I agree with you. But this does not answer if its only discouraged or straight up forbidden to use Chat GPT in such a manner. Would it be allowed?
A friend of mine considers using the jam to learn and would like to adhere to the terms, but finds ChatGPT a better way to learn due to its interactivity in comparison to e.g. Youtube.
In my mind, having things explained to you would be conform with the terms. But as soon as one copies something that one doesn't fully understand (i.e. couldn't explain it in detail to others) I would consider it a breach of terms.
Really like the game so far :) The creative new approach to game mechanics is really nice!
My ideas for improvement:
1. Clearer visual indicator for lost hearts. Perhaps make the area around "broken" hearts black instead of white? This would make it easier to recognize from a glance. I was often not sure about how many hearts I had left without looking at it focused.
2. I missed a way to regenerate health. Perhaps the enemies could drop health or you regenerate some by hitting them(/alternative way?). Otherwise they could drop currency. As it is now I felt the combat using the first ghost took to long (3 hits with long cooldown in between for one small enemy) and lacked a purpose, so I evaded enemies instead of fighting them.
Will update with other stuff, that crosses my mind :) Hope there is something helpful in there for you ;)