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Forest Tileset Pack

Forest Tileset Pack

A downloadable asset pack

Get this asset pack and 18 more for $69.95 USD
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A downloadable asset pack for Windows, macOS, and Linux. The assets contained in this package are arranged in sheets with a 16x16 grid and they are designed to allow for a wide range of variants. This pack, and the rest of the same BLUE series, are compatible with each other and will be updated with extra content from time to time for free once purchased.

Compatible Packs:

🏙️ City Street Tileset Pack / 🌆 City Street 2 Tileset Pack /  📺 House Interiors Tileset Pack / 🏥 Hospital Tileset Pack  / 💀 Horror Mansion Tileset Pack / 🕯️ Dungeon Tileset Pack / ⛺ Survival Kit Asset Pack / 🧙‍♂️ Fantasy Kit Asset Pack / 🌻 Farm Tileset Pack / 🏰 Medieval Castle Tileset Pack / 🏘️ Medieval Town Tileset Pack / 🪑 Medieval Interiors Tileset Pack / 🚀 Spaceship Tileset Pack / 🧑‍🚀 Space Facilities Tileset Pack / 🪐 Alien Planet Tileset Pack / ⛏️ Mine Tileset Pack / 🌴 Tropical Island Tileset Pack / ⚓ Pirate Ship Tileset Pack

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More to come...

Perfectly suited for:

  • Cinematic platformer
  • Action platformer
  • Point-and-click
  • Graphic adventure
  • Story driven by exploration
  • Puzzle-solving
  • Beat-em-up

Tileset Pack Content

This tileset comes in .PNG and .PSD format and includes 6 tileset sheets:

  • Background:
    • 3 types of background, skyline, sun, 2 types moon, stars and colored clouds (suited for day, afternoon and night moods)
    • Mountains, hills, vines, tree trunks, bushes and mushrooms silhouettes.
  • Ground & Walls:
    • 2 types of ground: dirt & rocks.
    • 3 types of wooden ladders.
    • 4 types of wooden fence.
    • 3 types of wood log.
    • Climbable vines and leaves.
    • Water.
    • Floating trunk and lotus leaf.
    • Wooden bridge (including a broken state)
  • Houses:
    • Rock walls.
    • 2 types of roofs and roof tiles (different colors and textures)
    • 3 types of lamps.
    • Chimney (including a broken state)
    • 8 types of doors.
    • 2 types of wooden shelves.
    • 4 types of windows.
  • Vegetation:
    • A tree (allowing for several possibilities like different heights, several bushes formations, trunks without treetops, etc) 
    • Tree leaves.
    • 2 types of bushes.
    • Flowers and grass.
    • 3 types of mushrooms.
  •  Props:
    • 2 types of water well.
    • 3 types of nest.
    • 2 types of barrels (including a broken state)
    • 4 types of wooden signs (including a broken state)
    • 4 types of wheat harvested.
    • Spikes.
    • 2 types of spikes wheels.
  • Sunbeams:
    • A set of sunbeams.

And much more...


Short Info: You can edit and use the assets for commercial products. You can't redistribute the assets directly or use them to make a logo/trademark.

Full Info: GameDev Market Pro Licence

About BLUE Pack Series

All our blue packs are compatible with each other. You can mix  them to create even more unique locations. The possibilities are almost endless. Play around with exteriors and interiors, different terrains, props, characters, environments, and much more. Create your own world and story!

How will you know if a pack is part of the BLUE series? Once downloaded, look at the footer color and text description at the bottom of each tileset sheet, there it is specified which of the series the pack belongs to.

A long list of BLUE packs are already in the works. Stay tuned!

Rate Us!

Are you enjoying our asset packs? Let us know! We would love to see your creations using  them. Also, we invite you to rate our work. It will only take two ticks and will be invaluable to us 🙂 Find the rating button at the top right of this page or click in the GIF below. Thanks!


Follow Mucho Pixels to catch up on some freebies, ask questions directly to the creator, follow the latest news, suggest new assets  or just say "hi!" :)

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Updated 15 days ago
Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(5 total ratings)
AuthorMucho Pixels
Tags2D,Cute,Exploration,nature,Pixel Art,Point & Click,Side Scroller,woods


Get this asset pack and 18 more for $69.95 USD
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In order to download this asset pack you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $4.95 USD. You will get access to the following files:

mp_forest_tileset_pack_v1.0.zip1.4 MB

Development log


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Hi, I am create a co-op bundle to celebrate World Environment Day, I want invited you to join, all content related with nature and environment can be join, if you are interested you have join in the follow link:

I'm excited and I appreciate your interest and your participation, thank you very much and good luck!


Looks fantastic! Thanks for letting us know. We’ll have a look 😄

Hello, do the tileset have fire?

Not at the moment! But we are preparing a Survival Tileset Pack that will include one 🔥 

Hello please could you make a bundle for all 3?

20 or 30usd is my range.

I really need this.

I'll purchase by next month.

Hi! Sorry for the late reply!

We usually release bundles by the end of the year. 
Although at the moment, you can purchase all the assets for under 30 dollars! 😄

Hey guys! I just recently purchased this tileset to complete my Mucho collection, since it was the only one that I was missing. I am currently starting a game project where I want to create a set of character that will fit with the world, so there was two questions I wanted to ask you:

1) What would be the ideal size of canvas or character to fit in with your assets? My main character is going to be small and I want the world around him to feel larger, but he will have some companions that will vary in sizes. so i was wondering if you have some tips in order to design a character that fits in well in terms of measurements.

2) I also wanted to ask about the outlining, as I seem to see this across most of your tilesets, how important will it be for all my characters to have outlines? (I am pretty new to pixelart if you couldn't tell already :D) 

Thank you! Love your work!


First of all, thanks for purchasing all our tilesets! We hope you're enjoying them and creating a lot of cool stuff. Also, sorry for the late reply :)

1) About the screen/scenes dimensions: The ideal size could vary, depending on how much information you want to include in a single screen of your game. We usually use 512x288px. That way you pixel your scenes using that dimension, but later in a gamedev engine (like Unity, as example) you fit it to a 1920x1080px screen. There is more dimensions you can use, check this link (, there you will find all the screens sizes that correspond to a 16:9  resolution (highlighted in green).

About the characters dimensions: A normal human size would be around 18x32px. No matter the scene dimension, a human would be always like that using our tilesets. We're working hard to share a free characters pack soon, with a man and a woman totally animated, ready to be re-skinned for your needs. Stay tuned!

2) Well, outlines are a choice. We recommend it because outlines (specially clack or darker outlines) are being seen for the player as things that have more importance than other stuff that is not outlined or that have less dark outlines. That is a decision to make, but we recommend to keep outlines on characters while using our tilesets. They will fit better, and overall things are more readable using outlines. If you are interested, you can learn more about the making of pixel art assets with theseonline courses by Daniel Benítez (pixel artist at Mucho Pixels).

We hope our answer helps you continue with your projects. Don't hesitate to share your progress with us though here or our socials.


Any update on this character pack? Just found this set and it looks interesting, but I'd like to see example characters before jumping. 

Hi, apologies for the late reply. The Character Pack is still work in progress. We know is taking longer than expected but we are aiming to release it as soon as possible. 

Thanks for the patience 👾  

No worries! I'll hold off for now, but look forward to see it!

Mucho back at it! Your work is constantly astounding to me. The colors, the sharpness, it feels so clean. While the art style for the project I'm working on doesn't coincide with this beautiful work, I just wanted to show some appreciation for you and your talent. 

Wishing you the best,


Thanks, 1Step! 🥰

Your words mean a lot to us. The Mucho Pixels team is growing little by little, and we are trying to make the best products we can. We're so happy that you liked them.

If you would like toleave us a review it would help us a lot. 

Thank you!·View all by Mucho Pixels·Report·Embed·
Updated 15 days ago
Game assets$5 or less

