This project was made by@msurguy and is used on the newBootsnipp - a playground and collection of snippets for Bootstrap.
Original UI concept by@hakimel which merges loading indicators into the action that invoked them. Primarily intended for use with forms where it gives users immediate feedback upon submit rather than leaving them wondering while the browser does its thing.Built-in progress bar
Include the CSS and Javascript for Spin.js and Ladda effect:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="dist/ladda-themeless.min.css"><script src="dist/spin.min.js"></script><script src="dist/ladda.min.js"></script>
Then to produce a button with the Ladda effect:
<button data-style="expand-left"><span>expand-left</span></button>
Or using "a" tag:
<a href="#" data-style="expand-left"><span>expand-left</span></a>
You can choose the style of the effect by setting thedata-style
You can choose the size of the spinner by setting thedata-size
You can choose the color of the spinner by setting thedata-spinner-color
attribute (HEX code):
$(function() {$('#form-submit').click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var l = Ladda.create(this); l.start(); $.post("your-url", { data : data }, function(response){ console.log(response); }, "json") .always(function() { l.stop(); }); return false;});});
Other methods available through Javascript
l.stop();l.toggle();l.isLoading();l.setProgress( 0-1 );
Original Ladda UI concept byHakim El Hattab /@hakimel, examples adapted to work with Bootstrap 3 by@msurguy