


A Walk In A Metro Tunnel

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I'm wondering why it doesn't look noisy at all for me. Only seems like the resoultion is a bit low but it looks crispy clear compared to the screenshots here ^^"

It isn't very noisy at the start! The last half of the tunnel should be much noisier. Of course, considering that the whole noisiness is a bug-turned-feature caused by the technicalities of floating-point numbers, it does depend on your hardware as well. I would be surprised if there was any hardware for which the entire tunnel is non-noisy, though.

That was weird as hell. The tracks looked like bread at this point! At one point the noise was so random it made the walls and floor widen. Walking into this noisy blob would put barf on my screen. 

I didn’t have any love to show to railways. Now I hug them anytime I see some.

Cool concept! I love to read the story while using the automatic walking. It’s kinda soothing and you get to know something about Helsinki and railways which are two things I never thought about and that’s pretty cool.

I’ll be waiting for “A walk in a metro train” continuation.

i get a eror when runing th ame ARNING: [GLFW3 Error] Code: 65543 Decription: GLX: Failed to create context: GLXBadFBConfigWARNING: GLFW Failed to initialize Windowmetro: /home/arydev/Downloads/metro-source/vendor/raylib/external/glfw/src/window.c:504: glfwSetWindowIcon: Assertion `window != NULL’ failed.Aborted (core dumped)

Try updating your graphics drivers. If that doesn't work, I'm afraid the game won't run on your computer.

My guess for what causes that error is insufficient OpenGL support in either your drivers or hardware. This game should theoretically run on any version newer than OpenGL 2.1, but there might be graphics card / driver specific issues which I unfortunately can't do much about.

i have opengl 2.1

Well, looking at the error, there's not much I can do to help. Something about your OS (drivers, window manager, the X window system) just does not work with GLFW.

What's your operating system, and are there any errors? If you're on Windows, SmartScreen or some other virus-protection program might be blocking it, in which case I'd recommend unblocking metro.exe in said anti-virus program.

I don't have any antivirus, besides the program freezes upon launch; implying something maybe wrong with the exe file itself.

Hard to say what's wrong with the game on your system based on this, sorry.·View all by Neon·Report·Embed

