Cornwall (Jawi:کورنوول,Cornish:Kernow,Latin:Cornubia /Cornuvia) merupakan sebuahkaunti yang terdapat diEngland. Terletak dibarat daya England serta berada di antaraLaut Celtic dibarat denganSelat Inggeris diselatan. Selain bersempadan dengan daerahDevon ditimurnya, Cornwall mempunyai jumlah penduduk seramai 537,400 orang dan berkeluasan kira-kira 3,563 km2 (1,376 batu persegi).[1]
Balchin, W. G. V. (1954)Cornwall: an illustrated essay on the history of the landscape. (The Making of the English Landscape). London: Hodder and Stoughton
Boase, George Clement;Courtney, W. P. (1874–1882)Bibliotheca Cornubiensis: a catalogue of the writings, both manuscript and printed, of Cornishmen, and of works relating to the county of Cornwall, with biographical memoranda and copious literary references. 3 vols. London: Longmans, Green, Reader, and Dyer
du Maurier, Daphne (1967).Vanishing Cornwall. London: Doubleday. (illustrated edition Published by Victor Gollancz, London, 1981,ISBN 0-575-02844-0, photographs by Christian Browning)
Graves, Alfred Perceval (1928).The Celtic Song Book: Being Representative Folk Songs of the Six Celtic Nations. London: Ernest Benn. (Available online onDigital Book Index)
Halliday, Frank Ernest (1959).A History of Cornwall. London: Gerald Duckworth.ISBN0-7551-0817-5. A 2nd edition was published in 2001 by the House of Stratus, Thirsk: the original text new illustrations and an afterword by Halliday's son
Koch, John T. (2006).Celtic culture: a historical encyclopedia. London: ABC-CLIO.ISBN1-8510-9440-7. (Available online onGoogle Books).