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Dit Woort hett noch annere Bedüden: Kind.

EenKind is een Minsche vör dePubertäät,[1] oder twischen den Söögkindölder un de Pubertäät un kann af un an ook en unboren Minsche beteken.[2][3] Den Gesetten na betekent „Kind“ meest enen Minschen, de noch nich vulljörig is. Kinners hebbet allgemeen minder Rechten un ook Plichten os vullwussen Minschen.

„Kind“ kaan ook de Verbund twischen Öllern un eren Kinders, Sööns un Döchters in jeden Öller beschrieven oder as ene Metapher ene Authoriteetsfiguur oder Liddmaat in enen Clan, Stamm oder ene Religioon beteken, oder beschreiven, dat ene bestimmte Tied, Oord oder Ümmstänne starken Inflood up enen Minschen nomen hebbet, to’n Bispeel kann een seggen „een Kind van de Natuur“ oder een „Kind van den 60-er Jaren“.[4]


[ännern |Bornkood ännern]
  1. Child.
  2. Child.
  3. Child.
  4. American Heritage Dictionary.


[ännern |Bornkood ännern]
  • Cook, Daniel Thomas.The moral project of childhood: Motherhood, material life, and early children's consumer culture (NYU Press, 2020).online book see alsoonline review
  • Fawcett, Barbara, Brid Featherstone, and Jim Goddard.Contemporary child care policy and practice (Bloomsbury Publishing, 2017)online
  • Hutchison, Elizabeth D., and Leanne W. Charlesworth. "Securing the welfare of children: Policies past, present, and future."Families in Society 81.6 (2000): 576–585.
  • Fass, Paula S.The end of American childhood: A history of parenting from life on the frontier to the managed child (Princeton University Press, 2016).
  • Fass, Paula S. ed.The Routledge History of Childhood in the Western World (2012)online
  • Klass, Perri.The Best Medicine: How Science and Public Health Gave Children a Future (WW Norton & Company, 2020)online
  • Michail, Samia. "Understanding school responses to students’ challenging behaviour: A review of literature."Improving schools 14.2 (2011): 156–
  • Sorin, Reesa.Changing images of childhood: Reconceptualising early childhood practice (Faculty of Education, University of Melbourne, 2005)online.
  • Sorin, Reesa. "Childhood through the eyes of the child and parent."Journal of Australian Research in Early Childhood Education 14.1 (2007).online
  • Vissing, Yvonne. "History of Children’s Human Rights in the USA." inChildren's Human Rights in the USA: Challenges and Opportunities (Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023) pp. 181–212.
  • Yuen, Francis K.O.Social work practice with children and families: a family health approach (Routledge, 2014)online.
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