


Fries OR Fried

Fries OR Fried

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Nice to play it on "fry"day, also cool if players can match wih npc, also nice font & background in red for the outside place with the comments & images in how to play...

Is one player muted in grabbing-sound, just slaps be acoustically dubbed? Awesome graphics & music fits to action/speed-rhythms too

This game is fries, but really cool game keep it up

A very fried experience, yes xdd thanks for playing!

I just played your game with my boyfriend and we find it really funny! I'll recommend it to some friend of mine too!

That’s great! I’m glad you guys enjoyed it and thank you for checking it out ;)

It was way to big for my screen and didn't even have an option to change the screen size.

Heyy. It’s just your typical 1920 x 1080p. If you want, try the download version.·View all by Nestiboy·Report·Embed

