropils
    • Secondary brain region: Left Antennal Lobe Glomerulus, Left Calyx, Left Caudal Ventrolateral Protocerebrum, Left Caudalcentral Protocerebrum, Left Caudalmedial Protocerebrum, Left Central Body, Left Dorsomedial Protocerebrum, Left Dosrsolateral Protocerebrum, Left Frontal Superpeduncular Protocerebrum, Left Inferior Dorsofrontal Protocerebrum, Left Inner Dorsolateral Protocerebrum, Left Lateral Triangle, Left Lobula Complex, Left Medulla, Left Noduli, Left Optic Glomerulus, Left Optic Tubercle, Left Protocerebral Bridge, Left Saddle, Left Superior Dorsofrontal Protocerebrum, Left Superpeduncular Protocerebrum, Left Ventrolateral Protocerebrum, Left Ventromedial Protocerebrum, Lumbosacral, Right Antennal Lobe Glomerulus, Right Calyx, Right Caudal Ventrolateral Protocerebrum, Right Caudalcentral Protocerebrum, Right Caudalmedial Protocerebrum, Right Central Body, Right Dorsomedial Protocerebrum, Right Dosrsolateral Protocerebrum, Right Frontal Superpeduncular Protocerebrum, Right Inferior Dorsofrontal Protocerebrum, Right Inner Dorsolateral Protocerebrum, Right Lateral Triangle, Right Lobula Complex, Right Medulla, Right Optic Glomerulus, Right Optic Tubercle, Right Protocerebral Bridge, Right Saddle, Right Superior Dorsofrontal Protocerebrum, Right Superpeduncular Protocerebrum, Right Ventrolateral Protocerebrum, Right Ventromedial Protocerebrum
    • Tertiary brain region: Bordering Left Adult Central Complex, Bordering Left Antennal Lobe, Bordering Left Antennal Mechanosensory and Motor Centre, Bordering Left Fanshaped Body, Bordering Left Lateral Horn, Bordering Left Lobula, Bordering Left Lobula Plate, Bordering Left Mushroom Body, Bordering Left Optic Lobe, Bordering Left Protocerebrum, Bordering Left Subesophageal Ganglion, Bordering Left Superior Dorsofrontal Protocerebrum, Bordering Left Ventrolateral Neuropils, Bordering Right Adult Central Complex, Bordering Right Antennal Lobe, Bordering Right Antennal Mechanosensory and Motor Centre, Bordering Right Calyx, Bordering Right Dorsomedial Protocerebrum, Bordering Right Fanshaped Body, Bordering Right Lateral Horn, Bordering Right Lobula, Bordering Right Lobula Plate, Bordering Right Medulla, Bordering Right Mushroom Body, Bordering Right Optic Lobe, Bordering Right Protocerebral Bridge, Bordering Right Protocerebrum, Bordering Right Subesophageal Ganglion, Bordering Right Superior Dorsofrontal Protocerebrum, Bordering Right Superpeduncular Protocerebrum, Bordering Right Ventrolateral Neuropils, Left Antennal Mechanosensory and Motor Centre, Left Ellipsoid Body, Left Fanshaped Body, Left Lobula, Left Lobula Plate, Left Proximal Antennal Protocerebrum, Right Antennal Mechanosensory and Motor Centre, Right Ellipsoid Body,Right Fanshaped Body, Right Lobula, Right Lobula Plate, Right Proximal Antennal Protocerebrum
  • The following new Cell Types have been added:
    • Secondary cell type: Unknown neurotransmitter, GABAergic neuron, Octopaminergic neuron, Serotonergic neuron
    • Tertiary cell type: embryo Born, day1 Born, day2 Born, day3 Born, day4 Born, day5 Born, day6 Born, day7 Born, day8 Born, day9 Born, unknown Born
  • The NeuroMorpho.Org species ontology was updated in release 6.0 with the transgenic fly strains (OntoSearch v1.1). TheChiang archive included thirteen different GAL4 strains targeting neurotransmitter specific cell types. These strains were mapped allowing to search by names and synonyms while preserving their external concept IDs. The previously released fly archives byJefferis andChklovskii were also similarly mapped to flybase as reflected in the updated species ontology. The fly data can now be searched using over 170 terms, with strains such as Cha-GAL4 mapping to 43 alternative names.
  • NeuroMorpho.Org data are now directly accessible fromBrainInfo andNeuronDB based on brain region details and neuron types.
  • The Summary display of selected neurons has been modified to include brain sub-regions and cell sub-types for each neuron.
  • A new metadata annotation system and search functionality has been introduced to allow users to retrieve reconstructions from the database based on their level of completeness. All publications whose data are deposited in NeuroMorpho.Org have been annotated; neuron-level annotation will continue in future releases. For more details, see theFAQs page.
  • TheMetadata_Form has been updated to include details on the completeness of reconstructions.
  • Other updates to the database include:
    • The Species Drosophila has been updated to Drosophila melanogaster.
    • The Strain for Chklovskii, Cirelli, Cox, Jefferis, Landgraf and Ye archives have been updated to indicate their genotype (previously listed as melanogaster).
    • Tertiary cell class for 10 reconstructions in Cox archive have been updated.
    • Development in Jefferis archive has been updated to Adult (previously listed as Larva).
    • Staining method in Allman archive has been updated to Golgi (previously listed as Nissl).

Version 5.7 released on 05/30/2014 contained 11335 neurons

What's new in version 5.7 ?
  • Twenty-nine data sets (1341 reconstructions) have been added:
  • The following new Species have been added:
    • Dragonfly, Moth, Sheep
  • The following new Strains of species have been added:
    • Mouse: C56BL/6, C57Bl6/129Sv, C57BL6/GABAAR a2H101R, FVB/AntFx, GAD67-GFP, Transgenic
    • Rat: VGAT-Venus
    • Sheep: Western
  • The following new Brain Regions have been added:
    • Primary brain region: Central nervous system (this refers to the fly larva and should not be confused with the usage of the same term in vertebrate anatomy), Lateral line organ, Optic lobe, Pons, Ventral nerve cord
    • Secondary brain region: Dorsal intermediate tract 1 (DIT1), Dorsal intermediate tract 2 (DIT2), Dorsal intermediate tract 3 (DIT3), Dorsal root ganglion, Median dorsal tract 1 (MDT1), Median dorsal tract 2 (MDT2), Median dorsal tract 3 (MDT3), Median dorsal tract 4 (MDT4), Median dorsal tract 5 (MDT5), Medulla (this refers to the insect sub-region of the optic lobes, not to be confused with the vertebrate region of the central nervous system, from whichreconstructions are also available), Pedunculopontine nucleus (PPN), Pontine tegmentum, Pre-Botzinger complex
    • Tertiary brain region: Abdominal segment 2-4, Dorsalis/deep, Dorsalis/middle, Dorsalis/superficial, Lateralis/deep, Lateralis/middle, Lateralis/superficial, Layer 5/6, Medialis/deep, Molecular layer, Nucleus incertus, S1, S3, S4, Ventroposterior/middle, Ventroposterior/superficial
  • The following new Cell Types have been added:
    • Secondary cell type: C2, C3, Cholinergic cell, Dm1/6-like, Dm10, Dm1-like, Dm2, Dm3-like, Dm4, Dm5-like, Dm7-like, Dm8, Dm9, Dm-type unknown-1, Dm-type unknown-2, Dorsal root ganglion neuron, Fast-spiking, Inspiratory neuron, Ivy/Neurogliaform cell, L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, LaWF1, Mi1, Mi10, Mi11-like, Mi13, Mi14, Mi15, Mi3-like, Mi4, Mi9, Mi-type unknown-1, Mt11-like, Mt3-like, Mt4-like, Mt5-like, Non-cholinergic cell, Olfactory neuron, Olt-like, Pm1, Pm2-like, Pm-type unknown-1, Pm-type unknown-2, R7, R8, Relaxin-3 (RLN3) containing cell, T1, T2, T2a, T3, T4, Tangential, Target-selective descending neuron (TSDN), Tm1, Tm12/25, Tm16, Tm2, Tm20, Tm23/24, Tm28/TmY9, Tm3, Tm4, Tm5a, Tm5b, Tm5c-like, Tm5Y, Tm6/14, Tm9, TmY10, TmY13, TmY14, TmY3, TmY4, TmY5a, TmY5-like, Tm-type unknown-1, Tm-type unknown-10, Tm-type unknown-11, Tm-type unknown-12, Tm-type unknown-13, Tm-type unknown-14, Tm-type unknown-15, Tm-type unknown-16, Tm-type unknown-17, Tm-type unknown-2, Tm-type unknown-3, Tm-type unknown-4, Tm-type unknown-5, Tm-type unknown-6, Tm-type unknown-7, Tm-type unknown-8, Tm-type unknown-9, TmY-type unknown-1, Y4, Y6
    • Tertiary cell type: Anterior corner cell (aCC), Corticospinal, Lateralis afferent neuron, VS1
  • The following new Experimental Conditions have been added: Brn3a-expression, Brn3b-expression, Brn3c-expression, Highwire (Hiw) mutant, Hypoxia-ischemia (HI), Tmie mutant (deaf)
  • The following new Original Format of reconstruction files have been added: Imaris.ims, Neuronstudio.swc
  • The following new Slicing thickness value has been added: 0.04 µm
  • The following new Magnification value has been added: 5000x
  • OntoSearch (v1.0) performs a search of species and strains in NeuroMorpho.Org through a formal species taxonomy. Thisnew functionality enables powerful features, such as hierarchical logic (e.g. a search for �rodents� retrieves data from rats, mice, guinea pigs, proechimys, and agouti), seamless synonym translation (e.g. a search for �fruit fly� retrieves Drosophila data), and keyword auto-completion (e.g. typing �Spr� proposes a search for Sprague-Dawley rat data, but user has the option to disregard and override this suggestion).
  • Due to increased security constraints in the Java environment, the 3D Neuron Viewer in the neuron details page may fail to launch. Please seeFAQs to help with troubleshooting this error.
  • Literature Coverage has been updated to include publications through March 2014.

Version 5.6 released on 05/06/2013 contained 10004 neurons

What's new in version 5.6 ?
  • Sixteen data sets (1146 reconstructions) have been added:
  • The following new Species have been added:
    • C. elegans, Chicken
  • The following new Strains of species have been added:
    • C. elegans: N2
    • Chicken: White leghorn
    • Mouse: C57BL6/CLM-1, C57BL6/CLM-11, C57BL6/Etv1, C57BL6/Glt25d2, GAD65-GFP
    • Zebrafish: Wild type AB
  • The following new Brain Regions have been added:
    • Primary brain region: Hypothalamus, Midbrain, Pharyngeal nervous system, Somatic nervous system
    • Secondary brain region: Anterior bulb, Dorsal ganglion, Dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus, Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, Dorsorectal ganglion, Frontal cortex, Inner labial sensilla, Lateral ganglia, Lateral hypothalamic area, Lumbar, Lumbar ganglia, Lumbar ganglion, Nucleus laminaris (NL), Posterior bulb, Preanal ganglion, PreB�tzinger complex, Primary visual cortex, Retrovesicular ganglion, Solitary nucleus, Ventral ganglion, Ventral nerve cord
    • Tertiary brain region: Brodmann area 9, Broadmann area 46, Dorsal horn, Dorsolateral, Lamina III, Layer 5A, Layer 5B, Layer 6B, Nucleus magnocellularis (NM), Postcruciate gyrus, Precentral gyrus, Secondary motor cortex (M2)
  • The following new Cell Types have been added:
    • Secondary cell type: Amphid, GAD65 neuron, Horizontal, Integrative ring, Inverted cell, Non-fast spiking, Non-glutamatergic neuron, Pharyngeal, Projection neuron, Ring, Ring/Pharynx
    • Tertiary cell type: Alpha-actinin 2 (AAc) - positive, Calretinin (CR) containing cell, Caudal primary, Chemosensory, Corticothalamic, Corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) - positive, Dbx1-negative, Dbx1-positive, Descending, intracolumnar Pyramidal cell, Low threshold spiking, Mechanosensory, Motoneuron, Multisensory, Neurokinin 1 receptor (NK1r) - immunoreactive, Neurosecretory (Serotonin), Odorsensory, Perirhinal cortex-projecting, Putative mechanosensory neuron, Putative sensory neuron, Ring, Stretch-sensitive sensory neuron, transcolumnar Pyramidal cell
  • The following new Experimental Conditions have been added: Dbx1-expression, F363L kv3.3 mutation, R335H kv3.3 mutation, rAAV2-BDNF-GFP, rAAV2-CNTF-GFP, rAAV2-GAP43-GFP, rAAV2-GFP, wtkv3.3 EGFP
  • The following new Original Format of reconstruction files has been added: MorphML.morph.xml
  • The following new Slicing thickness values have been added: 550 µm, 1000 µm.
  • A new search functionality in theDetailed Statistics page allows users to quickly retrieve the site's unique visits from specific countries and the download activity of specific cell types, brain regions, species, and archives.
  • A quick 1 minutevideo introducing NeuroMorpho.Org has been added to the Quickstart page.
  • On 24 June, 2013 morphometrics for all 10,004 reconstructions in the database were updated using the latest version of L-Measure (v5.0). Seedetails of the updates and please email us at or with any questions.

Version 5.5 released on 01/15/2013 contained 8858 neurons

What's new in version 5.5?
  • Twenty-six data sets (872 reconstructions) have been added:
  • The following new Mouse strains have been added:
    • rd10/Thy1-GFP, CXCR4-EGFP, C57Bl6/129SvEv, B13, C57BL6J/Dync1li1N235Y, C57BL, Arx(GCG)7-1 KI (B6), SV126/BL6.
  • The following new Experimental Conditions have been added:
    • L100P/GSK3alpha mutant, L100P/GSK3alpha knockout, GSK3alpha knockout, Disc1-L100P mutant, Disc1-Q31L mutant, Nicotine-treated, Fluid percussion injury, RICS expression, Myo9b expression, Intermittent stress, Brief stress, D2R-overexpression, D2R-overexpression + AAV2/1-GFP virus, dcc heterozygous, Point mutation in Dync1li1, Knock-in, WASP-interacting protein (WIP) knockout.
  • The following new Brain Regions have been added:
    • Primary brain region: Medulla
    • Secondary brain region: Cerebellar cortex, Inferior olive, Inner plexiform layer (IPL), Insular cortex, Main intercalated nucleus.
    • Tertiary brain region: Dorsomedial, Inner molecular layer (IML), Outer molecular layer (OML), Pregenual, Pars compacta, Purkinje cell layer, Rostral agranular insular cortex, Subnucleus c, Vermis.
  • The following new Cell Types have been added:
    • Secondary cell type: Dendritic-targeting, GABAergic projection cell, Perisomatic-targeting, Semilunar granule cell.
    • Tertiary cell type: A1 type, A2 inner type, A2 outer type, B1 type, B3 outer type, C2 inner type, C2 outer type, Climbing fiber, OFF type, ON type.
  • The following new Reconstruction Software has been added:AutoNeuron.
  • The following new Slice thickness values have been added: 30µm, 225µm.
  • The following reconstructions have been renamed and reassigned archives:
  • 11 reconstruction files, formerly in the Barrionuevo archive are now under the (Ascoli, Barrionuevo archives).
  • Graphs of data trends have been added in theAbout page.
  • Literature Coverage has been updated to include publications through December 2012.
  • An error in the number of reconstructions within the Literature Coverage has been corrected.
  • Other updates to the database include:
    • Reconstruction software for 3 reconstructions in the Luebke archive have been updated to AutoNeuron (previously listed as Neurolucida).
    • Staining method in Kubota and Spruston archives has been updated to Biocytin (previously listed as DAB reaction).
    • DAB reaction has been deleted as an entry in the Staining method category.

Version 5.4 released on 5/17/2012 contained 7986 neurons
What's new in version 5.4?
  • Twenty-eight data sets (754 reconstructions) have been added:
  • The following new Species have been added:
    • Agouti
    • Frog
    • Proechimys
    • Turtle
  • The following new Strains have been added:
    • 5HT3-EGFP, B6/C57J, C57BL/6J, C57BL6/TrkB.T1 deficient mouse,
      Calretinin-EGFP, Dbx1cre; ROSA26YFP, Rana ridibunda, Testudo horsfieldi, andthy-1-YFP-16.
  • The following new Brain Regions have been added:
    • Secondary brain region: Cervical spinal cord, Inferior olive, Interscutularis muscle (in the Peripheral Nervous System), Lumbar enlargement, Medial prefrontal cortex, Orbital cortex, Ventroposterolateral (VPL) nucleus.
    • Tertiary brain region: C2-C3 (segments of the cervical spinal cord), Infralimbic cortex, Layer 1 (parietal cortex), S2 (secondary somatosensory cortex).
  • The following new Cell Types have been added:
    • Secondary cell type: Cajal-Retzius cell, Dorsal root afferent fiber collateral, Non-basket cell, Olivocerebellar fiber, Pyramidal-like neuron, Reticulospinal fiber, Schaffer-collateral associated cell, Small axonless neuron, Type III ISI (interneuron-specific interneuron), Oriens-lacunosum moleculare cell.
    • Tertiary cell type: CB1R-positive, CB1R-negative, CCK-positive, Fast-spiking, Late-spiking, Non-fast spiking, Simple cell, Slender-tufted, Thick-tufted, YFP-positive, YFP-negative.
  • The following new Experimental Conditions have been added:
    • Cerebellar lesion, Environmental enrichment, KCl treatment, Knockout, and short hairpin PFN2a expression.
  • The following new Reconstruction Method has been added:
    • NeuronJ.
  • The following new Stains have been added:
    • Alexa 568 hydrazide, Enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP), and FluoroRuby.
  • The following new Slicing directions have been added:
    • Frontal, Oblique horizontal, and Tangential.
  • The following new functionalities have been added:
    • Random neurons - will display a random selection of neurons from the database giving users a one-click access to samples of reconstructions (Browse>Random neurons).
    • Multiple archives - reconstructions resulting from collaborations between multiple laboratories can now be assigned to more than one Archive.
    • The alpha version of Neuron Atlas is now released on NeuroMorpho.Org. For additional details on the application and how to download it, seeNeuron Atlas.
    • Keyword search (Search>Keywords) now includes NeuroMorpho.Org ID in the search query. SeeHow can I use "Search by Keywords"? andWhat is a NeuroMorpho.Org ID? for more details.
  • Reconstructions contributed to theDIADEM Challenge are also listed underDIADEM archive.
  • TheFAQs page has 3 new updates:
  • Literature Coverage has been updated to include publications through April 2012. The literature database is now being updated monthly thus providing the most current coverage.
  • TheAbout page has been updated and includes Quick Facts and Quick Stats about NeuroMorpho.Org.
  • Terms of Use has been updated and moved to a more prominent position in the main toolbar. Please email us at or if you have any questions.

Version 5.3 released on 11/08/2011 contained 7232 neurons
What's new in version 5.3?
  • Nine new data sets (618 reconstructions) have been added:
  • The following new species have been added:
    • Goldfish
    • Zebrafish
  • The following new brain regions have been added:
    • Primary brain region: Optic nerve, Peripheral nervous system.
    • Secondary brain region: Cuticle, Ventral lateral nucleus.
    • Tertiary brain region: Abdominal segment 4-7, Lateral, Anterior lateral, Posterior lateral.
  • The following new cell types have been added:
    • Secondary cell type: Sensory neuron, Thalamocortical neuron.
    • Tertiary cell type: Multidendritic-dendritic arborization neuron, Retinotectal.
  • Soma representation in all standardized (CNG.swc) files have been modified from a sphere to a cylinder. SeeSoma Format for additional details.
  • TheFAQs page has 1 new update:
  • We are currently in the process of identifying reconstructions in the repository that contain errors. The erroneous reconstructions will be corrected and updated at subsequent releases and details will be provided here. If you are aware of specific reconstructions with any errors, please email us at or.

Version 5.2 released on 06/01/2011 contained 6614 neurons
What's new in version 5.2?
  • Four new data sets (400 reconstructions) have been added:
  • The following new species have been added:
    • Elephant
    • Spiny lobster
  • The following new brain regions have been added:
    • Primary brain region: Stomatogastric ganglion.
    • Secondary brain region: Suprasylvian gyrus.
  • The following new cell types have been added:
    • Tertiary cell type: bipolar, crab-like, flattened, fork, inverted, matriarch, monopolar, multiapical, pyloric dilator (PD) neuron, superficial.
  • Each neuron in the database is now associated with a "NeuroMorpho.Org ID" (SeeFAQs for details).
  • Reconstructions can now be saved in NeuroML format from the 3D Neuron Viewer, in addition to NEURON and GENESIS formats.
  • Literature Coverage has been updated to include publications through 2010.
  • Terms of use page has been updated.
  • TheFAQs page has 2 new updates:

Version 5.1 released on 03/10/2011 contained 6214 neurons
What's new in version 5.1?
  • Nine new data sets (421 reconstructions) have been added:
  • The following new brain regions have been added:
    • Primary brain region: anterior olfactory nucleus.
    • Secondary brain region: pars externa, pars principalis, primary auditory, cochlear nucleus, main olfactory bulb.
    • Tertiary brain region: superior frontal gyrus, infragranular layer, deep, middle, superficial, inner plexiform layer, outer granule cell layer, mid granule cell layer, granule cell layer/white matter border, glomerular layer, layer 3/4.
  • The following new cell types have been added:
    • Secondary cell type: vertical cell, external tufted cell (ETC), deep short axon cell (dSAC), type I, type II.
    • Tertiary cell type: non-bursting, bursting, glomerular layer-dSAC, granule cell layer-dSAC, external plexiform layer-dSAC, projection-dSAC, adapting, oblique.
  • A new experimental condition has been added:
    • Down syndrome.
  • Multiple tertiary levels have been added for both brain region and cell type to accommodate additional information, when available. These are displayed in the details page separated by commas.
  • 13 reconstructions that were wrongly categorized under the Ascoli archive have been moved to theBarrionuevo archive.
  • TheFAQs page has 3 new updates:
  • Other minor cosmetic changes have been made to theMorphometry,FAQs andQuickstart pages.

Version 5.0 released on 11/05/2010 contained 5793 neurons
What's new in Version 5.0?
  • Nine new data sets (122 reconstructions) have been added:
  • The website has been completely redesigned to facilitate user's access to data. The new functionalities include:
    • Metadata - multiple options can be selected from the drop down menu.
    • Downloads - files can be selected to be downloaded at end of the session.
    • Browse - browse pages have been modified to reduce upload time.
    • Pie charts - both the pie chart and tags are clickable.
    • Neuron thumbnail images are displayed when the user browses through the list of neuron names.
    • Neuron details - units have been added to each measurement.
    • Detailed statistics - a live map of users from around the world has been added
    • Site map - has been added to facilitate navigation of the website.
  • 2 new categories have been added to the Metadata list: Experimental Condition and Tissue Shrinkage.
  • NeuroMorpho.Org has a newHomepage displaying the morphometrics included in the website.
  • AnAbout page has been added which contains details about the website.
  • TheQuickstart page,FAQs page and Literature coverage have each been modified and updated.
  • Reconstructions in the Borst archive have been updated as requested by the data owners.
  • Morphological measurements have been updated for 8 archives (Ascoli, Bikson, Bob Jacobs, Chalupa, DeFelipe, Gwen Jacobs, Helmstaedter, Luebke).
  • Reconstructions of Bikson (28), Chalupa (181), Helmstaedter (5) were re-processed and updated.
  • Notes for Ascoli archive were updated
  • The South China Univeristy of Technology in Guagzhou, China held a national modeling contest and NeuroMorpho.Org was the online resource for digital reconstructions.Click here for more details.

Version 4.0 released on 02/16/2010 contained 5673 neurons
What's new in Version 4.0?
  • Two new data sets (159 reconstructions) have been added:
  • A new link has been added to access the results of our extensive literature search for publications describing digital neuronal reconstructions. Results can be viewed by 1) complete details, 2) publication information, 3) reconstruction information, and 4) availability status.
  • A new search option has been added to enable users to enter a PMID and check the status of that publication in the data addition pipeline of NeuroMorpho.Org.
  • A new link has been added to invite users to preview the "Location Visualizer" tool and to send us suggestions and feedback to improve and expand this application.
  • An option has been added to our download functionality enabling users to download the accompanying GPG signature for each file. This ensures the exact identity and version of each file.
  • The FAQ and Quickstart sections have been expanded to provide more information regarding new literature coverage effort and its results.

Version 3.3 released on 09/04/2009 contained 5514 neurons.
What's new in Version 3.3?
  • Three new data sets (222 reconstructions) have been added:
  • The Neuroscience Information Framework (NIF) indicates NeuroMorpho.Org as one of the original resources 'deeply registered' with NIF.
  • Four cells from Dendritica archive (602c, 503c, 913c and 822) removed from the repository. These cells were misclassified duplicates of four cells in Claiborne archive.
  • A new link has been added to homepage to invite users to inform us of available data not yet included in NeuroMorpho.Org.

Version 3.2 released on 3/26/2009 contained 5292 neurons.
What's new in Version 3.2?
  • Three new data sets (788 reconstructions) have been added:
  • Search by "Metadata" modified to include an option for selecting neurons based on a reference's PubMed identification (PMID) number.
  • An additional publication provided in "Terms of use" page to serve as an alternative citation reference for data downloaded from NeuroMorpho.Org.
  • Tools & Links page reorganized and new links to NIF, NeuronLand.Org, and NeuronStudio have been added.
  • The FAQ section has been expanded to provide more information regarding SWC format and soma information in reconstruction files.

Version 3.1 released on 10/01/2008 contained 4508 neurons.
What's new in Version 3.1?
  • Two new data sets (46 reconstructions) have been added:
  • As requested by users "Age scale" has been added to Details page.
  • Browse page re-organized and minor bugs fixed.

Version 3.0 released on 07/15/2008 contained 4462 neurons.
What's new in Version 3.0?
  • Four new data sets (2277 reconstructions) have been added:
  • Search by morphometry modified to include advanced options for selecting neuronal tree types. This addition gives users a choice to specify which neuronal tree(s) they want to target in their search criteria.
  • The information in the "Detailed use stats" page now includes the average daily downloads per cell.

Version 2.1 released on 12/20/2007 contained 1906 neurons.
What's new in Version 2.1?

Version 2.0 released on 10/15/2007 contained 1826 neurons.
What's new in Version 2.0?
  • One new data set (414 reconstructions) has been added:
    • 414 reconstructions (Lewis archive - 262 from Monkey, 152 from Human)
  • "Keyword Search" has been added to allow typing of free text as search criteria.
  • The FAQ and Quickstart sections expanded to reflect new "Keyword Search" functionality - including quick tips and examples.
  • A new option implemented to allow external queries to retrieve data from NeuroMorpho.Org automatically. This feature enables powerful searches through resources designed to mine and integrate neuroscience data.
If you are interested in this function please email us at or.

Version 1.2 released on 08/29/2007 contained 1412 neurons.
What's new in Version 1.2?
  • One new data set (252 reconstruction) has been added:
  • New button has been added in browse page allowing modification of selections and deselecting all previous selections.
  • The FAQ section expanded.
  • Minor editing of the terminology implemented throughout NeuroMorpho.Org to increase semantic consistency.
  • Launch of a new email-based support group for users of L-Measure and related resources, including NeuroMorpho.Org.
If you would like to join, please register for the free email-based support group by sending your e-mail address to or.

Version 1.1 released on 05/04/2007 contained 1160 neurons.
What's new in Version 1.1?
  • Two new data sets (131 reconstructions) have been added:
  • Detailed "Usage Statistics" available in a dedicated page.
The 3D neuron viewer modified to save neurons in NEURON "named segments" format instead of "structure only".

Version 1.0 released on 12/22/2006 contained 1029 neurons.
What's new in Version 1.0?
  • One new data set (29 reconstructions) has been added:
  • 3D neuron viewer has been added. Each neuron can be now be viewed in 3D, rotated, resized and in area projection.
  • 3D neuron viewer also allows to save the neuron in NEURON or GENESIS formats.
  • An animation (growing and rotating image) for each reconstruction has been added.
  • Direct links to the reconstructions and standardization files of each neuron have been added.
  • Search results open in a new window allowing you to go back and refine your search criteria.
  • Images to illustrate common irregularities detected and/or edited in the standardization process have been added.
QuickStart and FAQ pages edited to improve navigation of the site.

Version Beta released on 9/20/2006 contained 1000 neurons.
What's new in Beta Version?
  • One new data set (68 reconstructions) have been added:
  • A new functionality allows the display of the number of hits matching the selected search criteria before retrieving the reconstructions (see details).
  • Addition of links to individual entries in the original (source) labs from the detail pages of single neurons.
  • Addition of "deposition date" and "upload date" for each reconstruction.
  • QuickStart page edited to help better navigation of the site.
  • Available "notes" from data owners have been added for each reconstruction to provide extra information in the detail pages of single neurons.
  • Addition of Usage statistical information.
Additional information on academic affiliation of data owners provided in the Acknowledgements page.

Version Alpha released on 08/01/06 contained 932 neurons.If you have any questions (not answered in theFAQ), or if you have any suggestions, please email us at or.
Link Graphic to NIF website
from Human)
  • "Keyword Search" has been added to allow typing of free text as search criteria.
  • The FAQ and Quickstart sections expanded to reflect new "Keyword Search" functionality - including quick tips and examples.
  • A new option implemented to allow external queries to retrieve data from NeuroMorpho.Org automatically. This feature enables powerful searches through resources designed to mine and integrate neuroscience data.
  • If you are interested in this function please email us at or.

    Version 1.2 released on 08/29/2007 contained 1412 neurons.
    What's new in Version 1.2? If you would like to join, please register for the free email-based support group by sending your e-mail address to or.

    Version 1.1 released on 05/04/2007 contained 1160 neurons.
    What's new in Version 1.1? The 3D neuron viewer modified to save neurons in NEURON "named segments" format instead of "structure only".

    Version 1.0 released on 12/22/2006 contained 1029 neurons.
    What's new in Version 1.0? QuickStart and FAQ pages edited to improve navigation of the site.

    Version Beta released on 9/20/2006 contained 1000 neurons.
    What's new in Beta Version?Additional information on academic affiliation of data owners provided in the Acknowledgements page.

    Version Alpha released on 08/01/06 contained 932 neurons.If you have any questions (not answered in theFAQ), or if you have any suggestions, please email us at or.
    Link Graphic to NIF website

