Pokok-pokok genus ini bertaburan asal di hampir serataHemisfera Barat termasuk kawasanberiklim sederhana Amerika Utara dan Eurasia sampai sejauh kawasan khatulistiwa.
Elm boleh tumbuh tinggi dan sering digunakan sebagai tanaman hiasan. Namun, elma mudah terkena serangan hama, terutama dari cendawanOphiostoma, yang disebarkan oleh kumbang. Genus ini adalah tumbuhan hermafrodit denganbunga sempurna yang dapat diserbuki angin.[2] Ia dapat menahan keasidan tanah yang luas tetapi memerlukan saliran yang baik.
^Richens, R. H. (1983).Elm. Cambridge University Press.
^Heybroek, H. M., Goudzwaard, L, Kaljee, H. (2009).Iep of olm, karakterboom van de Lage Landen (:Elm, a tree with character of the Low Countries). KNNV, Uitgeverij.ISBN 978-90-5011-281-9
Richens, R. H. (1983).Elm. Cambridge University Press.ISBN0-521-24916-3CS1 maint: postscript (link) A scientific, historical and cultural study, with a thesis on elm-classification, followed by a systematic survey of elms in England, region by region. Illustrated.
Heybroek, H. M., Goudzwaard, L, Kaljee, H. (2009).Iep of olm, karakterboom van de Lage Landen (:Elm, a tree with character of the Low Countries). KNNV, Uitgeverij.ISBN 978-90-5011-281-9. A history of elm planting in the Netherlands, concluding with a 40 - page illustrated review of all the DED - resistant cultivars in commerce in 2009.
Clouston, B.; Stansfield, K., penyunting (1979).After the Elm. London: Heinemann.ISBN0-434-13900-9CS1 maint: postscript (link) A general introduction, with a history of Dutch elm disease and proposals for re-landscaping in the aftermath of the pandemic. Illustrated.
Coleman, M., penyunting (2009).Wych Elm. Edinburgh.ISBN978-1-906129-21-7CS1 maint: postscript (link) A study of the species, with particular reference to the wych elm in Scotland and its use by craftsmen.
Dunn, C. P., penyunting (New York).The Elms: Breeding, Conservation, and Disease-Management.ISBN0-7923-7724-9Check date values in:|year= (bantuan)CS1 maint: postscript (link)
Wilkinson, G. (1978).Epitaph for the Elm. London: Hutchinson.ISBN0-09-921280-3CS1 maint: postscript (link) A photographic and pictorial celebration and general introduction.