A simple rope physics toy usingVerlet integration. I wanted to make it a cloth simulation but ran out of time to make it interactable. I might update it to show the cloth too.
🖱 How to use?
- ✏Pen(P)
- LMB to draw rope: 1st click to start, 2nd click to create the rope
- RMB to stop drawing
- 🚮 Eraser (E): LMB the circle you want to erase
- 🤏 Move (M): LMB the circle you want to move
- 📌 Pin (K): LMB the circle you want to pin (won't be affected by gravity)
- 📷 Camera
- ctrl + LMB to move
- ctrl + scroll wheel to zoom
- ALT + scroll wheel to change mouse input size
- Click on the refresh icon to change the color palette
- Input the gravity you want and press enter to validate it
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