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Agent How can we help you?

If your request is related to a road hazard that needs immediate attention, please call 1-800-367-7623 (FOR-ROAD). For emergencies, please dial 911.

For life-threatening emergencies, please call 911 immediately.

What seems to be backed up?

What type of road is it?
Where is it located?
How can we repair this road?

Thank you. You'll be able to give us more details about your need after you tell us where it is in the next step.

Where is it located?
Where is it located?

VDOT is responsible for mowing vegetation on state maintained roadways only. Mowing is scheduled on an annual basis and typically begins in late April and ends in late October. On interstates, primary roads, and high-volume secondary roads, crews mow up to 18 feet from the pavement’s edge or to the center of the adjacent ditch. On Low-volume primary, most secondary roads, and subdivision routes, crews will mow up to nine feet from the pavement edge. Safety is our top priority. If citizens feel that there is a safety or sight-distance issue we ask that they report it to us and we will investigate it.

Where is it located?

Thank you. You'll be able to give us more details about your need after you tell us where it is in the next step.

What is the problem with the signal?

Note: Street name signs are typically maintained by localities, so please contact your locality first for related requests.

What is the problem with the signal?

Note: Street name signs are typically maintained by localities, so please contact your locality first for related requests.

Note: Street name signs are typically maintained by localities, so please contact your locality first for related requests.

Note: Street name signs are typically maintained by localities, so please contact your locality first for related requests.

Note: Street name signs are typically maintained by localities, so please contact your locality first for related requests.

Please continue on to give us more details about the compliment on the following pages.

Please continue on to give us more details.

511 Virginia provides free real-time information about road conditions, construction delays, and other incidents to the traveling public. The 511 website provides information about lane closures, the ability to view traffic cameras, and the option to sign up for email alerts to deliver personalized, real-time traffic information on roads of interest.


HOV lanes allow users to travel faster, while also freeing up congestion in regular lanes. Find out how HOV lanes work and where they're available below.

Learn more about HOV lanes

E-ZPass speeds up the process of passing through tolls by letting drivers prepay electronically. Drivers attach a small electronic device to their windshield or license plate and tolls are automatically deducted.

Learn more about E-ZPass

All driver and vehicle licensing and registration in Virginia is handled by the Department of Motor Vehicles, an agency separate from the Virginia Department of Transportation. Any questions related to driver or vehicle licenses and registration should be answered on the DMV website.

Visit the DMV website

The Virginia Department of Transportation conducts numerous projects and studies to determine the need, costs and impacts of proposed highway projects across the commonwealth.

Learn more about our projectsView projects and other maps

The Virginia Department of Transportation makes it easy for you to do business with us.

Do business with us

The Adopt-a-Highway program provides an opportunity for you or your family, business or civic group to clean up litter. In 2012, more than 1,000 groups totaling more than 16,000 participants collected upwards of 25,000 bags of waste.

Adopt a highway

VDOT's workforce builds, maintains and operates the country’s third-largest highwaysystem. Most importantly, we serve more than eight million residents!There are plenty ofopportunities to make your mark.

Consider a career at VDOT

The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) is responsible for building, maintaining and operating the state's roads, bridges and tunnels. Virginia has the third-largest state-maintained highway system in the country, behind Texas and North Carolina.

Learn more about VDOT

As you continue through this form, please tell us where you'd like us to consider adding new signs or traffic devices and why you think they are important.

Individuals who believe that they suffered damage to their property due to the negligence of VDOT or its employees may submit a claim for potential reimbursement.

  • VDOT administers property damage claims in the amount of $5,000 or less. If you are seeking reimbursement for bodily injuries or property damage greater than $5,000, please refer to theVirginia Tort Claims Act. Please be aware that VDOT cannot provide legal advice.
  • Submission of a tort claim does not mean VDOT accepts liability and will pay the claim. VDOT is not an insurer of Virginia’s highways. Payment of a tort claim will only be made if a determination is made that VDOT or its employees were negligent.
  • Your contact or interaction with VDOT about your claim may not constitute notice to the Commonwealth under the Virginia Tort Claims Act.
  • Other state and local government agencies and contractors work on Virginia’s roadways and may be responsible for liability claims associated with their work.
  • Please note, you will need to upload the following information:
    • One estimate to repair (a second estimate will be required if VDOT decides to pay a claim) or proof of repair;
    • Any pictures you wish to include; and
    • Any additional supporting documentation that you would like the Tort Claims Section to consider in the determination of your claim

For additional information, please refer toVDOT’s Tort Claims Information page.

Note: VDOT does not maintain roads in cities, towns, or in Henrico and Arlington counties, except for interstates and major primary roads.
VDOT does not maintain all sidewalks, or pedestrian or bike paths. Some may be maintained by localities.
Please submit a separate report for each request.
I need snow removal/treatment
I need a road cleared of debris
Not Plowed:

VDOT asks that residents give crews time to complete their planned routes before reporting roads as missed. Cities and large towns maintain their own roads.

Slippery/Slick – Needs Treatment:

VDOT works continuously to clear roads during a storm. We appreciate your patience.

In addition to plowing streets, VDOT uses salt and sand to treat roads. Salt is most effective after the snow has accumulated about an inch and the temperature is 27 degrees Fahrenheit or higher.

Plowed/Not Passable:

A neighborhood street is considered passable when a path is drivable with caution for an average passenger vehicle.

The road may not be cleared curb-to-curb or to bare pavement, and may remain snow-packed, uneven and rutted.

Number of lanes affected?

Snow plows occasionally block driveways with snow. VDOT would avoid this if possible, however it is a by-product of making as many roads passable as quickly as possible.

When shoveling driveways, it helps to shovel to the right as you face the road. This can minimize the snow pushed back into your driveway.VDOT: How to Properly Shovel Your Driveway

Missed Cul-de-Sac:

In subdivisions, the main roads will be repeatedly plowed. Once the storm has stopped and those roads are clear, crews focus on residential streets and cul-de-sacs.

Plow Driver Complaint:

Snow plows occasionally block driveways with snow. VDOT would avoid this if possible, however it is a by-product of making as many roads passable as quickly as possible.

Trucks with their blades up may be spreading salt and sand or may be headed back to the maintenance yard for more salt or abrasives.

What type of debris?
Number of lanes affected?
How large is the tree/limbs?
Number of lanes affected?
Are there utility lines involved?
Number of lanes affected?
How deep is the water, in inches?
Important Information:

If you have a medical emergency, call 911.

Emergency responders will work directly with VDOT to get to you if needed.

If your road is state maintained, VDOT is responsible for clearing it. However, the Customer Service Center cannot tell you when your road is scheduled to be plowed.

AgentWhere is the animal?

AgentWhere are the trees or limbs?

AgentWhere are the bushes or tall grass?

AgentWhere is the debris?

AgentWhere is the item you would like removed?

AgentWhere is the drainage problem?

AgentWhere is the pothole?

AgentWhere is the problem?

AgentWhere is the damaged guardrail?

AgentWhere is the problem?

AgentWhere is the issue you are reporting?

AgentWhere would you like a new sign or traffic device?

AgentDoes your question involve a specific location?

If not, feel free to continue on and ask us your question along with any details you'd like to add.

AgentPlease provide a specific location related to your claim

AgentPlease provide the location associated with your compliment

Providing location information will help us ensure your feedback is delivered to the correct work group or individual.

AgentDoes your request involve a specific location?

Providing location information will help us ensure your request is delivered to the correct work group or individual.

You can tell us the location by using the search bar on the map, clicking on the map or entering an address below the map. The Customer Service Center cannot process requests that do not include specific addresses or location details.

It's near me now

Note: You may need to enable GPS on your device to make use of this.

Tap and drag to mark the location
indicates similar report nearby Indicates similar reports nearby
I'm done with the map

I'm near the problem right now

Note: If your problem is located at a specific address, please verify that the location in the field above matches the address you may have searched for.


Answering the following questions here will help us address your issue properly. Feel free to add any other details you think might help.
- Please indicate if it is blocking the road or affecting the flow of traffic.


Answering the following questions here will help us address your issue properly. Feel free to add any other details you think might help.
- Please indicate if it is blocking the road or affecting the flow of traffic.
- Please indicate what would you like done.


Answering the following questions here will help us address your issue properly. Feel free to add any other details you think might help.
- Please indicate if it is blocking the road or affecting the flow of traffic.
- Please indicate what would you like done.


Answering the following questions here will help us address your issue properly. Feel free to add any other details you think might help.
- Is it blocking the road or affecting the flow of traffic?
- What would you like done?


Answering the following questions here will help us address your issue properly. Feel free to add any other details you think might help.
- Please indicate if it is blocking the road or affecting the flow of traffic.
- Please indicate what you would like done.


Answering the following questions here will help us address your issue properly. Feel free to add any other details you think might help.
- Please describe the size of the pothole. (ex: Pothole is approx. 1 ft wide)
- Please indicate if it is affecting the flow of traffic.


Answering the following questions here will help us address your issue properly. Feel free to add any other details you think might help.
- Describe the length of the roadway that needs attention.


Answering the following questions here will help us address your issue properly. Feel free to add any other details you think might help.
- Tell us about the debris you saw.
- Please indicate if it is blocking the road or affecting the flow of traffic.


Answering the following questions here will help us address your issue properly. Feel free to add any other details you think might help.
Please tell us more about your problem.


Answering the following questions here will help us address your issue properly. Feel free to add any other details you think might help.
- Please tell us more about the signal problem.


Answering the following questions here will help us address your issue properly. Feel free to add any other details you think might help.
- Please tell us more about the signal problem.


Answering the following questions here will help us address your issue properly. Feel free to add any other details you think might help.
- Please tell us more about the sign problem.
- Please indicate if the sign is down, damaged, or missing.


Answering the following questions here will help us address your issue properly. Feel free to add any other details you think might help.
- Please tell us more about the sign problem.
- Please indicate if the sign is down, damaged, or missing.


Answering the following questions here will help us address your issue properly. Feel free to add any other details you think might help.
- Please tell us more about the guardrail problem.
- Please indicate if it is blocking the road or affecting the flow of traffic.


Answering the following questions here will help us address your issue properly. Feel free to add any other details you think might help.
- Please tell us more about the traffic device that needs repair


Answering the following questions here will help us address your issue properly. Feel free to add any other details you think might help.
Please describe the new signs or traffic devices you would like us to consider.



Answering the following questions here will help us address your issue properly.
- Please provide details regarding the location of the issue. (ex. Where on the bike path is the issue located? Is there a landmark close by?)
- Please provide details regarding the type of problem being reported. (ex. Is the issue on a concrete sidewalk, or an unpaved bike path?)




Answering the following questions here will help us address your issue properly. Feel free to add any other details you think might help.
- Please give more details about your loss or damage.
- Be sure to include the date and time of the incident, your mailing address, and specifics regarding the damage that was incurred.
- Note: We will not be able to process your claim request without your phone number and mailing address.


Give us details about your service request.

Do you have an image or file to share?

We can handle JPG, PNG, GIF, BMP, TIF, DOC, PDF, TXT, or RTF files that are 6 MB or less.

Agent How can we get in touch?

We'll use your address to send a confirmation email or to let you know if we can't process your request.

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Which contact method would you prefer?
If further information is needed about your request, you will be notified by phone or email.
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Creating an account will help you track the status of your future requests, receive automatic status updates and manage your contact preferences

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511 - Virginia Traffic Information

Traffic Information
511 offers real-time traffic info. Anytime you need it, anywhere you are.

