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You are a caravan traveling from town to town and trading your wares. Your goal is survive the harsh conditions of the desert for as long as possible. Not only will you battle starvation and dehydration but fearsome wildlife and scoundrels along the way.


Mouse - to navigate  the map and UI.

Enter - proceed, when prompted

F - fullscreen (Desktop)


- Each move is one day.

- Every ten days consume a food and a water.

- Towns have specific resources the prefer, those resources are double in value.

- Each character card has a special that consumes a specific resource. Stack a resource card on top of the character to use it. This move does double damage.

- More resources are earned through combat, so be sure to build up your militia of bankers, prospectors, and gunfighters!

- Currency isn't kept after a trade, it's only there to show the current value or what you are selling so don't get ripped off and leave your goods on the table!


Programming: NastyOldWizard (Links:Newgrounds)

Sounds/Music: ConnorGrail (Links:Newgrounds,Twitter)

Art: Karlestonchew (Links:Newgrounds,Twitter)

Made for Micro Jam 022

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cardavan.zip17 MB


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Looks great...either the balance is off or I am just not getting it. When a town wants to buy a good, it gives me 2 currency in trade,  but no good ever costs less than 2 to buy. This would seem to mean that your net worth is constantly decreasing as you consume and sell resources.

I'm clearly missing the part where you acquire cheap resources.

each town has a different resource they "want" if you trade that its value is 2, otherwise its always 1

I get that, but that means that I need to acquire resources for either 0 or 1 gold in order to make any money.

I haven't seen any way to get new resources for less than 2 gold. Am I supposed to farm enemies?

Ah, got it.  I guess that was my personal functional hyper focus.  I heard "trader" and thought "avoid combat."

no worries lol its pretty confusing, we're changing how it works in a future update :)

Looks really good and has a nice concept :)·View all by Nasty Old Wizard·Report·Embed
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